Longevity Pay If an employee leaves State Classified employment and later is rehired, he/she shall receive no longevity pay. However, once such a rehired employee has been in pay status for five (5) years, all previous service time shall be credited for longevity pay. The only exception shall be for employees rehired who repay severance pay received. (See Article 22, Section Q.)
Longevity Payments Each July 1, the District will determine the eligibility of employees for longevity payments under this Section, to be paid in one lump sum payment during the following June. Amounts paid shall be as follows: Completed years of service as of July 1 Amount to be paid the following June 20-24 $300.00 25-29 $400.00 30 or more $500.00 The longevity set forth in this Section shall only be paid in the case where the employee has worked the full work year.
Living Away From Home Allowance When Employees are to be engaged on a Project requiring them to live away from home, the provisions of Appendix I will apply in determining their entitlement and the conditions whilst they are living away from home.
Health Care Savings Plan As provided in this Agreement, eligible ASF Members will participate in the health care savings plan (HCSP) established under Minnesota Statute 352.98, and as administered by the Plan Administrator. The Employer is responsible only for transferring funds, as specified in this agreement, to the Plan Administrator. Subd. 1. All ASF Members who receive severance pay as defined in Section A of this article must participate in the health care savings plan. Subd. 2. All severance pay as defined in Section B of this article shall be transferred to the severed employee's health care savings plan account. At the time of separation, if an ASF Member has an approved exception to participation in the health care savings plan account from the plan administrator, then the ASF Member shall receive this payment in one lump sum payment of cash.
Group Life Insurance The Hospital shall contribute one hundred percent (100%) toward the monthly premium of HOOGLIP or other equivalent group life insurance plan in effect for eligible full-time employees in the active employ of the Hospital on the eligibility conditions set out in the existing Agreements.
Health Care Spending Account After six (6) months of permanent employment, full time and part time (20/40 or greater) employees may elect to participate in a Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) Program designed to qualify for tax savings under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, but such savings are not guaranteed. The HCSA Program allows employees to set aside a predetermined amount of money from their pay, not to exceed the maximum amount authorized by federal law, per calendar year, of before tax dollars, for health care expenses not reimbursed by any other health benefit plans. HCSA dollars may be expended on any eligible medical expenses allowed by Internal Revenue Code Section 125. Any unused balance is forfeited and cannot be recovered by the employee.
Indigenous Peoples The Borrower shall ensure that the Project does not have any indigenous peoples impacts within the meaning of Safeguard Policy Statement. In the event that the Project does have any such impact, the Borrower shall take all steps required to ensure that the Project complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower, the Safeguard Policy Statement and any corrective or preventative actions set forth in the Safeguards Monitoring Report.
OPTIONAL TWELVE-MONTH PAY PLAN 1. Where the Previous Collective Agreement does not contain a provision that allows an employee the option of receiving partial payment of annual salary in July and August, the following shall become and remain part of the Collective Agreement. 2. A continuing employee, or an employee hired to a temporary contract of employment no later than September 30 that extends to June 30, may elect to participate in an Optional Twelve-Month Pay Plan (the Plan) administered by the employer. 3. An employee electing to participate in the Plan in the subsequent year must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15. An employee hired after that date must inform the employer of their intention to participate in the Plan by September 30th. It is understood, that an employee appointed after June 15 in the previous school year and up to September 30 of the subsequent school year, who elects to participate in the Plan, will have deductions from net monthly pay, in the same amount as other employees enrolled in the Plan, pursuant to Article B.8.5. 4. An employee electing to withdraw from the Plan must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15 of the preceding year. 5. Employees electing to participate in the Plan shall receive their annual salary over 10 (ten) months; September to June. The employer shall deduct, from the net monthly pay, in each twice-monthly pay period, an amount agreed to by the local and the employer. This amount will be paid into the Plan by the employer. 6. Interest to March 31 is calculated on the Plan and added to the individual employee’s accumulation in the Plan. 7. An employee’s accumulation in the Plan including their interest accumulation to March 31st shall be paid in equal installments on July 15 and August 15. 8. Interest earned by the Plan in the months of April through August shall be retained by the employer. 9. The employer shall inform employees of the Plan at the time of hire. 10. Nothing in this Article shall be taken to mean that an employee has any obligation to perform work beyond the regular school year.
Institutional and Retail Sales You authorize the Manager to sell to institutions and retail purchasers such Securities purchased by you pursuant to the Underwriting Agreement as the Manager will determine. The Selling Concession on any such sales will be credited to the accounts of the Underwriters as the Manager will determine.
FARES AND TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE In lieu of the basic daily excess fares and travel pattern allowance prescribed by Clause 38.1.1 of the award, a payment per day shall be made for each day worked (including RDO’s). This payment shall in no way limit or be construed as a payment in substitution for any other entitlement arising under Clause 38 of the award. Payments shall be as follows: ⮚ 1/3/03 $22.50 per day ⮚ 1/3/04 $23.40 per day ⮚ 1/3/05 $24.55 per day The cost of Citylink tolls or similar will be reimbursed for those employees who are required by the company to use their own vehicle during working hours, but not for travel to and from work.