Connection to the Internet. To operate correctly the Software requires connection to the Internet and must connect at regular intervals to the Provider's servers or third-party servers. Connection to the Internet is necessary for the following features of the Software:
Connection to the Internet. 5.1 The device supplied to the student is built to secure departmental managed operating environment which provides fil- tered internet access whilst connected to school network.
5.2 This covers school web browsing from the department’s central servers.
5.3 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network/Internet Ac- cess Agreement and the School’s Internet Usage Policy.
Connection to the Internet. 10.1 The Laptop supplied to the student is built to secure departmental managed operating environment which provides filtered internet access. The School does not provide any carriage service or connectivity to the internet for use of the Laptop outside the School.
10.2 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network / Internet Access Agreement and the School’s Internet Usage Policy and Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students. The School reminds the Parent/Guardian of their obligations under this agreement.
10.3 At home, it is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to ensure any appropriate content filters or controls are applied to internet services not supplied by the School. The School accepts no responsibility for consequences of internet access outside the school and will seek to enforce any breach of policy found on a departmental-owned Laptop regardless of whether the breach was done at home or not (e.g. cache files for internet browsers containing pornography). Part A: Terms and Conditions - Student Resource Scheme – 1 to 1 Learning Program – Participants’ Agreement
Connection to the Internet. 10.1 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network / Internet Access Agreement and the School’s Internet Usage Policy. The School’s Responsible Behaviour Plan should be considered when students are accessing the internet.
10.2 The department provides a web filtering system to protect schools from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites. Student’s internet browsing on iPads are filtered at school.
10.3 No web filtering system can be 100% effective, and students and/or parents should notify the school as soon as possible if an unsuitable website is accessible when using the iPad, so that the school can take appropriate action.
Connection to the Internet. 11.1 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network / Internet Access Agreement and the School’s Internet Usage Policy. The School reminds the Parent/Guardian of their obligations under this agreement.
11.2 The department provides a web filtering system to protect schools from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites. Students’ Internet browsing on departmental owned laptops installed with the MOE CFS build is filtered at school and at home.
11.3 No web filtering system can be 100% effective and students and/or parents should notify the school as soon as possible if an unsuitable website is accessible when using the laptop so that the school can take appropriate action.
11.4 Connection to the internet will be provided by the school whilst on school premises (subject to monthly quota limits). Connection to the internet outside of school premises is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian.
11.5 If Internet access at home occurs through private internet providers and is unfiltered, it is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to monitor student Internet usage. The School accepts no responsibility for consequences of internet access outside the school and will seek to enforce any breach of policy found on a departmental-owned laptop regardless of whether the breach was done at home or not (e.g. cache files for internet browsers containing pornography).
Connection to the Internet. 10.1 The Laptop Computer supplied to the student is built to secure the departmental managed operating environment which provides filtered internet access. The School will not provide connection to the internet for use of the Laptop Computer outside the School.
10.2 At School, the connection and use of the Laptop Computer to the internet is governed by the Student Acceptable Use of ICT Agreement and Cyber Safety User Agreement for Secondary Students. The Student and Parent/Guardian must meet their obligations under these Agreements and Rules.
10.3 It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to ensure appropriate content filters and/or controls are applied to the internet services connected to the Laptop Computer if the Laptop Computer is used outside of the School. The School accepts no responsibility for any consequences of internet access outside the School and will seek to enforce any breach of policy found on the Laptop Computer regardless of whether the breach was done at School or outside of the School (e.g. cache files for internet browsers containing pornography).
Connection to the Internet. 7.1 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network / School’s Acceptable Usage of ICT Facilities & Devices Agreement and the Responsible Behaviour Plan. The School reminds the parent/caregiver of their obligations under this agreement.
7.2 The department provides a web filtering system to protect schools from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites. Students’ Internet browsing on all devices connected to the internet at school is filtered by the Queensland Education Department.
7.3 No web filtering system can be 100% effective and students and/or parents should notify the school as soon as possible if an unsuitable website is accessible when using the iPad so that the school can take appropriate action.
7.4 If Internet access at home occurs through private internet providers and is unfiltered, it is the parent/caregiver’s responsibility to monitor student Internet usage. The School accepts no responsibility for consequences of internet access outside the school.
7.5 Personal mobile data must be disabled on all iPads. This is to ensure that students do not access unfiltered materials while at school.
Connection to the Internet. In order to support agencies with unique requirements, VITA’s current legacy packet network employs separate PVC elements that provide connectivity to the Internet using the same frame relay port used with traditional PVC connections. As VITA transitions to a newer, IP- based WAN service, it is very interested in understanding the Supplier’s capability to replicate this connectivity. Does the Supplier provide such functionality? If so, provide technical details and descriptions of Supplier’s capability to provide Internet connections from its MPLS network, including: Proposed design/traffic flow diagram Solution components/elements Available bandwidths Limitations and constraints Pricing model
Connection to the Internet. Yes CenturyLink Enhanced Port with Secure IP Gateway (SIG) includes both a Private Port and an Internet Port on the same local loop. It includes all the functionality of a Private Port combined with the ability to access the Public Internet over one loop and port. Adding the SIG functionality adds an Internet firewall to every port and is supported on any available connection type. Secure IP Gateway (SIG) allows customers the ability to allocate traffic to locations on the CenturyLink private MPLS network and the Internet via a distributed network-based firewall. Customers have the option to have custom NAT and firewall rule sets. CenturyLink requires all end-points in closed user group (CUG) to have SIG activated on each Enhanced Port or no ports can have SIG activated.
Connection to the Internet. 10.1 At school, the carriage service and connectivity to the internet is governed by the School’s Student Network / Internet Access Agreement and the School’s Internet Usage Policy and the Responsible Behaviour Plan. The School reminds the parent/caregiver of their obligations under this agreement.