Cyber Safety Sample Clauses
Cyber Safety. College believes that teaching cyber safety and responsible online behaviour is essential and is best conducted in partnership between home and school. Students are spending increasing amounts of time online, learning and collaborating. To be safe online and gain the most significant benefit from the opportunities provided through the digital environment, students need to do the right things. The College promotes the values of respect and responsibility, expecting students to behave appropriately online. At home, we recommend that parents make time to set guidelines around the use of devices. Ensure that all Internet activities occur in a shared space– not in your child's bedroom. Negotiate appropriate times for online activities. For further support with online issues, students can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. Parents/carers can contact the Parent line on 132289 or visit Homepage | eSafety
Cyber Safety. Cyber safety is learning how NOT to be a target for scams, bullies, and predators online; what to do and what not to do to keep your private information private (for example, passwords) and to keep embarrassing pictures and information from going viral.
Cyber Safety. Mordialloc College is committed to providing a safe, supportive and nurturing environment for all students, staff and community members. All users of the College’s digital resources, spaces and infrastructure must always adhere to safe and responsible practices. All users agree to: • Show respect in communications with others, and never write, post or participate in online bullying (this includes forwarding messages, ‘liking’/promoting bullying content, and supporting others in harmful, inappropriate or hurtful behaviour) • Seek the support of staff or a significant adult if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe online or see others participating in unsafe, inappropriate or hurtful behaviour • Seek permission from all individuals involved before taking, sharing or publishing photographs, recording sound or videoing them (including other students, teachers and members of the wider community) • Be respectful in all digital content (including photos, videos, written work, etc.) they create or share (including other students, teachers and members of the wider community) and ensure these are never used as a tool for bullying, whether or not they are created, stored or shared using College resources or outside of school hours and premises • Seek to understand the terms and conditions of websites, services and online communities and be aware that content they upload or post is their digital footprint accessible to the public • Protect their privacy tights and those of other students and staff by not giving out personal details including full names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, social network profiles and images • Think critically about others users’ intellectual property and how they use content posted on the internet
Cyber Safety. We will review cyber-safety rules with students frequently throughout the course of the school year and will offer reminders and reinforcement about safe cell phone behaviors. In addition to the rules outlined in these guidelines, students will be expected to comply with all class and school rules while using personal devices. The use of a cell phone is not a right but a privilege. When abused, privileges will be withdrawn.
Cyber Safety. Students can access a range of websites and ICT services that allow for sending, posting and publishing information. Students are prohibited from using these services to: • Xxxxxx, bully, intimidate or menace another person. • Communicate using obscene or offensive language. • Reveal any personal information including names, addresses, and phone numbers of themselves or others. • Distribute any unsolicited or offensive material. • Defame a person or an organisation. • Use personal devices inappropriately or unethically, including taking of and/or sharing images of others without their permission. • Undermine or sabotage school protocols, principles or practices using technology. Halls Head College blocks students from accessing some websites and services. Students are prohibited from circumventing these protections in order to access blocked material. Internet access provided by Halls Head College is for educational purposes only. Users must not use their account to access material that is unrelated to the curriculum. Users must not access any material / sites (Images, Videos or Text) that contain the following: • Pornography. • Content intentionally offensive to race, religion or culture. • Offensive or inappropriate language. • Information regarding the acquisition or use of illicit substances. • Sexually explicit content.
Cyber Safety. Xxxxxxxxx High School is committed to being a cyber-safe learning environment that remains engaging, productive and safe. Child protection education and cyber-safety practices are in place, whereby staff and learners are involved in discussions regarding the safe and responsible use of the school ICT facilities. To ensure MHS students use ICT responsibly, we encourage parents/carers to recognise their responsibilities in supervising and supporting their child’s ICT learning experiences, both at home and at school. Please see the attachment Strategies to help keep students cyber-safe for strategies to help students stay safe when using ICT at school and after formal school hours. Material sent and received using the network is filtered by Department for Education monitoring software to restrict access to certain sites and data, including email in an effort to prevent students’ exposure to inappropriate content. Department for Education administrators make every reasonable effort to eliminate risks when using the department’s online services but it cannot filter internet content accessed by your child from home, from other locations away from school or on mobile devices owned by your child. Students may be permitted to use an individual email address. More information about Internet filtering can be found on the websites of the Australian Communications and Media Authority: xxxx://; NetAlert xxxx://; Kids Helpline xxxx://; Bullying No Way xxxx:// It should be noted that if a student who is enrolled in a school behaves online in a manner that threatens the wellbeing of another child, student, parent or member of the school community, even if this occurs off-site and/or out of school hours, the Principal has the authority to suspend or exclude a student from attendance at school. If a student is suspected of an electronic crime, this will be reported to the South Australian Police Department (SAPOL). Where there is a further reasonable suspicion that evidence of a crime, such as an assault, is contained on a mobile phone or other electronic device e.g. laptop, the device will be confiscated and handed to the investigating police officer. SAPOL will determine any further action. Students are expected to care for loan laptops in relation to carrying, cleaning, storage and security both on and off-site. The virus protection software which is installed must be kept up to date and not tampered...
Cyber Safety. Columbia School will review cyber-safety expectations with all students throughout the course of the school year and reinforce safe cell phone behaviors. In addition to the expectations outlined in the guidelines below, students will be expected to comply with all class and school expectations while using personal devices. • First offense - the phone is taken away until the end of the day by classroom teacher or staff member. Incident will be entered into R360 as an “In Class Incident” and reported to parent or guardian. Phone will be given back to student at the end of the school day by classroom teacher or staff member. • Second offense - the phone is taken away until the end of the day by classroom teacher or staff member and handed into administration. Incident will be entered into R360 by teacher or staff member as an “Office Incident.” Administration will meet with student and report to parent or guardian. Phone will be given back to student at the end of the school day by administration. • Third offense - the phone is taken away until the end of the day by classroom teacher or staff member and handed into administration. Incident will be entered into R360 by teacher or staff member as an “Office Incident.” Administration will meet with student and report to parent or guardian. Phone must be picked up by a parent or guardian from administration. • Any further infractions may result in the student not having a cell phone on school grounds during the school day. Furthermore, students who do not adhere to these guidelines will be subjected to other disciplinary actions.
Cyber Safety. Emerald Secondary College uses the Internet as a teaching and learning tool. We see the Internet and mobile technology as valuable resources but acknowledge they must be used responsibly. The College believes the teaching of cybersafe and responsible online behaviour is essential and is best taught in partnership between home and school.
Cyber Safety. Xxxxxxx Springs Primary School believes that teaching cyber safety and responsible online behaviour is essential and is best taught in partnership between home and school. Students are spending increasing amounts of time online, learning and collaborating. To be safe online and to gain the greatest benefit from the opportunities provided through an online environment, students need to do the right thing by themselves and others online. The school promotes the values of Respect and Responsibility, expecting students to behave appropriately online. At home, we recommend that parents make time to set guidelines around use of devices. Ensure that all Internet activities occur in a shared space – not your child’s bedroom. Negotiate appropriate times for online activities and use of mobile phones. For further support with online issues students can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. Parents/carers can call Parentline on 132 289 or visit xxxxx://
Cyber Safety. Staff, students, and parents should familiarise themselves with the content of: o Bullystoppers Parent Interactive Learning Modules o iParent | Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner Key aspects of Cyber Safety include: • Students must not give out identifying information online, use only their first name and not share their home address, telephone number or any other personal information such as financial details (e.g. credit card), telephone numbers or images (video or photographic) of themselves or others. • Students must not use their school e-mail address in non-school online communications, registrations, or subscriptions. • Students must not use a personal email address for signing up to school- based online resources. • Students must use the Internet, e-mail, mobile phones, or any ICT equipment only for positive purposes, not to be mean, rude, or offensive, or to bully, harass, or in any way harm anyone else, or the school itself, even if it is meant as a joke. • Students must not forward inappropriate material to others. • Students should never respond to message or bulletin board items that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, threatening or make them feel uncomfortable - these messages should be reported to a teacher. • Students must inform their teacher immediately if they see anything on a website that is inappropriate, unpleasant or makes them uncomfortable. • Parents and teachers should actively monitor online behaviour and encourage their child/student to follow Cyber-safe strategies.