Web Filtering Sample Clauses
Web Filtering. The internet has become a powerful tool for teaching and learning; however, students need to be careful and vigilant regarding some web content. To help protect students (and staff) from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites, the Department of Education and Training (DET) operates a comprehensive web filtering system. Any iPad connected to the internet through the school network will have filtering applied. The filtering system provides a layer of protection to staff and students against: • inappropriate web pages • spyware and malware • peer-to-peer sessions • scams and identity theft. This purpose-built web filtering solution takes a precautionary approach to blocking websites including those that do not disclose information about their purpose and content. The filtering approach applied by DET represents global best-practice in internet protection measures. However, despite internal departmental controls to filter content on the internet, illegal, dangerous or offensive information may be accessed or accidentally displayed on the screen. Teachers will always exercise their duty of care, but avoiding or reducing access to harmful information also requires responsible use by the student. Students must comply with the provisions of Cavendish Road State High School’s Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement as stated in the 2022 Student Study Planner. Students must not use another student’s or staff member's username or password to access the school network or another student’s iPad, including not trespassing in another person's files, home drive, email or accessing unauthorised network drives or systems. Additionally, students should not divulge personal information via the internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the school. It is important that students do not publish or disclose the email address of a staff member or student without that person’s explicit permission. Students should also not reveal personal information including names, addresses, photographs, credit card details or telephone numbers of themselves or others. They should ensure that privacy and confidentiality is always maintained.
Web Filtering. The internet has become a powerful tool for teaching and learning; however students need to be careful and vigilant regarding some web content. At all times students, while using ICT facilities and devices, will be required to act in line with the requirements of the Code of School Behaviour and any specific rules of the school. To help protect students (and staff) from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites, the school operates a comprehensive web filtering system. Any device connected to the internet through the school network will have filtering applied. The filtering system provides a layer of protection to staff and students against: inappropriate web pages; spyware and malware; peer-to-peer sessions; and scams and identity theft. This purpose-built web filtering solution takes a precautionary approach to blocking websites including those that do not disclose information about their purpose and content. The school’s filtering approach represents global best- practice in internet protection measures. However, despite internal departmental controls to manage content on the internet, illegal, dangerous or offensive information may be accessed or accidentally displayed. Teachers will always exercise their duty of care, but avoiding or reducing access to harmful information also requires responsible use by the student. Students are required to report any internet site accessed that is considered inappropriate. Any suspected security breach involving students, users from other schools, or from outside the Department of Education’s network must also be reported to the school. All laptop devices are protected by web filtering when connected to the internet away from the school. Parents/caregivers are responsible for appropriate internet use by students outside the school. Parents, caregivers and students are also encouraged to visit the Office of the eSafety Commissioner’s website for resources and practical advice to help young people safely enjoy the online world. Privacy and confidentiality Students must not use another student or staff member's username or password to access the school network or another student’s device, including not trespassing in another person's files, home drive, email or accessing unauthorised network drives or systems. Additionally, students should not divulge personal information via the internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the sch...
Web Filtering. The internet has become a powerful tool for teaching and learning, however students need to be careful and vigilant regarding some web content. At all times students, while using ICT facilities and devices, will be required to act in line with the requirements of the Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and any specific rules of the school. To help protect students (and staff) from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites, the school operates a comprehensive web filtering system. Any device connected to the internet through the school network will have filtering applied. The filtering system provides a layer of protection to staff and students against: • inappropriate web pages • spyware and malware • peer-to-peer sessions • scams and identity theft. This purpose-built web filtering solution takes a precautionary approach to blocking websites including those that do not disclose information about their purpose and content. The school’s filtering approach represents global best-practice in internet protection measures. However, despite internal departmental controls to manage content on the internet, illegal, dangerous or offensive information may be accessed or accidentally displayed. Teachers will always exercise their duty of care, but avoiding or reducing access to harmful information also requires responsible use by the student. Students are required to report any internet site accessed that is considered inappropriate. Any suspected security breach involving students, users from other schools, or from outside the Queensland DETE network must also be reported to the school. The personally-owned devices have access to home and other out of school internet services and those services may not include any internet filtering. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to install a local filtering application on the student’s device for when they are connected in locations other than school. Parents/caregivers are responsible for appropriate internet use by students outside the school. Students must not use another student or staff member's username or password to access the school network or another student’s device, including not trespassing in another person's files, home drive, email or accessing unauthorised network drives or systems. Additionally, students should not divulge personal information via the internet or email, to unknown entities or for reasons other than to fulfil the educational program requirements of the school. It is important t...
Web Filtering. The web filtering service includes the provisioning and configuration of a web filtering system. The Supplier will fully manage the system including 10 changes per month. Additional changes may be subject to a charge. Charging is variable, based on number of users detected.
Web Filtering. Provider shall have a Web filtering policy in place to control the content that users can access over the Internet. This includes restricting the use of personal emails and file sharing sites.
Web Filtering. The school will work with NYES Digital to ensure that appropriate filtering is in place. Pupils will report any inappropriate content accessed to an appropriate member of staff. Communication of the e-safety policy to pupils E-safety rules will be posted in each room where a computer is used. Pupils will be informed that internet and Learning Platform use will be monitored. E-Safety will be included in the curriculum. All pupils and parents will be sent useful guidance on E-Safety. Communication of the e-safety policy to staff The e-safety and acceptable use policies will be given to all new members of staff as part of the staff handbook. The e-safety and acceptable use policies will be discussed with, and signed by, all staff at least annually. Staff will be informed that internet and Learning Platform use will be monitored. Communication of the e-safety policy to parents/carers The acceptable use policies will be available in the school prospectus and on the school website. Parents will be asked to sign a home-school agreement when their children join the school. This will include acceptable use policies relating to the internet, Learning Platform and other digital technologies. The school will communicate and publicise e-safety issues to parents through the school newsletter and website.
Web Filtering. Web filtering policies will be applied to the device at all times. Any attempts to bypass the web filter or inappropriate use will result in complete termination of internet access on the device and/or repossession. The district web filter will not guarantee students are unable to access inappropriate content. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure students do not access inappropriate content. It is also expected that any inappropriate use be reported to the district immediately. Appropriation: Your failure to timely return the property and the continued use of it for non- school purposes without the District’s consent may be considered unlawful appropriation of the District’s property and repossession efforts as stated.
Web Filtering. The Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) operates a web filtering system to protect students and restrict access from malicious web activity and inappropriate websites. The DETE Web filtering system is installed on departmentally-owned computers, including Student loan devices. There is also a locally installed Web filtering client, which resides on the device and is active when using a non-DETE wireless connection to ensure filtering is always applied. When students are connected through DETE managed networks, they will have a high level of filtering applied. When students use their devices at home, the filtering system (proxy client), continues to function with a high level of filtering. It is important for parents to understand that filtering systems do not replace the need for parental supervision when students are online. Parent’s need to be aware that the child’s online activities are the shared responsibility of the parent and the student. Parents should also be aware that although a high level of filtering should block a student’s access to Facebook at school and at home, the department cannot guarantee this. If a student downloads software that is designed to modified security settings on the laptop, or change configuration settings on the tablet or software at home, access may be obtained.
Web Filtering. Web filtering policies will be applied to the device at all times. Any attempts to bypass the web filter or inappropriate use will result in complete termination of internet access on the device and/or repossession. The district web filter will not guarantee students are unable to access inappropriate content. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure students do not access inappropriate content outside the district. It is also expected that any inappropriate use be reported to the district immediately.
Web Filtering. 100.1 You acknowledge that the Web Filtering options provided with the Managed Wi-Fi Hotspot services are a “best efforts” service and from time-to-time may allow Managed Wi-Fi Hotspot End Users to view content or a website that may fall into a category that has been blocked, however has not yet been categorised by the Web Filtering service.