CONTRACT ADDITIONS transferred, or cancelled except on written request and offered for return at any time. A. Exhibitor by signing this contract is guaranteeing to with the subsequent written approval of GEM FAIRE®, 7.
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CONTRACT ADDITIONS. A. Exhibitor by signing this contract is guaranteeing to GEM FAIRE®, INC., et al, Exhibitor has a minimum USD$1,000,000.00 liability insurance policy in effect, GEM FAIRE®, INC., if Exhibitor fails to meet payment space assigned to Exhibitor by anyone other than naming GEM FAIRE®, INC. as additional insured.
CONTRACT ADDITIONS. A. Exhibitor by signing this contract is guaranteeing to GEM FAIRE®, INC., et al, Exhibitor has a minimum USD$1,000,000.00 liability insurance policy in effect, transferred, or cancelled except on written request and space assigned to Exhibitor by anyone other than naming GEM FAIRE®, INC. as additional insured. with the subsequent written approval of GEM FAIRE®, INC. Space assignments may be revoked or changed by GEM FAIRE®, INC., if Exhibitor fails to meet payment deadlines. The size and location of Exhibitor's space may, at GEM FAIRE®, INC.'s election, differ from show to show. In assigning exhibit space, GEM FAIRE®, INC. shall carefully consider and at its sole discretion weigh collectively such factors as follows: The size of exhibit space requested versus the overall space available for allocation to eligible Exhibitors.
CONTRACT ADDITIONS. In the event that the Customer purchases additional Software licenses for a Product during the term of the Contract, KEOLABS will notify the Customer with a Delivery Note of the additional items. The support and maintenance service for the Customer’s Software licenses takes effect on the date of issuance of the Delivery Note.
CONTRACT ADDITIONS. In the event Customer purchases additional Software Products and/or Third-Party Software directly from ISD during the term of this Contract, ISD will notify the Customer by submitting, in writing, a Quote reflecting the additional software items to be added to this Contract, effective date(s) of software maintenance support service, and charges for those additional software items to be added under the Terms and Conditions of this Contract. In the event Customer should obtain additional Software Product and/or Third-Party Software license(s) from an authorized ISD reseller or by any other manner, Customer agrees to notify ISD about the newly acquired software licenses(s). In response, ISD will provide the Customer with an add-on Quote reflecting the effective date of service and charges for the additional software license(s). Unless ISD receives written notification declining software maintenance support service from Customer within thirty (30) days of the date of the Quote as described above, support services and the appropriate monthly charges will begin on the effective date as shown on the Contract Quote. Customer shall purchase software maintenance support service coverage on all software license additions to a site obtained via intra-company transfer of the software license. Contract additions by intra-company software license transfer shall be in accordance with ISD’s current Software Transfer Policy. All Like Software must be under maintenance coverage if any of the Like Software is under maintenance coverage. Software maintenance support services cannot be declined by Customer for individual Software Product and/or Third-Party Software licenses that have been installed multiple times at one site or for Software Product and or Third-Party Software licenses, which are being used interdependently from one site.
CONTRACT ADDITIONS. The City reserves the right to extend the Contract upon the same terms and at the same unit prices, provided extensions shall not exceed in cost fifty percent (50%) of the original Contract price. Any addition of new projects will be only by mutual agreement between the City and the successful Bidder.


  • Contract Work Contract work means capital project work within existing plant facilities, major maintenance and/or revamp work, plant modifications and/or shutdown work, minor maintenance and/or repair work, breakdown maintenance.

  • Alterations, Additions and Improvements Lessee covenants and agrees with Lessor not to permit the Premises to be used for any purpose other than that stated in Section 5 hereof or make or allow to be made any alterations or physical additions in or to the Premises without first obtaining the written consent of Lessor in each such instance. Lessor's consent shall not be required for nonstructural alterations made by Lessee from time to time as necessary to adapt the Premises for the uses and business purposes permitted hereby, provided that such alterations do not affect any part of the Building other than the Premises, are not visible from outside the Building and do not adversely affect any service required to be furnished by Lessor to Lessee or to any other tenant or occupant of the Building. Lessee shall be responsible for any lien filed against the Premises or any portion of the Building for work claimed to have been done for, or materials claimed to have been furnished to Lessee. Any and all such alterations, physical additions, or improvements, when made to the Premises by Lessee, shall be at Lessee's expense and shall at once become the property of Lessor and shall be surrendered to Lessor upon termination of this Lease by lapse of time or otherwise; provided, however, this clause shall not apply to the movable fixtures, office equipment, and other personal property owned by Lessee. Tenant Initials ___________ Landlord Initials___________ 4Section 17. Legal Use and Violations of Insurance Coverage. ----------- ----------------------------------------------- Lessee covenants and agrees with Lessor not to occupy or use, or permit any portion of the Premises to be occupied or used, for any business or purpose which is unlawful, disreputable, or deemed to be extra-hazardous on account of fire, or permit anything to be done which would in any way increase the rate of fire, liability, or any other insurance coverage on the Building and/or its contents.

  • Defective Equipment Provided that you are in compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, while you receive Internet Service under this Agreement, Viasat will, at no additional charge to you, replace Equipment you lease from Viasat that Viasat, in its sole discretion, determines to be defective (“Defective Equipment”). Defective Equipment replacement under this Section 4 expressly excludes charges for home service calls and for damage to, or misuse of, the Equipment. For the first 90 days after initial activation of your Internet Service, Viasat will waive its standard service call charge if Viasat makes a service call. After the first 90 days following initial activation of your Internet Service, Viasat’s standard service call charge shall apply to all service calls by Viasat. You shall notify us promptly of any defect in, damage to, or accident involving your leased Equipment by calling 0-000-000-0000. All maintenance and repair of Equipment shall be performed by us or our designee(s). Viasat may charge you for any repairs that are necessitated by any damage to, or misuse of, the Equipment.

  • ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS The Tenant shall make no alterations or improvements to the wall or other portions of the Premises, including but not limited to, the construction of additional walls or the moving of walls, during the term of this Lease without first obtaining the written consent of the Landlord. Unless the Landlord shall otherwise agree, Tenant shall be solely responsible for all costs and expenses for all such alterations and improvements. In addition, Landlord shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to require the Tenant to fund an interest bearing escrow account to be used to reinstate and/or restore the Premises upon termination of this Lease. Any funds not used for such purpose shall be refunded to Tenant within a reasonable time after termination of the Lease; subject, however, to any other rights of Landlord in or to such funds provided by law. Tenant may use Landlord’s or its own contractors and subcontractors to perform the work requested provided all such workmen have been approved in advance by Landlord. The parties hereto agree that Landlord shall have complete control over all aspects of such alterations and improvements. Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless for any claim or damages arising in connection with or related to such alterations and improvements as provided in Section 13. Any alterations or improvements made by the Tenant, or on behalf of Tenant, shall become the property of the Landlord at the termination of the Lease without cost to the Landlord unless the Landlord in its sole discretion directs the Tenant to remove such alterations and improvements from the Premises, in which event the Tenant shall remove such alterations, improvements and additions and restore the Premises to the same order and condition in which it was at the commencement of this Lease at the Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Should the Tenant fail to do so the Landlord may do so and collect, at its option, all costs and expenses thereof in excess of any funds escrowed for such purpose as additional rent. The Tenant shall pay all sums due and payable as a result of all alterations made to the Premises within ten (10) days from the date of a notice of xxxx for the same from the Landlord.

  • Contract Deliverables The Contractor shall provide information technology staff augmentation services, including comprehensive management of staff, as set forth in this Contract. The term “staff” refers to the temporary staff provided by the Contractor to render information technology services identified by Customers, but that staff shall not be deemed an employee of the State or deemed to be entitled to any benefits associated with such employment. Contracts resulting from this solicitation should not be structured as fixed-price agreements or used for any services requiring authorization for payment of milestone tasks. Contractor shall only provide information technology staff augmentation services for those Job Titles awarded to the Contractor and shall be paid on an hourly basis. The Department’s intent is for Contractor’s information technology staff to provide services closely related to those described in the Job Family Descriptions document. Detailed scopes of work, specific requirements of the work to be performed, and any requirements of staff shall be provided by the Customer in a Request for Quote. The Contractor shall possess the professional and technical staff necessary to allocate, outsource, and manage qualified information technology staff to perform the services requested by the Customer. The Contractor shall provide Customers with staff who must have sufficient skill and experience to perform the services assigned to them. All of the information technology staff augmentation services to be furnished by the Contractor under the Contract shall meet the professional standards and quality that prevails among information technology professionals in the same discipline and of similar knowledge and skill engaged in related work throughout Florida under the same or similar circumstances. The Contractor shall provide, at its own expense, training necessary for keeping Contractor’s staff abreast of industry advances and for maintaining proficiency in equipment and systems that are available on the commercial market. The Contractor shall be responsible for the administration and maintenance of all employment and payroll records, payroll processing, remittance of payroll and taxes, and all administrative tasks required by state and federal law associated with payment of staff. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, be responsible for adhering to the Contract background screening requirements, testing, evaluations, advertising, recruitment, and disciplinary actions of Contractor’s information technology staff. The Contractor shall maintain during the term of the Contract all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the information technology staff augmentation services.

  • Correction of Defects 35.1 The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins at Completion and is defined in the Contract Data. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected.

  • Warranty Work Failure by the Contractor to take corrective action within twenty four (24) hours after personal or telephonic notice by the County's OC Public Works on items affecting essential use of the facility, safety or the preservation of property, and within ten (10) calendar days following written notice on other deficiencies, will result in the County taking whatever corrective action it deems necessary. All costs resulting from such action by the County will be claimed against Contractor or, if necessary, the Contractor's Performance Bond.

  • ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE OR NON-CONFORMING WORK 13.3.1 The State may accept defective or nonconforming Work pursuant to Paragraph 13.2.1

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