TRANSFER POLICY. Section 7 of this Agreement will not apply to Party A, who will be required to comply with, and will be bound by, the following: Without prejudice to Section 6(b)(ii) as amended in this Schedule, Party A may transfer all (but not part only) of its interests and obligations in and under this Agreement to any of its Affiliates or, with the prior written consent of Party B, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, to any other entity (each such Affiliate or entity a "TRANSFEREE") upon providing five Business Days' prior written notice to the Note Trustee, provided that:
(i) the Transferee's short-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are then rated not less than "A-1+" by S&P, "Prime-1" by Moody's and "F1" by Fitch and its long-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are then rated not less than "AA-" by S&P, "A1" by Moody's and "A+" by Fitch (or its equivalent by any substitute rating agency) or such Transferee's obligations under this Agreement are guaranteed by an entity whose short-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are then rated not less than "A-1+" by S&P, "Prime-1" by Moody's and "F1" by Fitch and whose long-term, unsecured and unsubordinated debt obligations are then rated not less than "AA-" by S&P, "A1" by Moody's and "A+" by Fitch (or its equivalent by any substitute rating agency);
TRANSFER POLICY. Any employee or appointing authority who desires to initiate a transfer may inform the Director of Human Resources in writing of such desire stating the reasons therefore. The Director of Human Resources shall if he or she considers that the reasons are adequate and that the transfer will be for the good of the County service and the parties involved, inform the appointing authority or authorities concerned and the employee of the proposal and may take the initiative in accomplishing the transfer.
TRANSFER POLICY this Agreement (except Section 7(b)) will not apply to Party A, who will be required to comply with, and will be bound by, the following: Without prejudice to Section 6(b)(ii) as amended in this Schedule, Party A may transfer all (but not part only) of its interests and obligations in and under this Agreement to any of its Affiliates or, with the prior written consent of Party B, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, to any other entity (each such Affiliate or entity a "TRANSFEREE") upon providing five Business Days' prior written notice to the Note Trustee, provided that:
TRANSFER POLICY this Agreement will not apply to Party A, who will be required to comply with, and will be bound by, the following: Without prejudice to Section 6(b)(ii) as amended in this Schedule, Party A may transfer all (but not part only) of its interests and obligations in and under this Agreement to any of its Affiliates or, with the prior written consent of Party B, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, to any other entity (each such Affiliate or entity a "TRANSFEREE") upon providing five Business Days' prior written notice to the Note Trustee, provided that:
TRANSFER POLICY. 11.3.1 Transfer of teachers within the District shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent/designee in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
TRANSFER POLICY. If there is not a volunteer to change classes with the teacher who has been assigned a full inclusion student, the teacher may request a transfer to another site under the following conditions: The district shall not deny to any unit member assigned to a full inclusion class the right to transfer to a vacant position for which the unit member has an appropriate credential using the following criteria:
a. When notified that the unit member is being assigned a full inclusion student, the unit member may request from the Certificated Personnel Office a list of any openings that presently are available for transfer. If there is an opening, the unit member, working through the Certificated Personnel Office, will be transferred to the opening. If two teachers are requesting a full inclusion transfer for a single open position, the one with the most seniority will get the transfer.
b. The full inclusion transfer is for only the remainder of that school year.
TRANSFER POLICY. Employees will not be transferred against their will. Transfers will be by mutual agreement.
TRANSFER POLICY. Any employee or appointing authority who desires to initiate a transfer may inform the Human Resources Director in writing of such desire stating the reasons therefore. The Human Resources Director shall, if he or she considers that the reasons are adequate and that the transfer will be for the good of the County service and the parties involved, inform the appointing authority or authorities concerned and the employee of the proposal and may take the initiative in accomplishing the transfer. The County will update the Departmental Contact List within ninety (90) days of approval by the Board of Supervisors of the 2005-2008 Memoranda of Understanding and annually thereafter. The County will place Bid Notice summaries on E-Mail and/or the County’s website so that employees may inquire about promotional/transfer opportunities. Each department will continue to provide copies of all Bid Notices within their department to the union. It is the responsibility of employees to contact County departments and inform them of their desire to transfer. County departments may, but are not required to maintain an ongoing list of employees interested in transferring when a position becomes available. Employees who transfer from one department to another shall serve a three (3) month probationary period. Provisions of this section do not apply to transfers from eligible lists.
TRANSFER POLICY. 1. Transfer at the request of the faculty member. Faculty members have the right to transfer from one College to another whenever a position in their field, as defined in Section F.2.c. above, is available at another College. The transfer will be subject to the approval of the College President of the receiving College and a majority of the eligible members of the receiving department. If approval is denied, the reasons therefore shall be stated in writing to the faculty member, provided, however, that such faculty member’s seniority status shall not be cited as a reason for denying his transfer. However, such transfers shall not be allowed if the effect of the transfer would be to reduce the number of tenured members of the department to less than one-third (1/3) of the department’s faculty members. If two or more faculty members apply for the same position, the most senior shall have preference. A faculty member transferring to another College shall retain all accumulated seniority for all purposes at his new College. Upon approval by the Board, the transfer shall become effective as of the beginning of the next semester or term following such approval. The Chancellor shall prepare a list each semester of open and unfilled full-time positions at each College of the Colleges; this list shall be posted one month prior to the end of the semester at each College. The list shall indicate the positions vacant as of that date. In addition, unforeseen vacancies shall be reported to each College as soon as the information becomes available.
2. Transfer at the request of the administration. A faculty member being permanently transferred from one College of the Colleges to another College at the request of the Administration shall retain Colleges-wide seniority for all purposes at the new College; and faculty members shall have the right to choose the College to which they are being transferred. The receiving department shall be notified at least ten (10) days before the Chancellor’s recommendation before such transfer is presented to the Board.
TRANSFER POLICY. When transfers for staffing needs become necessary, the Administration will attempt to find a qualified voluntary transferee before a required involuntary transfer is made. In the event there is more than one qualified volunteer, the most senior teacher will be transferred. Teachers will not be transferred from one building to another for purpose of discipline. In cases when there are no qualified volunteers and where the teachers in that department are determined to be equally qualified for the position in question, the least senior teacher will be transferred. Exceptions could be made, however, for teachers involved in unique building programs. Any program involving students from one building only is considered unique. Before a new teacher is hired in a permanent position that is equivalent to the position involved in the transfer, the transferred teacher may, upon request, be transferred back to his/her original building.