CONTRACT COSTS. Payments made by the Design-Builder to the Architect, Consultants, Contractors and suppliers in accordance with the requirements of their subcontracts. § A.5.1.3 Costs of Materials and Equipment Incorporated in the Completed Construction § A. Costs, including transportation and storage, of materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the completed construction.
1.3.1 in excess of those actually installed to allow for reasonable waste and spoilage. Unused excess materials, if any, shall become the Owner's property at the completion of the Work or, at the Owner's option, shall be sold by the Design-Builder. Any amounts realized from such sales shall be credited to the Owner as a deduction from the Cost of the Work. § A.5.1.4 Costs of Other Materials and Equipment, Temporary Facilities and Related Items Costs of transportation, storage, installation, maintenance, dismantling and removal of materials, supplies, temporary facilities, machinery, equipment and hand tools not customarily owned by construction workers that are provided by the Design-Builder at the site and fully consumed in the performance of the Work. Costs of materials, supplies, temporary facilities, machinery, equipment and tools that are not fully consumed shall be based on the cost or value of the item at the time it is first used on the Project site less the value of the item when it is no longer used at the Project site. Costs for items not fully consumed by the Design-Builder shall mean fair market value.
CONTRACT COSTS. The CONSULTANT will be paid a maximum of $18,978.37 for costs authorized by this Contract as further described in Attachment D.
CONTRACT COSTS. Payments made by the Design-Builder to the Architect, Consultants, Contractors and suppliers in accordance with the requirements of their subcontracts. § A.5.1.3 Costs of Materials and Equipment Incorporated in the Completed Construction § A. Costs, including transportation and storage, of materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the completed construction.
CONTRACT COSTS. The CONSULTANT will be paid a maximum of $6,145.00 for costs authorized by this contract as further described in Exhibit F.
CONTRACT COSTS. The CONSULTANT will be compensated a maximum amount for costs authorized by the Agreement as described in Attachment C.
CONTRACT COSTS. The CONSULTANT will be paid a maximum of Contract Amount for costs authorized by this Contract as further described in Attachment D.
CONTRACT COSTS. Any contract or arrangement between the Charter School and K12 Inc. shall provide that any charges to or obligation of the Charter School in any fiscal year in excess of the amounts available for payment at the end of such fiscal year will be forgiven by K12 Inc. and shall not be carried over as an obligation in the next succeeding fiscal year.
CONTRACT COSTS. Contractor will be paid in accordance with Attachment C. The maximum amount of costs and fees authorized by this Contract is $ . Prompt Payment Discount (if any): .
CONTRACT COSTS. The Company will reimburse Executive for the reasonable fees and costs of any attorney, financial advisor, accountant and/or other professional advising and assisting Executive in the negotiations of this Agreement, up to Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in the aggregate.
CONTRACT COSTS. 1.1. The Commissioning Contract shall be managed as a block price contract in accordance with the following opening values. While this won’t affect the overall total there may be a future rebasing that is to be agreed between Mid Essex, North East Essex and West Essex CCGs.
1.2. The final opening contract value will be subject to the procurement process but will be contained within the opening values set out below. Any reduction to the opening contract value shall be applied pro-rata to the agreed Financial Contribution subject to any overall reduction not being applied to the ECC contribution until all other Commissioners have achieved a 10% reduction from the baselines set out in paragraph 1.3 below.
1.3. Subject to 1.1 above, Financial Contributions will not be rebased during the life of the Commissioning Contract but a robust data set will be developed to inform future cost shares. Per Annum £000 % Essex CC 1,821 13.2% Southend UA 210 1.5% Thurrock UA 202 1.5% B&B CCG 1,723 12.5% CP&R CCG 914 6.6% Southend CCG 954 6.9% Thurrock CCG 1,045 7.6% Mid Essex CCG 1,884 13.7% North East Essex CCG 2,353 17.1% West Essex CCG 2,647 19.2%
1.4. The contract price payable to the Provider pursuant to the Commissioning Contract will be structured as follows: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1st year extension 2nd year extension Block Price 95% 90% 85% 85% 85% Contract price for achievement of key performance indicators or as a result of & CQUIN/Quality 5% 10% 15% 15% 15%
1.5. All Commissioners will be invoiced direct by the Provider. The Commissioners will be advised by the Lead Commissioner of the phasing arrangements, the payment date within the month/quarter and if payment needs to be withheld in accordance with KPIs or other Commissioning Contract provisions. Commissioners will ensure that payments are made in accordance with such advice from the Lead Commissioner.
1.6. The NHS tariff inflator/deflator is applicable to the Commissioning Contract and shall be applied to years 2 and subsequent years of the contract value subject to annual price reviews.
1.7. All commissioners agree that the Provider will need to achieve the standard, across all localities, set out in the KPI’s in order to receive that standard’s performance related pay.
1.8. Any contract value deflations shall be applied pro-rata to the agreed Financial Contribution subject to any overall reduction not being applied to the ECC contribution until all other Commissioners have achieved a 10% reduction from the bas...