Correcting and Monitoring Imbalance. 1. When addressing problems which arise involving students with disabilities and student load in particular schools and/or classrooms, and attempting to resolve them in an effective manner within the District's ability to do so, the District shall consider individual school space (total population), the availability of opportunities for assigning students on an equitable basis, and the impact of any change or adjustment upon the teacher(s) to whom the students are assigned. In the event the District determines conditions prevail which needs to be addressed it will determine if the circumstances are such that an adjustment can be made by:
a. the assignment of additional personnel;
b. the reduction of class size;
c. the reassignment of disabled or non-disabled students;
d. the adjustment of teacher/staff schedules and assignments.
2. The process for addressing situations which have been identified as inequitable within a particular school will be as follows:
a. The Special Education Department in collaboration with the LCSE shall monitor resource practices to assist in bringing attention to:
i. appropriate and timely scheduling of students with disabilities;
ii. an equitable distribution across grade or subject area; and
iii. internal adjustment and correction at the building level.
b. The Instructional Division will be available to provide assistance in resolving problems at the building level;
c. If the problem is unable to be resolved internally, the issue will be identified and reduced to writing by the Association and referred to a District Appeals Committee composed of the Director of Special Education, the Chief Human Resources Officer and the President of the Association or their respective designees. The District Appeals Committee will review the specific issue and made recommendations for resolving the issue within five (5) days;
d. In the event that the steps above do not resolve the problem, it may be submitted by the Association directly to the Superintendent to bring about a solution, either temporary or permanent, which will best serve the student(s) involved. It is the further intention of the parties that any problems which do arise be satisfactorily resolved before reaching the Superintendent's level and that every effort is made to do so in order that those which do come to the Superintendent be neither frequent nor frivolous. The Superintendent will give them his/her prompt and full attention to bring about a solution which is reasonable ...