Performance Assistance. In the event that deficiencies are identified, the evaluator shall take positive action to assist the unit member in correcting any identified deficiencies. The evaluator’s role to assist the unit member may include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Specific recommendations for improvement;
2. Direct assistance to implement such recommendations;
3. Provisions of additional resources to be utilized to assist with improvement;
4. Techniques to measure improvement;
5. Time schedule to monitor progress;
6. Observation;
7. Conferences;
Performance Assistance. 1. The District and the Association recognize that in some situations assistance may be required to achieve improved performance on the part of the teacher, whether suggested by the teacher or administrator, and encourage the rendering and acceptance of such assistance. Subsequent written evaluation shall reflect the impact, if any, of such assistance.
2. At times tenured staff may also find themselves in need of assistance, support, and feedback as outlined in the Model for Practitioner Evaluation or APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review). The PAR program will also be expanded to provide support for veteran teachers.
Performance Assistance. A. Performance Assistance Plan If at any time an employee’s performance in one half or more of his/her critical elements fall to “Minimally Satisfactory”, the supervisor shall implement a performance assistance plan (PAP).
1. The PAP will afford the employee at least 45 days to resolve the identified performance- related problem. A written PAP indicates that the employee's performance is below “Fully Successful”. However, no rating of record will be assigned until completion of the PAP.
2. The counseling session regarding development of the PAP will be documented in writing, with a copy provided to the employee. An employee may request that a union representative participate in the PAP session. If the supervisor agrees to allow a union representative to be present, the supervisor may also include another member of management or HR representative. The employee may elect to seek assistance from the Union outside of the supervisor-employee PAP collaboration process. The PAP will be tailored to the employee's specific needs and may include formal training, on-the-job training, counseling, assignment of a journeyman mentor, or other assistance as deemed appropriate.
3. The purpose of the PAP is to help the employee improve his/her performance to the “Fully Successful” level. The supervisor will provide assistance to the employee to facilitate the employee reaching the “Fully Successful” level.
4. At any time during this PAP or at the end of the PAP period, the supervisor may determine that assistance is no longer necessary due to improved, sustained performance at the “Fully Successful” level. The supervisor will provide the employee with a written notice of this determination.
5. Notwithstanding the above, if at any time during the PAP the employee's performance is determined to have dropped to “Unacceptable” in one or more critical elements, a formal performance improvement plan shall be initiated under Section 25 of this article.
6. Neither a PAP or a record of a PAP will be placed in the employee’s Official Personnel Folder or Employee Performance File.
Performance Assistance. 12.1 Any employee not meeting the performance standards of one or more critical element(s) will be promptly notified.
12.2 The supervisor will schedule a meeting with the employee and inform him or her of the purpose of the meeting and that he/she may request the assistance and presence of a Union representative at this meeting. This requirement does not apply to all routine and periodic discussions regarding an employee’s job performance.
12.3 The supervisor, employee, and, if requested, a Union representative, will meet to identify the specific problem, determine the root cause, and develop guidance regarding specific actions which should be taken to improve performance.
12.4 This assistance will afford the employee a reasonable opportunity of at least thirty (30) calendar days to resolve the identified performance-related problem.
12.5 The assistance will be tailored to the specific needs of the employee and may include formal training, on-the-job training, counseling, assignment of a mentor, or other assistance as appropriate. Mere notice and review does not constitute assistance.
12.6 The purpose of the period of assistance is to help the employee improve, rather than accumulate documentation as the basis for a future performance-related adverse action. This does not prevent documentation accumulated during this timeframe from being used as a part of future performance-related adverse actions should performance not improve.
12.7 If the employee has chosen to be represented by the Union, a Union representative has the right to be present at all performance-related meetings with the employee during this performance assistance period.
12.8 At any time during the assistance period, the supervisor may conclude that assistance is no longer necessary because the employee’s performance has improved to at least “Successful.” The supervisor will so notify the employee of this determination in writing.
Performance Assistance. In the case of a negative evaluation(s), the evaluator shall take positive action to assist the unit member in correcting any cited deficiencies. The evaluator’s role to assist the unit member may include, but not be limited to, the following: Specific recommendations for improvement. District assistance to implement such recommendations. Provision of additional resources, without cost to the unit member, to be utilized to assist with improvements.
Performance Assistance. In the event that practices not consistent with standards are identified, the administrator shall take positive action to assist the unit member in correcting the identified practices. The administrator’s role to assist the unit member may include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Specific recommendations for improvement;
2. Direct assistance to implement such recommendations;
3. Additional resources to be utilized to assist with improvement;
4. Assistance with data analysis;
5. Observations;
6. Professional development;
7. Visitations to other sites;
Performance Assistance. 1. The District and the Association recognize that in some situations, assistance may be required to achieve improved performance on the part of the leader, whether suggested by the leader or their supervisor, and encourage the rendering and acceptance of such assistance. Subsequent written evaluation shall reflect the impact, if any, of such assistance.
2. At times leaders may find themselves in need of assistance, support and feedback as outlined in the Lead and Learn Framework. This process ensures a Leader Assistance Plan (LAP) is collaboratively developed by and between the leader and his/her supervisor. A member of SAAS may be present for the development of the LAP. The LAP template can be found in Appendix E.
Performance Assistance. When the Service’s evaluation leads to a conclusion that the employee’s work is not at an acceptable level of competence for a within grade increase, the Employer will be required to take the following actions:
Performance Assistance. (1) Identify Problems.
Performance Assistance. Management will assist employees in relation to their overall performance on an as-needed basis when the employee's performance drops below a successful level.