Creation and Membership. Two Technical Advisory Committees shall be created to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governing Board and Executive Director.
Creation and Membership. A SLB Task Force is created and its membership shall be composed of the following: a representative from the Human Resources Department, a teacher appointed by the EE, a representative of the Classified employees, a representative from the Admin/Pro Tech employees, a representative from the District benefits consultants (currently Xxxxxxxxx), and the District’s Chief Financial Officer.
Creation and Membership. The Parties agree that in order to establish a working partnership between the City and the WOH Communities, and to carry out the purposes of this Agreement, an independent locally-based and locally administered not-for-profit corporation, organized under Section 1411 of the Not For Profit Corporation Law, the Catskill Watershed Corporation shall be established, to manage certain Watershed Partnership and Protection Programs more fully described in Article V and for such other purposes as are described herein. The Articles of Incorporation and by-laws for the CW Corporation are appended hereto as Attachment CC and may be amended as provided for therein in a manner consistent with this Agreement.
Creation and Membership. There is hereby recreated pursuant to KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839 the Kenton County Joint Code Enforcement Board which shall be composed of a representative from each of the parties pursuant to KRS 65.8811{1}{b), and any subsequent amendments thereto.
Creation and Membership. An Operations Committee is created to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board. The Operations Committee shall be composed of:
i. The Police Chief or his/her designee from each Principal.
ii. The Fire Chief or his/her designee from each Principal, provided that a Principal that receives fire service from a Public Safety Interlocal Operation may appoint a representative from such entity to serve as a member of the Operations Committee. Additional members of the Operations Committee may be selected by the Executive Board which shall select at least one representative from among the EPSCA Subscribers, if any.
Creation and Membership. An Operations Committee is created to serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board. The Operations Committee shall be composed of: DocuSign Envelope ID: 82FA5247-4D69-49D7-90CA-B1A2052D64A0
i. The Police Chief or his/her designee from each Principal.
ii. The Fire Chief or his/her designee from each Principal, provided that a Principal that receives fire service from a Public Safety Interlocal Operation may appoint a representative from such entity to serve as a member of the Operations Committee. Additional members of the Operations Committee may be selected by the Executive Board which shall select at least one representative from among the EPSCA Subscribers, if any.
Creation and Membership. There is created a council on recycling, attached to the department of natural resources under s. 15.03, consisting of 7 members selected by the governor.
Creation and Membership. There is hereby created a California Emergency Council, to consist of the following:
Creation and Membership. There is hereby created for the Village a Board of Appeals. Notwithstanding the incorporation of County Zoning, the Board of Appeals shall operate in lieu of, the Racine County Board of Adjustment. The Board of Appeals shall consist of five members and two alternate members appointed by the President and subject to confirmation by the Village Board. Such appointments and members shall be governed by Wis. Stats. § 62.23(7)(e)2. The terms of the members shall be set by resolution and shall be staggered three-year periods, except that of those appointed, one shall serve for one year, two for two years, and two for three years. There shall be no compensation received by the members for their service on the Board.