Customer of Bryan, TX Staffing. Project Sponsor The Customer’s project sponsor provides support to the project by allocating resources, providing strategic direction, communicating key issues about the project and the project’s overall importance to the organization. The project sponsor will be involved in the project as needed to provide necessary support, oversight, and guidance, but will not participate in day-to-day activities. The project sponsor will empower the steering committee to make critical business decisions for the Customer. Executive Steering Committee The Customer’s Steering Committee will understand and support the cultural change necessary for the project and xxxxxx throughout the organization an appreciation of the value of an integrated ERP system. The Steering Committee oversees the project team and the project as a whole. Through participation in regular meetings the Steering Committee will remain updated on all project progress, project decisions, and achievement of project milestones. The Steering Committee will also provide support to the project team by communicating the importance of the project to each member’s department along with other department directors in the Customer. The Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring that the project has appropriate resources, providing strategic direction to the project team, and is responsible for making timely decisions on critical project or policy issues. The Steering Committee also serves as primary level of issue resolution for the project. Project Manager The Customer’s project manager will coordinate project team members, Power User/ SME, and the overall implementation schedule. The Project Managers will be responsible for reporting to the Steering Committee and providing the majority of the Customer’s change management communications and coaching. The project manager will also be the primary point of contact for the project and will coordinate all SunGard activities with the SunGard project manager. Project Core Functional Team Leads Project team members will be the core functional leads for each area in the system. The project team members have detailed subject matter expertise and are empowered to make appropriate business process and configuration decisions in their respective areas. The Project Team is tasked with carrying out all project tasks described in the Statement of Work including planning, business process analysis, configuration, documentation, testing, training, and all other required Custome...