Product Changes Vocera shall have the right, in its absolute discretion, without liability to End User, to update to provide new functionality or otherwise change the design of any Product or to discontinue the manufacture or sale of any Product. Vocera shall notify End User at least 90 days prior to the delivery of any Product which incorporates a change that adversely affects form, fit or function (“Material Change”). Vocera shall also notify End User at least 90 days prior to the discontinuance of manufacture of any Product. Notification will be made as soon as reasonably practical for changes associated with regulatory or health and safety issues.
Catastrophic Leave Program Leave credits, as defined below, may be transferred from one (1) or more employees to another employee, on an hour-for-hour basis, in accordance with departmental policies upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee and upon approval of the employee's appointing authority, under the following conditions: A. The receiving employee is required to be absent from work due to injury or the prolonged illness of the employee, employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, a domestic partner listed on an “Affidavit for Enrollment of Domestic Partners,” submitted to employee benefits, parent or child, has exhausted all earned leave credits, including but not limited to sick leave, compensatory time, holiday credits and disability leave and is therefore facing financial hardship. B. The transfers must be for a minimum of four (4) hours and in whole hour increments thereafter. C. Transfers shall be allowed to cross-departmental lines in accordance with the policies of the receiving department. D. The total maximum leave credits received by an employee shall normally not exceed five hundred twenty (520) hours; however, if approved by his/her appointing authority, the total leave credits may be up to one thousand forty (1,040) hours. Total leave credits in excess of one thousand forty (1,040) hours will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the appointing authority subject to the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. E. The transfers are irrevocable, and will be indistinguishable from other leave credits belonging to the receiving employee. Transfers will be subject to all taxes required by law. F. Leave credits that may be transferred under this program are defined as the transferring employee’s vacation credits or up to twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave per fiscal year. G. Transfers shall be administered according to the rules and regulations of the Auditor and Controller, and made on a form prescribed by the Auditor and Controller. Approvals of the receiving and donating employee, the donating employee's appointing authority and the receiving employee's appointing authority (in the case of an interdepartmental transfer) will be provided for on such form. H. This program is not subject to the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement.
Presentation of Potential Target Businesses The Company shall cause each of the Initial Shareholders to agree that, in order to minimize potential conflicts of interest which may arise from multiple affiliations, the Initial Shareholders will present to the Company for its consideration, prior to presentation to any other person or company, any suitable opportunity to acquire an operating business, until the earlier of the consummation by the Company of a Business Combination or the liquidation of the Company, subject to any pre-existing fiduciary obligations the Initial Shareholders might have.
Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation Grantee will; a. take all steps necessary, to protect the health, safety and welfare of its clients and participants. b. develop and implement written policies and procedures for abuse, neglect and exploitation. c. notify appropriate authorities of any allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation as required by 25 TAC § 448.703.
Fundamental Analysis The equity investment analysts provide independent research and analysis of specific companies within a sector. Typically, analysis includes review of published reports, interviews of company management, on-site observation of company operations, and the use of various financial models. In addition, analysts read trade journals, attend industry conferences, and focus on trends within the sector and industry. Based on this proprietary analysis, the analyst makes buy, sell or hold recommendations to the Adviser.
NETWORK CHANGES 3.1. Sprint shall provide notice of network changes and upgrades in accordance with §§ 51.325 through 51.335 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Sprint may discontinue any interconnection arrangement, Telecommunications Service, or Network Element provided or required hereunder due to network changes or upgrades after providing CLEC notice as required by this Section. Sprint agrees to cooperate with CLEC and/or the appropriate regulatory body in any transition resulting from such discontinuation of service and to minimize the impact to customers, which may result from such discontinuance of service.
Program Changes Contractor agrees to inform the County of any alteration in program or service delivery at least thirty (30) days prior to the implementation of the change, or as soon as reasonably feasible.
Data Subjects The categories of Data Subjects who we may collect Personal Data about may include the following where they are a natural person: the Customer, the directors and ultimate beneficial owner(s) of the Customer, your customers, employees and contractors, payers and payees. You may share with Airwallex some or all of the following types of Personal Data regarding Data Subjects: • full name; • email address; • phone number and other contact information; • date of birth; • nationality; • public information about the data subject; • other relevant verification or due diligence documentation as required under these terms; and • any other data that is necessary or relevant to carry out the Agreed Purposes.
DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE OR HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS The Engineer agrees to comply with the requirements set forth in Attachment H, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise or Historically Underutilized Business Subcontracting Plan Requirements with an assigned goal or a zero goal, as determined by the State.
Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.