BOARDS 2.12.1 The provisions of 2.12.2 apply to the: Enrollment Commission; Yukon Land Use Planning Council; Regional Land Use Planning Commissions; Yukon Development Assessment Board; Yukon Heritage Resources Board; Yukon Geographical Place Names Board; Yukon Water Board; Fish and Wildlife Management Board, including the Salmon Sub-Committee; Renewable Resources Councils; Dispute Resolution Board; Surface Rights Board; Kluane National Park Management Board; and any other entity agreed to in a Yukon First Nation Final Agreement. 2.12.2 Unless otherwise provided in a Settlement Agreement, the following provisions shall apply to a Board: a majority of the members nominated by Yukon First Nations or the Council for Yukon Indians, as the case may be, and a majority of the members nominated by Government shall be residents of the Yukon; the Council for Yukon Indians or Yukon First Nations, as the case may be, and Government, shall put forward their nominees within 60 days of a request by the Minister; appointments of Government nominees shall be made by the Minister as soon as practicable; the Minister shall appoint as soon as practicable those persons nominated by Yukon First Nations or the Council for Yukon Indians, as the case may be; in the event of a vacancy, the Board may discharge its duties with such members as have been nominated and appointed; a member shall not be deemed to be in a position of conflict of interest solely by virtue of being a Yukon Indian Person; members may only be removed for cause, provided however that, in addition to the grounds for removal for cause recognized generally in Law, a Board, may specify additional grounds in its procedures; each Board shall prepare an annual budget for review and approval by Government and the approved expenses of the Board shall be a charge on Government; each Board shall consider including in its annual budget funding to allow the Board to provide its members with cross cultural orientation and education, and other training directed to improving its members' ability to carry out their responsibilities, as well as funding for facilities to allow board members to carry out their responsibilities in their traditional languages; each Board may adopt bylaws for its internal management and may make rules governing its procedures consistent with the Umbrella Final Agreement and with any Legislation establishing the Board; appointments to a Board shall be for a three year term except that the term of initial appointments to a Board may, in the discretion of the nominating party, be less than but not exceed three years and any appointment replacing a member whose term has not expired shall only be for the unexpired portion of that term; and members of Boards shall not be delegates of the parties who nominate or appoint them.
LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Section 1. In order to facilitate communication between labor and management, a Labor Management Committee consisting of the Department Head and/or his designated alternate, the Assistant Chief of Police and two (2) Team Managers, and three (3) representatives of the Lincoln Police Union, along with at least one (1) Team Representative, will make up the Labor Management Committee. The Department Head will designate management personnel and the Union shall select Union representatives. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Department Head or Union President, depending upon who the member represents. Members will serve and be replaced on a staggered system (approximately three (3) year limit) depending upon the schedule agreed upon by the Department Head and the Union President. Section 2. Each Team area will be represented by a member of any rank to serve as spokesperson for that area. They will meet at least one week prior to the monthly Labor Management Committee meeting to formulate the common areas of interest and to elect a spokesperson to present the items in writing to the Labor Management Committee. Payment for attending this meeting will be at the discretion of the Department Head. Spokesperson will be chosen on a rotating basis. Team representatives will be picked by a vote of the Team members that they are representing. Section 3. The Labor Management Committee may discuss any area of the Department, with limitation only on those areas already under agreement between the City and the Union. The agenda will be based on the problem areas brought to the attention of the Committee by the Team Representatives and on any area representative members of Labor Management feel need to be discussed. Topics for discussion will be posted on the Union bulletin board and disseminated to Labor Management Committee members at least one (1) week prior to the monthly meeting. Section 4. Membership is subject to change through attrition and elected office, however, a one (1) week notice must be given to the Committee to afford the new member(s) voting privileges. Section 5. Realizing that communication is the key element to the smooth operation of any organization, the Labor Management Committee will xxxxxx an element of cooperation and unity of organizational members, be they labor or management. Section 6. Meetings shall be held at least once per calendar month. Additional meetings may be scheduled by mutual agreement of the Committee and the Department Head. Section 7. A quorum shall consist of two (2) members from labor and two (2) members from management.