Sick Children Sample Clauses
Sick Children. For the well-being of all children in the program, the Hastings Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Public Health and the Ministry of Education state that parents may not bring ill children to Child Care Centre. If the child is displaying symptoms of ill health including nasal and eye discharge, chest congestion, open sores, fever, vomiting diarrhea, undiagnosed skin rash, acute cough, unusual irritability, fussiness or listlessness, head lice and scabies, parents are required to keep their child at home. If a child becomes ill during the day, staff will isolate the child away from others and provide temporary care (up to 1 hour), until the parent arrives to take the child home. If it is determined that the child has an infectious disease, the child must be isolated from any other children in a well supervised area and removed from the centre as quickly as possible. This requirement is necessary, not only in the interest of your child, but also in the interest of all other children attending the program. If a child contracts an infectious disease, the staff should be notified immediately, so that other parents can be informed and monitor the health of their children. The child may return to the program when the contagious period is over, or as permitted by the Hastings Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Public Health. Children must be free of diarrhea, vomiting 48 hours and a high fever as a result of illness for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours before returning to the program. Parent fees apply to all sick days used. When school buses in Xxxxxx Xxxxxx County are cancelled HUB School Age programs operate. When schools in Xxxxxx Xxxxxx County are closed HUB programs will not operate. Parents are not required to pay for days that the program is closed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Sick Children. Children who become ill cannot remain at the center. Parents/guardians will be notified to pick up the child. If your child has a fever or diarrhea, he/ she must be free from those symptoms for 24 to 48 hours (from the time of pick up) in order to return to school. Children absent from the center with a contagious disease will not be permitted without a signed statement from a physician indicating that the child is no longer contagious. Initials (Due to COVID-19, we will not receive sick children.) Authorization: The Learning Station agrees to obtain written authorization from the parent/guardians before my child participates in routine transportation, field trips, special activities away from the facility, and water-related activities occurring in water that is more than two (2) feet deep. Initials Child Abuse: The State of Georgia requires that all members of child care institutions are on the lookout for, and report to the state, any and all cases of suspected child abuse. This center is obligated to report to the state, any suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect. Initials Picked Up: If a child is to be picked up by someone other than the names listed on the release form, the following steps will be followed;
Sick Children. When a staff member knows or has reason to believe that a child is ill, the parent will be called and asked to take the child home immediately. If the parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact person will be called.
Sick Children. For the well-being of all children in the program, the Hastings Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Public Health and the Ministry of Education state that parents may not bring ill children to Child Care Centre. If the child is displaying symptoms of ill health including nasal and eye discharge, chest congestion, open sores, fever, vomiting diarrhea, undiagnosed skin rash, acute cough, unusual irritability, fussiness or listlessness, head lice and scabies, parents are required to keep their child at home. to 1 hour), until the parent arrives to take the child home. If it is determined that the child has an infectious disease, the child must be isolated from any other children in a well supervised area and removed from the centre as quickly as possible. This requirement is necessary, not only in the interest of your child, but also in the interest of all other children attending the program. If a child contracts an infectious disease, the staff should be notified immediately, so that other parents can be informed and monitor the health of their children. The child may return to the program when the contagious period is over, or as permitted by the Hastings Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Public Health. Children must be free of diarrhea, vomiting 48 hours and a high fever as a result of illness for twenty-four (24) consecutive hours before returning to the program. Parent fees apply to all sick days used. When school buses in Xxxxxx Xxxxxx County are cancelled Hub Preschool Program will not operate. When schools in Xxxxxx Xxxxxx County are closed HUB programs will not operate. Written notice of your withdrawal must be given two weeks in advance; otherwise, program fees will be charged. If you wish to temporarily withdraw your child, you will be placed on a waiting list until a permanent space becomes available. The HUB Child & Family Centre may terminate services if policies contained in this agreement are not followed or fees not paid. This policy and the procedures within provide for waiting lists to be administered in a transparent manner. It supports the availability of information about the waiting list for prospective parents in a way that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of children. The procedures provide steps that will be followed to place children on the waiting list, offer admission, and provide parents with information about their child’s position on the waiting list. This policy is intended to fulfill the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for a child care c...
Sick Children.
1. In the event that a child less than 10 years of age that is the employee’s own child or a child permanently living in the employee’s household suddenly falls ill, the mother or father, or in the latter case the guardian who continuously lives with either the mother or the father in a common household in marriage-like conditions without having entered into marriage (hereinafter the parents), will be paid compensation to organise care for the child or to care for the child in a brief temporary absence under the provisions of this collective agreement on sick pay. The condition for paying compensation is that both parents are gainfully employed and a report is presented on the absence in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement on sick pay. The above also applies to single parents. Only one of the parents will be paid compensation for a single case of illness. If needed, the employer is entitled to receive proof that only one of the parents has taken advantage of the right to absence.
2. As a result of arranging or caring for a sick child, the worker is paid salary for the working days included in a calendar period of not more than four days. When a worker has to leave work during the working day, this is considered to be the first day of the period. The compensation will be paid on the condition that a certificate is presented on the illness of the child and the absence resulting from it, similar to that presented on the illness of an employee under the provisions of the collective agreement or in accordance with the practice possibly adopted in the company. Paid days of absence due to the illness of a child are considered as working days referred to in the Annual Holidays Act.
3. If an employee who is the guardian of an underage child is forced, due to the child’s illness, to remain home to take care of the ill child, this is considered to be an acceptable reason for absence, provided it is immediately notified to the employer.
4. An employee whose child has a serious illness as referred to in section 4 of the Government Decision 1335/04 (Government Decision on the implementation of the Health Insurance Act) is entitled to be absent from work to take part in the care, rehabilitation or counselling concerning care, as referred to in chapter 10, section 2 of the Health Insurance Act, provided that they agree with the employer on the absence in advance.
Sick Children. The Director is entitled to days off with pay to care for a sick dependent child. The Director may take the child to doctor's appointments and dentist appointments during working hours without deduction in pay.
Sick Children. Please do not send along sick children. If a child becomes ill during programme hours, we will contact the child’s parents/caregivers and make the child comfortable until they are collected.
Sick Children. An employee covered by the collective agreement and having at least six months’ sen- iority at the enterprise is entitled to take time off with full wages up to DKK 140.65 per hour, as of 24 February 2020 when required to take care of the employee’s sick child/children under the age of 14 at home. As of 1 March 2021, full wages up to a maximum of DKK 143.85 per hour As of 28 February 2022, full wages up to a maximum of DKK 147.00 per hour This only applies to one of the child's parents and until such time as other care arrange- ments have been made, and only extends to the child's first day of sickness. If the child falls sick during the employee's working day and the employee has to leave work as a consequence hereof, the employee is entitled to take time off for the remain- ing working hours of that day. Payment is from the child’s first full day of sickness If the child continues to be ill after the first full day of sickness, the employee is enti- tled to an additional day off. This day off is taken without wages but the employee will be able to get payment from his/her free-choice scheme. The enterprise may require documentation, e.g. in the form of a solemn declaration. Documentation for the absence due to sick children is considered as having been re- ceived in due time if the employee brings such documentation on the first day after the absence.
Sick Children. For employees with at least six months of seniority, freedom with full pay is given when necessary for the purpose of taking care of the employee’s sick, minor child under 14 stay- ing at home. This is only applicable for the first full day of sickness. If the child falls sick during the employee's working day and the employee has to leave work as a consequence thereof, the employee is entitled to take time off with full pay for the remaining working hours of that day. If the child continues to be sick after the first full day of sickness, the employee is entitled to an additional day off. This day off is taken without pay.
Sick Children o Children who have a rash, fever, pink or weepy eye(s) or other contagious illness should remain at home until they are well. o If a child becomes ill or injured during childcare, the parent will be paged and should come to the childcare area immediately.