Disclosure of Family Violence and Support. (a) An affected Employee may disclose they are experiencing family violence to either their immediate supervisor or the designated contact point.
(b) Where an affected Employee makes a disclosure to their immediate supervisor, the supervisor will advise the designated contact point.
(c) Following consultation with the affected Employee, the relevant supervisor and designated contact point will:
Disclosure of Family Violence and Support. (a) An Affected Employee may disclose they are experiencing Family Violence to either their immediate supervisor or the designated contact point.
(b) Where an Affected Employee makes a disclosure to their immediate supervisor, the supervisor will advise the designated contact point.
(c) Following consultation with the Affected Employee, the relevant supervisor and designated contact point will:
(i) implement reasonable measures to manage any potential risk to health and safety. Such measures may include:
A. changing the Affected Employee’s hours of work, duties, location of work or contact details;
B. advising security staff consistent with the Employer’s occupational violence policy where applicable;
C. any other appropriate measure including those available under existing provisions for family friendly and flexible work arrangements; and/or
D. Changes to work arrangements may be agreed on a temporary or ongoing basis having regard to the circumstance. Periods of review should also be agreed;
(ii) offer the Affected Employee access to the Employer’s ‘Employee Assistance Program’ (EAP) and/or other available local support resources. Where possible, the EAP will include professionals trained in Family Violence; and/or
(iii) provide information regarding current support services.
(d) Where the performance or attendance of an Employee at work suffers as a result of being a victim of Family Violence, the Employer will:
(i) take into account the effect of the family violence; and
(ii) take all reasonable measures to support attendance and / or performance when addressing the Employee’s performance or attendance, taking into account all of the relevant circumstances.
Disclosure of Family Violence and Support. An affected Employee may disclose they are experiencing family violence to either their immediate supervisor or the designated contact point.