Application and Operation of the Agreement. Title 1.1 • Arrangement 1.2 • Objectives of Agreement 1.3 • Commitments 1.4 • Incidence and Persons Bound 1.5 • Commencement Date of Agreement and Duration 1.6
Application and Operation of the Agreement. 1
1. Title 1
2. Arrangement 1
3. Relevant Instrument 4
4. Parties and organisations covered 4 5. Date and Period of Operation 4 6. Objectives of the Agreement 4
Application and Operation of the Agreement.
1.1 PREAMBLE This Agreement provides the cornerstone for IFS and its Employees to create a workplace culture in accordance with company values and to help achieve business objectives. The Agreement also helps to develop an employment relationship between our business and its Employees that caters for the needs of all stakeholders.
1.2 INTRODUCTION Industry Fund Services Ltd partners with Industry Funds to help their members build financial security for retirement with affordable saving, investing and insurance solutions. This Agreement reflects these fundamental objectives and other important elements of our business including terms and conditions of employment of Employees. IFS’s ability to attract, retain and grow our business is determined by the employment terms and conditions that we can offer our staff and sets us apart from our competitors, as well as being reflective of our strategy to partner with Industry Super Funds.
1.3 IFS’ INTENT We exist to be an aligned partner with our client funds to provide valued services to benefit their members. We do that by providing high quality, low cost products and services, in members’ best interest. That is why we are proud of who we are and what we do.
Application and Operation of the Agreement. 4
1.1 Agreement Title and Parties 4
1.2 Commencement and Date of Operation 4
1.3 Scope of the Agreement 4 1.4 Aim of the Agreement 5
1.5 Savings Clause 5
1.6 No Extra Claims 5
1.7 The National Employment Standards (“NES”) and this Agreement 5 1.8 Definitions 7 1.9 Dispute Settlement 9 1.10 Consultation Regarding Major Change 11
Application and Operation of the Agreement. 1.1 This Agreement shall be known as the Caterpillar Logistics Services Collective Union Agreement 2007.
Application and Operation of the Agreement. 3. SCOPE All Staff
Application and Operation of the Agreement. AGREEMENT TITLE
Application and Operation of the Agreement. Clause Name Notes
Application and Operation of the Agreement. 1 TITLE This Agreement shall be known as the Victorian Public Health Sector Maintenance Multi Employer Agreement 2013-2016.