District Obligation Sample Clauses
District Obligation. The District’s only obligation is to purchase the group insurance policies addressed below and pay such amounts as stated herein. No claim shall be made against the District as a result of a denial of insurance benefits by an insurance carrier.
District Obligation. The parties recognize that the District is not an insurance carrier, and that its only obligation is to make the required contributions. The District shall not be held responsible for the denial of any claim by any insurance carrier.
District Obligation. The District’s only obligation under this agreement is to contribute the appropriate amount to the teacher’s deferred compensation plan. The District has no additional responsibility regarding the security of or financial loss resulting from these or subsequent investments. EMR and its members shall hold the District harmless in the event of any financial, legal or other difficulties encountered in the administration of this program. All concerns relating to the administration of these contributed funds shall be strictly a matter between the teacher and the service provider.
District Obligation. If there are applicants, at least three (3) requests per year shall be approved by the School District. Those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority within the District will be given first consideration. The District will notify applicants by November 1 whether their application is among the minimum three approved requests. For applicants who are not approved by November 1, the District will notify them by May 1 whether the District will approve more than three applications and, if so, whether their applications are approved. If a person is not granted early retirement for the year of initial request and he/she reapplies for the following year, that person will be given preference. However, bargaining unit members whose applications are among the minimum three approved by November 1 shall be prohibited from receiving benefits under this article for two years if they subsequently withdraw their notice of intention to retire”
District Obligation. It is understood that the School District’s only obligation is to pay the above stated amount or a prorated amount pursuant to Article VI, Section A.2 as stated above. The District shall not be liable for any claim made against it as a result of a denial of insurance benefits, IRS Section 125 plan, policy, or administrator. The District makes no expressed or implied warranty as to the performance of any annuity, insurance plan, insurance policy, flexible benefit plan, IRS Section 125 plan, carrier, or administrator.
District Obligation. If there are applicants, at least three (3) requests per year shall be approved by the School District. Those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority within the District will be given first consideration. The District will notify applicants by November 1 whether their application is among the minimum three (3) approved requests. For applicants who are not approved by November 1, the District will notify them by May 1 whether the District will approve more than three (3) applications and, if so, whether their applications are approved. If a person is not granted early retirement for the year of initial request and he/she reapplies for the following year, that person will be given preference, however, for a person whose year of initial request is 2018 or after, if that person is not granted early retirement for the year of initial request and he/she reapplies for the following year, that person will be given preference among applicants with equal District seniority. However, bargaining unit members whose applications are among the minimum three ( 3 ) approved by November 1, shall be prohibited from receiving benefits under this A rticle for two (2) years if they subsequently withdraw their notice of intention to retire.1
District Obligation. It is understood that the School District’s only obligation is to pay the above stated amount or a prorated amount pursuant to Section 8.3 (b) and (c) as stated above. The District shall not be liable for any claim made against it as a result of a denial of insurance benefits/IRS Section 125 plan, flexible benefit plans, health savings accounts or tax-sheltered annuity benefits. The District shall, additionally, not assume liability for an insurance carrier, plan, policy or administrator. The District makes no expressed or implied warranty as to the performance of any annuity, insurance plan, insurance policy, flexible benefit plan, IRS section125 plan, health savings account, carrier, or administrator.
District Obligation. 21.5.1 Full-Time Unit Members:
District Obligation. Payment to the Association of the funds checked off in accordance with this Article shall fully satisfy the obligation of the District.
District Obligation. In return for the state aids generated by the Charter School, the District agrees to provide a discretionary allocation per students with amounts that are consistent with prior history and customary with rest of the district per student for the current school term for students enrolled as of the Third Friday of September of that term or the district allocation for high school students.