Rehiring Sample Clauses
Rehiring. Where employment in the bargaining unit ceases or is terminated and the employee is re- employed at the same College within six (6) years, the employee's service and seniority from the original date of hire shall be counted as unbroken, except that the period of non-employment in the bargaining unit shall not count. This provision shall have no effect on the probationary period to be served on re-employment. The parties agree that such re-establishment of service and seniority shall only occur after the rehiring, if any, has taken place.
Rehiring. 17.4.1 Former employees who are rehired on a permanent (including probationary) basis within twelve (12) months of leaving employment will be credited with: • length of service for benefit, increment and vacation entitlement; • sick and gratuity leave credits (for which they had not been previously paid); and • seniority
17.4.2 Employees rehired on a temporary or casual basis within twelve (12) months will be credited with accumulated length of service as applicable under their current status, including increments.
Rehiring. 15.01 Employees who terminate their employment and are rehired within one (1) year shall not have to serve a probationary period and shall be entitled to seniority from the date of rehire. The employee shall receive the after probation rate of the appropriate job classification.
Rehiring. When rehiring a regular employee within three (3) months of termination, that employee will be considered as a regular employee. Anyone hired after the three (3) months time will be considered as a new employee.
Rehiring. An employee, who terminates his/her employment with the Employer after satisfactorily completing his/her probation period and is rehired within one (1) year into the same job classification, shall not be required to re-serve a probation period.
Rehiring. Teachers, who resign upon retirement but are subsequently rehired, shall be appropriately placed on the salary schedule. They shall maintain sick leave, less the amount, if any, surrendered for the severance benefit under this article, and other fringe benefits which have accrued previous to the time at which they resign upon retirement.
Rehiring. Any employee who terminates her employment with the Employer and is rehired within two (2) months:
a. in the same classification, shall not re-serve the probationary period and shall receive the end of probationary rate upon return;
b. in a new classification, shall re-serve the probationary period and shall receive the end of probation rate upon return unless the rate of the new classification is higher than the employee's former classification. In such a case, the employee will start at the beginning rate.
a. When a seniority employee transfers to a new classification she shall serve a trial period of one hundred and sixty (160) hours worked and if the classification is at a higher level of pay, she shall receive the beginning rate but under no circumstances shall she receive a decrease in pay. If the new classification is at the same or lower level of pay, she shall be paid at the same increment level as her current position. If she or the Employer feel that she cannot fulfill the requirements of the new classification during her trial period, she shall have the right to return to her former classification. During such trial period, the position left vacant will be posted as temporary until a decision is made as to whether the employee remains in the new position.
b. If a seniority employee is temporarily assigned to fill in, in another classification, there shall be no trial period and she shall be paid for all hours worked at either her current rate of pay or at the nineteen hundred (1900) hour level of pay of the classification, whichever is greater.
Rehiring a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 7.02(e) for the purposes of Section VI and VII, employees rehired under this clause shall be given full credit for their seniority accumulated at the time of termination.
b) No students will be hired while any bargaining unit employees (regular) are on lay-off and subject to recall rights.
Rehiring. (1) All coaching positions shall automatically be renewed for the following season unless the Board declares the position open within sixty (60) days following the close of the season or the employee notifies the Board in writing that he or she will not accept the position for the following season.
(2) The Athletic Director or Head/Varsity Coach will recommend to the respective building principal any assistant, JV, or Middle School coach for rehiring or dismissal. The Athletic Director shall recommend to the Senior High School Principal any Head/Varsity coach for rehiring or dismissal.
(3) Recommendations for rehiring will be submitted to the Board within sixty (60) days following the close of the sport season.
(4) No coach will be denied re-employment without written explanation of the reasons for the denial and without an opportunity to respond to such reasons.
(5) Written notification of the Board's action will be sent from the Superintendent's office to all applicants within three (3) days following the Board's action.
Rehiring. If additions of regular employees to the work force are required in the affected job titles, within three (3) years of the last layoff therein, the Company shall proceed as follows before hiring new employees:
(a) Former regular employees who held the affected job title at time of layoff, shall be offered reemployment in their prior job title (or its successor title or for a title of equivalent status for which they qualify), in inverse order in which such employees were laid off, provided:
(1) Their period of xxxxxx has not exceeded three (3) years; and
(2) They are physically able to perform the duties of the work available.
(b) Notice for rehiring shall be mailed by certified or registered letter, return receipt requested, to the employees last mailing address known to the Company’s Human Resources office.
(c) The Company will assume that failure on the part of any former employee to notify the Company within fifteen (15) days concerning acceptance of an offer of reemployment or to report for duty within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the offer constitutes a rejection.
(d) It shall be the responsibility of such former employees to notify the Company’s Human Resources office of their desire for reemployment, and to keep the Company currently informed of their correct address.
(e) Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the engagement of temporary employees in the event of an emergency or to meet peak load or other temporary situations.