EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM. Sixteen (16) IEPs per full time certificated teacher and 6.5 hours of Paraeducator time. When the number of IEPs assigned exceeds sixteen (16) for more than ten
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM. The child-to-teacher ratio shall not exceed a maximum of five (5) full-time children and six (6) part-time children with handicapping conditions in any one (1) Early Childhood classroom. There shall be at least one (1) full-time instructor assistant in each early childhood class. There shall be six (6) to ten (10) children in a classroom at any given time including a minimum of two (2) typically developing peers. Each multi-handicapped student schedule will be determined according to their individual needs based on the multi-disciplinary team's recommendations and the IEP (Individual Education Plan). The schedule may be altered at any time as determined by the team and thus reflected on the IEP.
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM. READY START: Special Education Teacher – Sixteen (16) IEPs per full time certificated teacher and 6.5 hours of Paraeducator time. When the number of IEPs assigned exceeds sixteen (16) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $760 per semester. Fo r each additional IEP over seventeen (17) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $250 per semester. Such payment will be made in a lump sum at the first pay period following the end of the semester date. When the number of IEPs exceeds twenty-three (23) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, a 4-hour Paraeducator will be added. When the number if IEPs exceeds twenty-seven (27) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, another 1.0 certificated special education teacher and a 6.5 hour Paraeducator will be added. PHONOLOGY SLP – Sixteen (16) IEPs per full time certificated SLP and 6.5 hours of Paraeducator time. When the number of IEPs assigned exceeds sixteen (16) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $760 per semester. For each additional IEP over seventeen (17) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $250 per semester. Such payment will be made in a lump sum at the first pay period following the end of the semester date. When the number of IEPs exceeds twenty-three (23) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, a 4-hour Paraeducator will be added. When the number of IEPs exceeds twenty-seven (27) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, another 1.0 certificated SLP and a 6.5 hour Paraeducator will be added. TEACHERS OF THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED (TVI) – Caseloads will be (28) IEPs per full- time certificated teacher. The TVI department will have a minimum of one (1) 6.5 hour paraeducator and one (1) braillist. All TVIs will be provided with 4 release days per FTE (prorated) per school year for completion of assessments. No monetary compensation provided for unused days.
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM. 2 Each employee shall be assigned to a definite and regular shift and workweek. However, shifts may be 3 altered by the supervisor on short notice due to participant attendance. Early Childhood Program 5 given day or shift. If an employee reports to work and finds that his/her shift has been canceled prior 6 to the employee beginning work, he/she will work one (1) hour and will be paid one (1) hour’s wage.
EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM. Sixteen (16) IEPs per full time certificated teacher and 6.5 hours of Paraeducator time. When the number of IEPs assigned exceeds sixteen (16) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $760 per semester. For each additional IEP over seventeen (17) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, relief will be $250 per semester. Such payment will be made in a lump sum at the first pay period following the end of the semester date. When the number of IEPs exceeds twenty-three (23) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, a 4-hour Paraeducator will be added. When the number if IEPs exceeds twenty-seven (27) for more than ten (10) consecutive days, another 1.0 certificated special education teacher and a 6.5 hour Paraeducator will be added.


  • Leave Donation Program Employees may donate paid leave to a fellow employee who is otherwise eligible to accrue and use sick leave and is employed by the same Agency. The intent of the leave donation program is to allow employees to voluntarily provide assistance to their co-workers who are in critical need of leave due to the serious illness or injury of the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family. The definition of immediate family as provided in rule 123:1-47-01 of the Administrative Code shall apply for the leave donation program. A. An employee may receive donated leave, up to the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work each pay period, if the employee who is to receive donated leave: 1. Or a member of the employee's immediate family has a serious illness or injury; 2. Has no accrued leave or has not been approved to receive other state-paid benefits; and 3. Has applied for any paid leave, workers' compensation, or benefits program for which the employee is eligible. Employees who have applied for these programs may use donated leave to satisfy the waiting period for such benefits where applicable, and donated leave may be used following a waiting period, if one exists, in an amount equal to the benefit provided by the program, i.e. fifty six hours (56) pay period may be utilized by an employee who has satisfied the disability waiting period and is pending approval, this is equal to the seventy percent (70%) benefit provided by disability. B. Employees may donate leave if the donating employee: 1. Voluntarily elects to donate leave and does so with the understanding that donated leave will not be returned; 2. Donates a minimum of eight hours; and 3. Retains a combined leave balance of at least eighty hours. Leave shall be donated in the same manner in which it would otherwise be used except that compensatory time is not eligible for donation. C. The leave donation program shall be administered on a pay period by pay period basis. Employees using donated leave shall be considered in active pay status and shall accrue leave and be entitled to any benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled. Leave accrued by an employee while using donated leave shall be used, if necessary, in the following pay period before additional donated leave may be received. Donated leave shall not count toward the probationary period of an employee who receives donated leave during his or her probationary period. Donated leave shall be considered sick leave, but shall never be converted into a cash benefit. D. Employees who wish to donate leave shall certify: 1. The name of the employee for whom the donated leave is intended; 2. The type of leave and number of hours to be donated; 3. That the employee will have a minimum combined leave balance of at least eighty hours; and 4. That the leave is donated voluntarily and the employee understands that the donated leave will not be returned. E. Appointing authorities shall ensure that no employees are forced to donate leave. Appointing authorities shall respect an employee's right to privacy, however appointing authorities may, with the permission of the employee who is in need of leave or a member of the employee's immediate family, inform employees of their co-worker's critical need for leave. Appointing authorities shall not directly solicit leave donations from employees. The donation of leave shall occur on a strictly voluntary basis.

  • Substance Abuse Program The SFMTA General Manager or designee will manage all aspects of the FTA-mandated Substance Abuse Program. He/she shall have appointing and removal authority over all personnel working for the Substance Abuse Program personnel, and shall be responsible for the supervision of the SAP.

  • Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.

  • Emergency Mode Operation Plan Contractor must establish a documented plan to enable continuation of critical business processes and protection of the security of electronic County PHI or PI in the event of an emergency. Emergency means any circumstance or situation that causes normal computer operations to become unavailable for use in performing the work required under this Agreement for more than twenty-four (24) hours.

  • E-Verify Program Grantee certifies that it utilizes and will continue to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to determine the eligibility of: A. all persons employed to perform duties within Texas during the term of the Grant Agreement; and B. all persons, (including subcontractors) assigned by the Grantee to perform work pursuant to the Grant Agreement within the United States of America.

  • HEALTH PROGRAM 3701 Health examinations required by the Employer shall be provided by the Employer and shall be at the expense of the Employer. 3702 Time off without loss of regular pay shall be allowed at a time determined by the Employer for such medical examinations and laboratory tests, provided that these are performed on the Employer’s premises, or at a facility designated by the Employer. 3703 With the approval of the Employer, a nurse may choose to be examined by a physician of her/his own choice, at her/his own expense, as long as the Employer receives a statement as to the fitness of the nurse from the physician. 3704 Time off for medical and dental examinations and/or treatments may be granted and such time off, including necessary travel time, shall be chargeable against accumulated income protection benefits.

  • Retirement Program Any employee employed prior to October 1, 1977, working at least seventy (70) hours per month shall by law be a member of the Washington Public Employees Retirement system (PERS) Plan One. Any employee working at least seventy (70) hours per month, entering employment on or after October 1, 1977, shall by law be a member of the School Employees Retirement System, Plan Two or Three. The District shall provide each new employee information concerning PERS or SERS membership benefits.

  • Sick Leave Donation Program A Labor Management Committee will be established for the purpose of proposing rules and procedures for a new, program. The LMC will be to develop consistent, transparent and equitable proposals for processes across all departments within the City. The LMC shall also explore proposals to lower the minimum leave bank required to donate sick leave and permit donation of sick leave upon separation from the City. The LMC must consult with the Office of Civil Rights to ensure compliance with the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative. Once the LMC has developed its list of proposals, the City and Coalition of City Unions agrees to reopen each contract on this subject.

  • Alcohol Testing Alcohol testing will be conducted by using an evidential breath testing device (EBT) approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Non-EBT devices may be used for initial screening tests. A screening test will be conducted first. If the result is an alcohol concentration level of less than 0.02, the test is considered a negative test. If the alcohol concentration level is 0.02 or more, a second confirmation test will be conducted. Levels of .04 or greater on the confirmation test will be considered positive.

  • PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5.1 The Employee agrees to participate in the performance management system that the Employer adopted for the employees of the Employer; 5.2 The Employee accepts that the purpose of the performance management system will be to provide a comprehensive system with specific performance standards to assist the employees and service providers to perform to the standards required; 5.3 The Employer must consult the Employee about the specific performance standards and targets that will be included in the performance management system applicable to the Employee; 5.4 The Employee undertakes to actively focus on the promotion and implementation of the key performance indicators (including special projects relevant to the employee’s responsibilities) within the local government framework; 5.5 The criteria upon which the performance of the Employee shall be assessed shall consist of two components, Operational Performance and Competencies both of which shall be contained in the Performance Agreement; 5.6 The Employee’s assessment will be based on his performance in terms of the outputs/outcomes (performance indicators) identified as per attached Performance Plan, which are linked to the KPAs, and will constitute 80% of the overall assessment result as per the weightings agreed to between the Employer and Employee; 5.7 The Competencies will make up the other 20% of the Employee’s assessment score. The Competencies are spilt into two groups, leading competencies (indicated in blue on the graph below) that drive strategic intent and direction and core competencies (indicated in green on the graph below), which drive the execution of the leading competencies. Strategic direc on and leadership People management Program and project management Financial management Change leadership Governance leadersip Moral competence Planning and organising Analysis and innova on Knowledge and informa on management Communica on Results and quality focus