Elementary School At the request of the Superintendent, elementary school teachers that teach all the student contact time on a daily basis will be paid for an additional hour at an hourly rate based upon their contractual daily rate of pay for a maximum of 180 days. Teachers will not be required to spend additional time beyond their regular day. All scheduling options must have been exhausted before an administrator will receive permission for this variance. The appeal process for this variance is defined in the Staffing Plan.
Elementary Schools a. Elementary Leaders
High School At the request of the Superintendent, a high school teacher may volunteer on a semester basis to teach all the student contact time and be paid one sixth (1/6) of his/her salary for the semester. This section shall not be used to circumvent the hiring of additional full time teachers.
Elementary Teachers Elementary teachers’ day shall be eight-ten a.m. to three forty p.m. (8:10 – 3:40), with a forty (40) minute lunch period. All elementary teachers shall be guaranteed a duty-free uninterrupted lunch period of at least forty (40) minutes. The only exception to this policy shall be when weather conditions are such that the elementary children cannot be sent out of doors. In these cases, the building principal will assign the necessary teachers and other personnel to supervise through the noon period. These assignments shall be on a rotating basis. Elementary teachers K-5 shall normally have a guaranteed break during recess periods. Exceptions to this policy shall be when weather/emergency situations are such that the elementary children cannot be sent outdoors. In these cases, the building principal will assign the necessary teachers and other personnel to properly supervise students during these periods on a rotating basis. It is understood and agreed classroom paraprofessionals may be removed by the Administration from their classroom assignment to implement this provision. If qualified paraprofessionals are not available and already in a building to implement this provision, a staff member representative may request a meeting with the principal and Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee to review the matter and discuss possible alternative solutions.
Elementary a minimum of 250 minutes weekly for a full 5-day week (no less than a 30-minute block of time on each day)
High Schools Wherever possible, no more than eighty students shall be tested at any one time.
People in this context are the recipients of services provided by the local authority, or the direct beneficiaries of its activities. They can be of any age, for example:- residents of local authority homes; clients of, for example, social workers and home carers; pupils of schools in the local authority’s area; users of libraries and leisure facilities; recipients of local authority services, including public health services; those who benefit from local authority inspection and registration activities; users of cafes, restaurants and other businesses, who benefit from local authority inspection and enforcement activities. Those who are "beneficiaries" or recipients will not necessarily be happy with the relevant activities, for example, abused children removed from their families, restaurant owners being inspected for compliance with hygiene regulations.
Teaching Loads The range of teaching loads, number of preparations and number of pupil contacts required should provide for effective instruction and meaningful teacher-student interaction. DPS and the Association agree to work together to seek increased state funding to decrease class size. The principal shall report to the CSC, after the roster verification process, the number of students in each class and this will be published in the CSC minutes on the school’s website. For the purposes of this section, a “class” shall be defined as any general education, including electives and model one classes. Upon request, after the roster verification process, the District shall provide the Association with the student information management system data regarding class enrollment.
Elementary Planning Time [a] All elementary schools will allow for teacher planning and collaboration time one (1) day each week, as approved by the Board, by shortening that day and proportionately lengthening the remaining days in the week. In the event that the early-out day falls on a holiday, no early-out planning time will be provided for that week. [b] The planning time is to be used for individual or group planning activities. Exceptions such as faculty meetings, training or other routine school activities shall be agreed upon by the JSSC. [c] The total time for students to be in the class shall meet the state requirements and the total teacher time shall meet contract obligations.
Use of School Buildings The ASSOCIATION and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings. This use must be within the hours when custodians are regularly employed and within accepted school policy.