Special Teachers. Special teachers who are assigned to a building on a full time basis shall have a workday and lunch period which corresponds to the building to which they are assigned. Special teachers who are not assigned to a building on a full time basis shall have a workday and lunch period which corresponds to the level (Elementary, Middle School or High School) to which they are assigned for most of their time.
Special Teachers. Substitute teachers shall be provided, if available from the approved sub list, for “special area” teachers who are absent. Teachers included in this category are: special education, art, music, band, physical education, foreign language, home economics, and industrial arts.
Special Teachers. The Board will work toward the goal of employing a sufficient number of specialized elementary teachers to teach all physical education and music classes.
Special Teachers. Special teachers including secondary media specialists will be insured all rights and privileges of other teachers. Elementary Special teachers shall have uninterrupted preparation time scheduled each day in the same fashion as is provided to elementary classroom teachers in the grade level building where the special teacher spends more than half of her/his assignment. A specialist will not be required to teach more than the equivalent of four (4) instructional periods in a row without a ten (10) minute break except by the mutual agreement between the affected member and the administrator. Scheduling for special teachers must take into consideration location and intra-building travel time for those teaching from a cart.
Special Teachers. Preparation Time Every reasonable effort will be made to provide special teachers with thirty (30) consecutive minutes each day for a planning period. Any teacher not receiving thirty (30) minutes daily will be guaranteed a total of one hundred fifty (150) minutes per week. Time herein provided will be in addition to thirty (30) minutes lunch time and travel time.
Special Teachers. A. The determination to employ personnel for specialized programs and/or increases to the staff, shall remain the sole prerogative of the School Committee as authorized by law.
B. The Superintendent shall give due consideration to each request presented and substantiated by the Burlington Educators Association. The Superintendent will adjudicate each request on a priority basis giving due consideration to the educational need of the district and the community's ability and willingness to support additional specialized personnel. He will then submit his recommendations to the School Committee.
Special Teachers. A. The Board shall employ special teachers whose regularly assigned duties shall consist of instruction in their area of competency. Those teachers employed as teachers of art, physical education, music, speech therapy, library science, reading and as nurse-teachers shall assume responsibilities which are in effect comparable in time and nature to the regularly assigned classroom teachers within the school to which they are assigned.
B. In the event that a teacher travels between schools or serves in several schools, this matter should be taken into consideration when assigning teachers to duties outside of the classroom.
C. Where there is a question regarding duty assignments of special teachers, the matter shall be resolved by consultation with the teacher, the FUSE representative within the school, and the Principal. If it cannot be resolved at that level, the teacher and the FUSE representative may consult with the Superintendent (or designee) so that an equitable arrangement can be resolved.
D. As with all personnel it is expected that special teachers shall assist in those
Special Teachers. In cases where special teachers (such as art, music, physical education) are used, the regular teacher will not be required to remain in the classroom at the same time the special teacher is present, except in cases of emergency. This time shall be used as a preparation and/or planning time by the regular classroom teacher.
Special Teachers. Special teachers who are required by their schedules to transfer from one school to another during lunch period shall not be required to perform non-teaching duties in either school during their lunch period.
Special Teachers. Attendance by the regular classroom teacher at special classes, (physical education, art, music and library), conducted by a specialist at the elementary level normally shall not be required. In special cases, where the educational program dictates a need for same, the building principal may require the classroom teacher to be in attendance. In order to satisfy the additional requirement for physical education at the elementary level, the elementary classroom teachers shall assume the responsibility for implementing the lesson plans created by the specialist.