ELEMENTARY MUSIC. ‌ The elementary music MBU will be compensated for outside programs as follows: $75 per evening concerts, with a limit of six per year. The Extended Educational Service Program rate will be paid for MBUs who choose to supervise each event as requested by the music teacher. The total cost of these programs will not exceed $1,000, per year. G. OVERNIGHT FIELD TRIPS:‌ MBUs who serve as an advisor/chaperone on overnight co-curricular field trips will be paid a stipend of $200 per night.
ELEMENTARY MUSIC. Will attend grade level PLCs at the school they are 30 assigned the end of the day. Individuals with split assignments between 31 elementary and secondary sites are to attend the PLC at the school where they 1 are assigned the majority of the time. Elementary music teachers will also be 2 required to attend District-level PLCs.
ELEMENTARY MUSIC. Elementary music teachers shall be paid at their pro-rated individual contract rate for any instructional time beyond the normal forty (40) thirty-five minute periods per week including four (4) sessions of band per week, provided that by mutual consent of the teacher and Principal the band periods may be longer than thirty-five minutes. If elementary band is discontinued, elementary music teachers will be assigned a normal work schedule of eight, thirty-five minute periods per day.
ELEMENTARY MUSIC. Up to 5 Clubs $800.00 (per event not to exceed 4 hours.) Rate $13.70 Clubs must be approved by principal and CEO/Superintendent before assignment (Drama Club paid by play). (All School band and vocal festivals, Christmas and Spring concerts.)(Four (4) events)(The remuneration is for the person responsible for the program only.) Min


  • Elementary Schools A. Each classroom shall have one text per child when the subject is being taught. Future textbook adoptions will include appropriate supplementary materials when those materials are recommended by the adoption committee. Any consumables or supplementary materials adopted shall be distributed according to the committee’s recommendation prior to implementing the adoption. When adopted, consumables, such as workbooks, will be distributed to each child before required usage of the materials. The joint Curriculum Committee shall be consulted prior to the discontinuance of such materials. (See Article XXVI). Newly employed teachers and all teachers who transfer to a new teaching assignment will be provided appropriate desk top supplies and Board adopted curriculum materials. If a teacher is transferring into a newly created classroom, appropriate furniture will be provided. The parties have agreed to an inventory (reference Appendix Z) of supplies, materials, and furniture. A teacher who is not provided the core inventory by September 1 or within thirty (30) days of assignment shall be entitled to appeal directly through the Federation to the appropriate Transformational Leader or his/her designee. B. Each child found to be without adequate health care, where immediate medical attention is needed, shall be referred by the Board to the appropriate social agency upon notification by the teacher. The teacher shall receive written confirmation of the referral within ten (10) school days. C. No teacher shall be required to supervise or be present in the dining area during a local, state or federal breakfast or lunch program. Such instructional time used for said programs shall be considered planning time for the teacher, at a place of his/her choice, within the building. D. No elementary teacher shall be assigned to teach in an area outside his/her certification, subject to Article IV, G- 4. E. Cafeteria duty shall be voluntary when service is performed by a teacher. F. No bus or other additional duties shall be assigned to an elementary teacher outside the six hour and fifteen minute duty day. G. Elementary teachers shall not be required to be present when other teachers are responsible for presenting materials to the class. If a demonstration lesson is requested by the teacher, he/she will be required to be present. Such requests shall be initiated by the teacher. H. Teachers in bilingual classes shall be capable of teaching in both languages when those bilingual teachers can be found. Volunteers, paraprofessionals or casual employees shall be prohibited from supplanting a teacher in bilingual or ESL programs. However, a paraprofessional ELDP tutor may be used to work under the direction of a regular teacher in the bargaining unit to assist those students who need reinforcement in English for less than a full class day. Regular contract teachers who will agree to obtain certification for bilingual or ESL classes shall be employed or used when teachers with fluency in two or more languages cannot be found. Consultants in these programs shall not replace or displace a teacher. I. Student test results for each elementary school shall be made available on a timely basis for achievement and other Ohio mandated tests and standardized tests when administered. J. When a teacher transfers, a three (3) day notice shall be given when possible. Two

  • Elementary School At the request of the Superintendent, elementary school teachers that teach all the student contact time on a daily basis will be paid for an additional hour at an hourly rate based upon their contractual daily rate of pay for a maximum of 180 days. Teachers will not be required to spend additional time beyond their regular day. All scheduling options must have been exhausted before an administrator will receive permission for this variance. The appeal process for this variance is defined in the Staffing Plan.

  • Elementary a minimum of 250 minutes weekly for a full 5-day week (no less than a 30-minute block of time on each day)

  • Supplementary labour (a) If the Employer wishes to engage supplementary labour to perform work performed by its Employees under this Agreement, the Employer must first consult in good faith with the affected Employees. (b) Following consultation and subject to this clause, the decision whether to engage supplementary labour is a decision of the Employer alone. Any dispute as to the application of this clause will be dealt with under the disputes settlement procedure under clause 11 of this Agreement. The Employer will ensure that all supplementary labour is engaged on lawful terms and conditions. (c) The Parties agree that crane crew will be employed on a direct full-time basis by either the Principal Contractor, Structure Subcontractor / Formworker or crane owner. (d) It is acknowledged that crane crew labour hire is for the purpose of supplementary labour and is temporary in nature. Where there is a requirement for a supplementary crane crew the Parties will consult and agree on alternative short-term arrangements. Examples of where a short-term alternative may be required include: (i) where a task requires the permanent crane crew to be switched to a night shift and a day shift crew is required temporarily (ii) where a crane crew has not yet completed a Project and a new Project has commenced

  • SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX Exhibit A-Local Church Vote Certification Exhibit B-Bill of Sale Exhibit C-Deed(s) Exhibit D-FIRPTA Schedule 3.2-Other Liabilities Schedule 3.4-Financial Statements Schedule 4.3-Subsidiaries Schedule 4.7-Leases & Land Schedule 4.8-Personal Property

  • Supplementary Card a card which is issued by the Bank to the client and/or other person nominated by the client and which is linked to the existing card account of the client;

  • Scoring The number of routes each company operates (Route # 0001-2999, 8000-8199) will be multiplied by 2 to determine the daily number of trips. (Only accidents, breakdowns and service reports related to routes falling in this range will be used for the evaluation). The daily number of trips will be multiplied by 175 to arrive at the annual number of trips. The number of accidents, breakdowns and service complaints will be divided by the total number of trips to calculate a percent figure. Each company’s percentage will be compared to the total average. See below for a sample. BUS COMPANY NUMBER OF TOTAL BKDN PERCENT ACCIDENTS PERCENT2 SERVICE PERCENT3 ROUTES TRIPS BKDN ACCIDENTS REPORTS COMPLAINTS TO TRIPS TO TRIPS TO TRIPS A 360 58680 3 0.01% 27 0.05% 46 0.08% B 48 7824 3 0.04% 4 0.05% 39 0.50% C 123 20049 11 0.05% 9 0.04% 27 0.13% D 91 14833 0.00% 10 0.07% 11 0.07% E 124 20212 20 0.10% 19 0.09% 18 0.09% TOTALS 746 121598 37 0.03% 69 0.06% 141 0.12% To score, if a company’s percentage is less than or equal to the total percentage for that category, the company will be awarded 6 points per category. Percentages greater than the total percentage for each distinct category (Accident, Breakdown, Service Complaints) will be scored according to the following scale: Less than-Equal to Ave. 6 points 0-3% above average 5 points 4-7% above average 4 points 5-8% above average 3 points 9-12% above average 2 points 13-16% 1 points Greater than 17% 0 points Any circumstance whereby a Breakdown or Accident is found by PTS to be ‘Non Reported’ by vendor within the required timeframe (see G-36) will count as (20) ‘Reported’ instances for the purpose of this Contractor Evaluation Scoring.

  • Localization Should any Seller Affiliate and any Customer Affiliate wish to enter into an agreement for the provision of Deliverables, Products and/or Services ("Local Agreement") in the Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, the United States, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa or the United Arab Emirates (as applicable) Local Agreement(s) can be agreed between the Parties and added as Exhibit(s) to this Agreement by way of addendum. The terms of this Agreement shall be incorporated into each such Local Agreement except to the extent that the Local Agreement expressly states that any amendments shall take precedence.

  • Window Coverings No curtains, draperies, blinds, shutters, shades, awnings, screens or other coverings, window ventilators, hangings, decorations or similar equipment shall be attached to, hung or placed in, or used in or with any window of the Building without the prior written consent of Landlord, and Landlord shall have the right to control all lighting within the Premises that may be visible from the exterior of the Building.

  • Cloud Computing The National Institute for Standards and Technology defines cloud computing as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. For more information see NIST Special Publication 800-145. Cloud Service Provider (CSP): A company or institution that offers some component of cloud computing to other businesses or individual, typically Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS), as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. For more information see NIST Special Publication 800-145. Data Access Request (DAR): A request submitted to a Data Access Committee for a specific “consent group” specifying the data to which access is sought, the planned research use, and the names of collaborators and the IT Director. The DAR is signed by the PI requesting the data and her/his Institutional Signing Official. Requester Collaborators and project team members on a request must be from the same organization.