Non-Emergency Transportation Routine medical transportation to and from Medicaid-covered scheduled medical appointments is covered by the non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) broker Medicaid program. This includes transportation via multi-passenger van services and common carriers such as public railways, buses, cabs, airlines, ambulance as appropriate, and private vehicle transportation by individuals. The NEMT broker must approve ambulance, multi-passenger van services, and transportation by common carriers. The MCO must inform enrollees of how to access non-emergency transportation as appropriate.
Emergency Procedures a) ENP providers shall have a written Emergency/Disaster Plan.
Emergency Plan LIDDA shall develop and maintain an Emergency Plan as prescribed in section 2.10.6 Attachment A-1, Statement of Work.
Emergency Management A. Any twelve (12)-month unit member designated as an essential employee by the Superintendent shall have the following work options when schools are closed: