ESTIMATED USAGE. Based on past and/or projected future usage, it is estimated that purchases over the initial three (3) year term of the Contract may approximate $10,000,000 for contract products and services. This estimate was provided solely for the purpose of assisting Bidders in preparing their Response. Orders will be placed by Purchasers (Participating Entities) only on an as needed basis.
ESTIMATED USAGE. The estimated salt usage for the upcoming winter season is in attachment 2022 DOT Salt Quantities. The quantities listed are based upon typical past usage and the amount of material that is currently stockpiled at each location. These estimated quantities reflect a reasonable approximation of the salt required for an “average” winter. They do not represent a minimum or a maximum amount that will be ordered. However, in aggregate, these quantities are expected to be within 25% of the total indicated, either above or below, depending upon the winter.
ESTIMATED USAGE. The current Office and School Supplies Alternate Contract Source has averaged $42,000,000 in purchases annually over the State’s last 3 fiscal years (July 1-June
ESTIMATED USAGE. DSO may render a bill (other than a final bill when service is discontinued or an initial bill) based on estimated usage pursuant to estimating procedures approved by the board, if the bill is rendered:
1. When extreme weather conditions, emergencies, work stoppages, or other circumstances beyond DSO’s control prevent actual meter readings; or
2. When DSO is unable to reasonably obtain access to the member’s premises to read the meter; or
3. When the meter fails to accurately record usage; or
4. When DSO’s automated metering system does not provide all incremental readings; or
5. When a billing error is found, such as an incorrect meter multiplier being applied. DSO may render a bill based on estimated usage as a member’s final or initial bill pursuant to estimating procedures when:
1. The member so requests and any necessary adjustments are made to the bill upon a subsequent actual meter reading by DSO; or
2. An actual meter reading would not show actual member usage, but is used in estimating usage; or
3. An actual meter reading cannot be taken because of a broken meter or other equipment failure. DSO may render a bill based on estimated usage when the member is paying in advance for usage where payments are based upon an estimated or projected average usage. When DSO renders an estimated bill in accordance with this section it shall do the following:
1. Maintain accurate records of the reasons therefore and efforts made to secure an actual reading; and
2. Clearly disclose on the bill that it is based on estimated usage; and
3. Make any appropriate adjustment upon subsequent reading of the meter. All adjusted bills and bills covering more than a one-month period shall be based on increasing the length of the rate blocks according to the number of months involved (the rate blocks shall be doubled for a two-month reading, tripled for a three-month reading, etc.) Adjustments shall not be prorated for less than a one-month period. Adjusted bills shall show the credit due to the member for amounts paid that were based on the member’s readings or DSO’s estimate and shall show the balance due and payable.
ESTIMATED USAGE. The Contract shall be on an as needed, if needed basis. The State makes no guarantee as to the amount of usage that may occur under a resultant contract.
ESTIMATED USAGE. Based on past and/or projected usage by each Participating State, it is estimated that purchases over the initial two year contract term will approximate: New Mexico $310,554.00 Washington $3,130,232.00 Florida $2,095,104.00 Connecticut $695,884.00 Hawaii $45,000.00 Montana n/a Nevada n/a Utah $196,429.00 Virginia $5,663,316.00
ESTIMATED USAGE. For any other hours use of electricity determined by Landlord to be material, and for any use of electricity which is determined by Landlord to be in excess of the service to be provided under the first sentence of subparagraph 7(a)(ii) above, and which is not actually measured, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in monthly installments at the times prescribed for the monthly installments of the Base Rent, amounts, as reasonably estimated by Landlord from time to time, which Tenant would be required to pay for such excess and/or other hours electrical service if the same were actually measured as provided in subparagraph (b)(ii) above.
ESTIMATED USAGE. Since this is a cooperative contract, there is no estimated usage amount. PSA is an optional use cooperative, with no minimum purchase amount, and usage is dependent on PSA cooperative members’ actual needs and available funding. The Offeror is expected to solicit new business with the resulting contract from this RFP. Every city, county, school district, university, special districts and other local government agencies throughout the US are eligible to become PSA members and potentially use this contract. Additionally, nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations will also be eligible for this contract. PSA membership is free, and requires only a Interlocal Purchasing Agreement to be signed between PSA and the joining agency. Federal agencies are excluded from using purchasing cooperatives other than GSA.
ESTIMATED USAGE. For any other hours use of electricity or other utilities determined by Landlord to be material, and for any use of electricity or other utilities which is determined by Landlord to be in excess of the service to be provided under subparagraph 7(a) above, and which is not actually measured, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, in monthly installments at the times prescribed for the monthly installments of the Base Rent, as Additional Services, amounts, as reasonably estimated by Landlord from time to time, which Tenant would be required to pay for such excess or other hours electrical or other utilities service if the same were actually measured as provided in subparagraph 7(b)(i)(B) above.
ESTIMATED USAGE. The contract shall be on an as needed, if needed basis. The State makes no guarantee as to the amount of usage that may occur under a resultant contract.