Ex Officio Members Sample Clauses
Ex Officio Members. The senior administrator of human resources and the state labor relations representative for CSEA will serve as ex-officio members of the committee and with the understanding that the committee may request their attendance for information reasons at any time.
Ex Officio Members. The Board may appoint ex officio non-voting members of committees. Ex officio non-voting members of committees shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of regular committee members, but shall not vote or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum.
Ex Officio Members. Non-public school districts, political subdivisions and state agencies may apply for ex officio, non-voting membership, which application shall be voted upon by the Governing Board and shall require the approval of a majority of Governing Board members at a duly called meeting of the Governing Board at which a quorum is present. The decision of the Governing Board is final.
Ex Officio Members. The Ex-officio Members shall provide inputs and guidance, as and when needed to support the initiatives and activities of the ACCAHZ. The Ex-officio Members shall attend and participate in the Governing Board's meetings.
Ex Officio Members. Ex-officio representatives of related organizations, the business community and the North by Northwest Transportation Foundation may also be invited to participate in NWOTA meetings and work sessions as determined by CC members.
Ex Officio Members. The California Department of Transportation and the San Xxxxxxx Valley Air Pollution Control District may each designate one non-voting representative to serve as an ex officio member of the Board.
Ex Officio Members. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson(s) of the Board shall be ex-officio members of all standing or special committees, with the right to vote.
Ex Officio Members. The Riverside County Fourth District Supervisor and a 14 representative of the 36th Congressional District are appointed Ex-Officio Members, but 15 shall have no voting privileges.
Ex Officio Members. An entity that is pursuing formation of a local public agency that is qualified to join the Agency under the provisions of SGMA and the Act, may submit to the Agency documentation of its formation process. Such documentation shall include:
5.02.01 For an entity going through Sonoma County Local Agency Formation Commission (Sonoma LAFCO):
5.02.02 For an entity going through a special legislative process outside Sonoma LAFCO:
Ex Officio Members. The Committee, may on its own motion, establish Ex Officio positions as the Committee deems advisable under such term limits as the Committee may set, but not to exceed four (4) years unless the Committee re-appoints the Ex Officio position for another term of their choosing. Ex Officio status may be withdrawn at any time by a majority vote of the total number of members currently serving on the Committee. Individuals holding Ex Officio positions shall have the full rights and privileges as other Committee members, except that they shall not have voting privileges.