Voting Membership. The arrangements for appointing the voting membership of the Integration Joint Board are that the Parties must nominate the same number of representatives to sit on the Integration Joint Board. This will be a minimum of three nominees each, or such number as the Parties agree, or the Council can require that the number of nominees is to be a maximum of 10% of their full council membership.
Voting Membership. Member Applicant acknowledges that the membership applied for in this Membership Agreement is subject to rights, obligations, and restrictions specified or referred to in the Co-op Articles, Bylaws, Uniform Conditions of Membership, and other Co-op policies, rules, and regulations, as adopted or amended from time to time. The
Voting Membership. Member Applicant seeks membership in the Co-op in order to obtain benefits of membership, including without limitation:
Voting Membership. 5.1.1 The arrangements for appointing the voting membership of the IJB are that the Parties must nominate the same number of representatives to sit on the IJB. This will be a minimum of three nominees each, or such number as the Parties agree, or the Council can require that the number of nominees is to be a maximum of 10% of their full council membership.
5.1.2 Locally, the Parties will each nominate three voting members.
5.1.3 The Council will nominate councillors to sit on the IJB.
5.1.4 Where the Health Board is unable to fill all its places with non-executive Directors it can then nominate other appropriate people, who must be members of the Health Board to fill their spaces, but at least two must be non-executive members.
Voting Membership. The principal or superintendent of each Member school will identify one person to serve as the Career & Technical Education Representative for each Member school (see attached roles and responsibilities). Other people from Members of the Consortium are encouraged to attend the meeting and provide input when appropriate; however, when a vote is necessary, the Members will be limited to a single vote per Member, except for the Region 2A Regional Coordinator who is a non-voting Member. Votes will be limited to those present or designated proxies.
Voting Membership. 2.1.1 The arrangements for appointing the voting membership of the Integration Joint Board are that the Parties must nominate the same number of representatives to sit on the Integration Joint Board. This will be a minimum of three nominees each, or such number as the Parties agree, or the Council can require that the number of nominees is to be a maximum of 10% of their full council membership.
2.1.2 Locally, the Parties will each nominate four voting members.
2.1.3 The Council will nominate councillors to sit on the Integration Joint Board. Where the NHS Board is unable to fill all its places with non-executive Directors it can then nominate other appropriate people, who must be members of the NHS Board to fill their spaces, but at least two must be non - executive members.
Voting Membership. A majority of the Committee's voting membership shall consist of bargaining unit members;
Voting Membership. Clinical Accountable Officer/ Strategic Director People’s Services (Chair) Deputy Strategic Accountable Officer/ CCG Accountable Officer Chief Finance Officer/Recovery Director Chief Nurse Director of Public Health Associate Director Corporate Governance Meetings will be chaired by the Clinical Accountable Officer (CAO), in the absence of the CAO, the Chief Finance Officer will Chair the meeting. Members of ELT will make every effort to attend meetings in person. In exceptional circumstances, members are permitted to join by telephone and if on leave may send a designated deputy, if appropriate. A GP Governing Body member may be invited to attend when an expert GP opinion, or independent Lay input is required. Other senior managers will be invited to attend where appropriate to present specific agenda items.
Voting Membership. Accountable Officer/ Executive Director Integrated Health & Care (Chair) Medical Director/ Deputy CCG Chair (Deputy Committee Chair) Chief Finance Officer Director Commissioning, Primary Care & Transformation Chief Nurse Director of Public Health Director of Adult Social Services Associate Director Corporate Governance Meetings will be chaired by the Accountable Officer/ Executive Director Integrated Health & Care (AO), in the absence of the AO, the Medical Director/ Deputy CCG Chair will Chair the meeting. Members of ELT will make every effort to attend meetings in person. In exceptional circumstances, members are permitted to join by telephone and if on leave may send a designated deputy, if appropriate. A GP Governing Body member may be invited to attend, in the absence of the Medical Director, when an expert GP opinion is required, or a Governing Body Lay member where independent Lay input is required.
Voting Membership a. For the purpose of conducting the business of the CoC, each Individual Member in good standing who meets the conditions set forth in section 3.6.c. shall be eligible to be a voting member of the CoC.
b. Each Organizational Member in good standing may name up to five (5) Individual Members to serve as its designated voting members.
c. No more than five (5) Individual Members affiliated with a corporation (staff, board, volunteer), regardless of CoC Organizational Member status, may vote.
d. No employee of or contractor for the Lead Agency may be a voting member of the CoC.