Exigency Sample Clauses

Exigency. The university may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this agreement without notice in the event of an exigency that would make continued operation of student housing and/or dining service not feasible.
Exigency. The University may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this contract without notice in the event of an exigency that would make continued operation of the residence hall infeasible. In the event the resident’s assigned accommodations are destroyed or otherwise made unavailable and the University does not provide other accommodations, the contract shall terminate, all rights and liabilities of the parties shall cease and rental payments previously made shall be refunded on a prorated basis.
Exigency. The University may terminate, delay or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this RLA, with or without notice, in the event of an exigency, delay, failure of performance, or circumstance that would make continued operation of the residence or residential housing unfeasible, inadvisable, impossible, illegal, or excusable, including but not limited to any cause beyond the reasonable control of University, including, without limitation, acts of God, natural disasters, strikes, disturbances of peace, riots, war, insurrection, acts of terrorism, governmental action, government shutdowns, government issued states of emergency, quarantine restrictions, epidemics, or other emergencies including planned or unplanned closures of the University campus for public health, welfare, or safety purposes (each, a “Force Majeure Event”).
Exigency. The Residence Life Office may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this agreement without notice in the event of an exigency making continued operation or student housing not feasible or when the Residence Life Office believes a resident of a temporary assignment cannot be placed within a reasonable time period.
Exigency. The Housing Office may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this agreement without notice in the event of an exigency making continued operation or student housing not feasible or when the Housing Office believes a resident of a temporary assignment cannot be placed within a reasonable time period.
Exigency. Exigency may be declared if the President finds that the current or projected budget of Oregon Tech has insufficient funds to do any of the following: (i) Maintain all essential programs and services; (ii) Finance the full compensation of all employees of Oregon Tech;
Exigency. The College may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any part of this contract without notice in the event of an emergency, act of God, force majeure, other exigency, or public health situation that would make continued operation for the Housing and Residence Life non-feasible or impractical. Any refunds for non-temporary suspension of the contract will be handled as specified above.
Exigency. A reduction in budgetary allocation for salaries and benefits of members, or lay-off of for reasons, shall occur only in event of, and only to the extent required by, a FIDE case of financial exigency as declared and confirmed pursuant to this Article. to a of a state of financial the President shall consult the Joint Committee to Administer the Agreement, and shall report to the Board in writing, with copies to the University Senate and the Union that, in opinion, the University is in a state of financial exigency. From the date of of the President under until the conclusion of the procedures envisioned in this Article, no personnel shall he appointed or hired, save in exceptional circumstances and after seven (7) days' notice to the Executive of the Union. In the event that the Union does not agree that the University is in a state of exigency, or while agreeing that there is a financial exigency, the Union does not agree with the University on the dollar amount of reduction in the budgetary allocation for salaries and benefits for members, an Exigency Committee be constituted within thirty (30)days of the President's Report to determine whether and to what extent the University's financial condition constitutes a financial exigency, i.e., a genuine involving the long-term solvency of the University. The Exigency Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members from outside the Xxxxx University community, and shall not include any person who has had any interest in the matters coming before the Committee or who is acting, or has, within a period of six (6) months preceding the date of appointment, acted as solicitor, counsel or agent of either of the Parties. The Parties shall attempt to appoint the members the Exigency Committee jointly, but if they cannot agree, one (I) member shall be appointed by the University and one (I) by the Union, with the third, the Chair, chosen by these two or, if they cannot agree, by the Chief Justice of Ontario. The Exigency Committee shall meet within thirty (30) days of its appointment and shall report its findings to the Board of Trustees, with copies to the Union and the Senate, within sixty (60) days of its first meeting. The report shall be a public document and copies shall be made available by the Board to all interested parties. The University shall be responsible for all fees and expenses incurred in the Committee's investigation. The Exigency Committee shall establish its own procedures and shall have power to...
Exigency. The parties agree that the process of long-range planning should obviate the possibility of a financial exigency occurring. However, the parties further agree that in the unlikely event of a financial exigency, in view of the ramifications to the careers of academic staff members, an orderly and equitable way of dealing with the situation is essential. As as the University perceives that a financial exigency exists, it will convey this information to the Faculty Association in writing, indicating the nature of the problem, its probably magnitude and impact on the careers of members of the academic staff. The Faculty Association, through its representatives, will be fully consulted by the University officers concerned and will be provided with detailed financial and budgetary information and such long-range projections as can be based on that information. The parties agree that the following steps will be taken before there is any reduction in the number of academic staff members: reduce expenditure equitable to the extent feasible: reduce academic expenditure to the extent feasible; make no further term appointments for the year in which the financial problem is predicted, except to meet critical program needs which cannot otherwise be met: offer early retirement to appropriate academic staff members, under the terms of the pension plan: as required, assign academic staff members partly or wholly to vacancies in other areas of the University, within their academic competence with no reduction in rank or status: make no further appointments unless a position cannot be filled by an inside transfer and is necessary to maintain the proposed level of operation; undertake other similar measures where possible. When the parties have agreed which of the above steps will be undertaken, they will attempt to determine whether a financial exigency continues to exist, its total amount, and the of that amount which is to be borne by reduction in the number of academic staff members. If the University and the Association agree that there is no exigency, the University will proceed with the jointly planned procedures, and the matter of exigency ends. If the Faculty Association and the University agree that an exigency exists and further agree on the portion to be borne by reduction in the number of academic staff members, the University will proceed with consequent notices to the academic staff members concerned, according to the procedures specified in If there is a disa...

Related to Exigency

  • Reasonable Suspicion a. Reasonable suspicion to test a Covered Employees for illegal drugs or alcohol will exist when specific, reliable objective facts and circumstances would create a good faith belief in a prudent person that the employee has used a drug or alcohol. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, the employee’s behavior or appearance while on any SFMTA jobsite, while on SFMTA business or in SFMTA facilities, and recognized and accepted symptoms of intoxication or impairment caused by drugs or alcohol, that are not reasonably explained by other causes such as fatigue, lack of sleep, proper use of prescription drugs, or reaction to noxious fumes or smoke. b. Any individual or employee can report an employee who may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Upon receiving a report of possible alcohol or illegal drugs on the job, two (2) trained employer representatives will verify and document the basis for the suspicion and request testing. The first employer representative shall verify and document the employee’s appearance and behavior based on the above-stated indicators and, if appropriate, recommend testing to the second employer representative. At work locations within the border of the City and County of San Francisco (including San Francisco International Airport), the second employer representative shall verify and document the appearance and behavior of the employee based on the above-stated indicators and has final authority to require the employee to be tested. At work locations outside the border of the City and County of San Francisco, the second employer representative shall confer with the first employer representative to verify the employee’s behavior based on the above- stated indicators, and the second employer representative has the final authority to require the employee to be tested. In the event only one trained employer representative is available onsite, the representative shall confer with any other trained employer representative within the City to verify the employee’s behavior. The second trained employer representative shall have the final authority to require the employee to be tested. c. If the SFMTA requires an employee to be tested under reasonable suspicion, then the employee may ask for representation. Representation may include, but is not limited to, union representatives and shop stewards. If the employee requests representation, the SFMTA may allow a reasonable amount (a maximum of one hour) of time for the employee to obtain representation. Such request shall not delay the administration of the tests for more than one hour from the time the employee is notified that the employee will be tested. d. Moreover, if the SFMTA has reasonable suspicion or suspect that a prescription medication may have interfered with or may have had a direct impact on an employee’s job performance, it may require that employee to be tested. e. The department representative(s) shall be required to accurately document and file the incident and the employee shall be required to complete a consent form prior to any testing. If an employee refuses to Submit to testing, then the SFMTA shall treat the refusal as having tested positive and shall immediately take appropriate disciplinary action pursuant to the attached discipline matrix. f. The SFMTA shall bear the costs for any required testing for alcohol and/or drugs under this section. Any counseling and rehabilitation services shall be on the employee’s time and at the employee’s cost, except that employees may use accrued paid time off to attend treatment and may utilize any resources covered by insurance. Employees shall have the right to use any accrued but unused leave balances while enrolled in any counseling or rehabilitation program. Any request by an employee to re-test a specimen shall be at the employee’s cost.