Academic Rank Sample Clauses
Academic Rank. A. At the time of an official appointment, a unit member shall be assigned a designated rank. This designation shall be confirmed annually or by the semester as determined by the appropriate administrator.
B. Unit members shall be assigned the title of Lecturer (part-time) I, II, or III in accordance with Article
Academic Rank. 9.1.1 Eligible instructional faculty, Librarians, and Counsellors will hold academic rank. Academic rank is restricted to Tenure-Track, Tenured, and Full-Time Limited-Term appointees.
9.1.2 The titles for eligible instructional faculty will be at the rank of, in ascending order, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.
9.1.3 The titles for Librarians will be at the rank of, in ascending order, Librarian I, Librarian II, and Librarian III.
9.1.4 The titles for Counsellors will be at the rank of, in ascending order, Counsellor I, Counsellor II, and Counsellor III.
9.1.5 English as an Additional Language Instructor, Faculty Development Coordinator, Faculty School Advisor, Instructional Assistant, Learning Skills Specialist, Nursing Resource Professional, Science Lab Instructor, Science Lab Supervisor, University Preparation Instructor, and Writing and Learning Consultant are positions without academic rank.
9.1.6 Promotion to an academic rank beyond Assistant Professor, Librarian I, or Counsellor I will only be made after materials are submitted to a Tenure and Promotion Committee. The criteria for recommending Promotion are set out in Article 10.
Academic Rank. A. Promotion Upon Attaining Tenure
Academic Rank. Xxxx X. Xxxxx College is dedicated to supporting the professional growth and success of its faculty. Progression in academic rank is awarded to faculty who achieve excellence in work that directly benefits students. Progression in rank will be granted to full-time faculty members who achieve the levels of excellence described below in the “Criteria for Promotion” and who are approved by the President and Board of Trustees. Academic rank at Xxxx X. Xxxxx College includes the following designations: Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, and Professor Emeritus. Rank designations above the instructor level require full-time employment & the faculty member to be on a tenured appointment by the College.
Academic Rank. Determination of faculty rank is based on continued education, experience, longevity, and review which shall include objective evidence of excellence in the delivery of instruction; service to the college and/or District and the profession; and service to the community. Placement is as follows: Instructor All bargaining-unit faculty members initial placement unless otherwise determined at hire*. Assistant Professor Faculty receive this rank upon being awarded tenure, having completed 5 continuous years at IECC full-time teaching, and have an earned Bachelor’s degree. Associate Professor Faculty are eligible for this rank if they are tenured, have completed 10 continuous years at IECC full-time teaching, have an earned Bachelor’s degree and 57.6 C.E.U.’s** or and earned Master’s degree. Faculty must apply for this rank and pass review of the Faculty Rank Committee***. Professor Faculty are eligible for this rank if they are tenured, have competed 15 continuous years at IECC full-time teaching, have an earned either: a.) A Bachelor’s degree and an additional 28.8 C.E.U.’s** beyond the 57.6 required for the rank of Associate Professor, or b.) A Master’s degree plus 18 graduate hours in a single academic discipline. Faculty must apply for this rank and pass review of the Faculty Rank Committee***. On the effective date of this contract, any full-time faculty member who has been a full-time faculty member prior to September 1, 2002, will not have to satisfy 18 graduate hours in a single academic discipline beyond a Master’s degree to be eligible for this rank if they are tenured, have completed 15 continuous years at IECC full-time teaching and have an earned Master’s degree. Any full-time faculty member who became a full-time faculty member after September 1, 2002, must have 18 graduate hours in a single academic discipline beyond their Master’s degree. Faculty members who want to apply for the rank of Associate Professor or Professor must submit their application to the Director of Human Resources, either in writing or electronically, by mid-term of the Spring semester. A faculty member’s ranking will be determined 60 days after the last instructional day in May each academic year. *The Administration may confer a rank during initial hiring that recognizes prior higher education teaching experience and previous rank held at other respective institutions. **All C.E.U. requests intended for use in the academic rank process, regardless of when they were earned, ...
Academic Rank.
A. Instructor. Adjunct faculty members will hold the rank of Instructor.
Academic Rank. The criteria and procedures for designation of academic rank for new full-time faculty members and for promotion of current faculty are detailed in Procedure P4108, Academic Rank. Professional Advancement Credits are the units used in this process and documented each year through faculty submission of a portfolio of their professional development activities. All full-time faculty are required to submit this portfolio, regardless of their academic rank, as documentation of their institutional service and professional development activities during the preceding year.
Academic Rank. All full-time faculty members (excluding the Technical Personnel) shall be assigned one of the following five (5) ranks: Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Distinguished Professor
Academic Rank. A. Appointment to the faculty of Monmouth University represents recognition of educational attainment, scholarly accomplishments, and evidence of the ability to communicate with and motivate individuals to learn. The faculty rank designations represent cumulative accomplishments and increased teaching effectiveness, scholarship as reflected in degrees and certifications earned from institutions of recognized quality particularly at the graduate level, honors won, scholarly and professional accomplishment, educational leadership, intellectual breadth, and creativity, all of which will stand the test of peer and collegial judgment within the institution and the test of the relevant general academic and professional standards.
1. Ranks for full-time faculty members are Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor (Including those designated as Lecturer and Specialist Professor). The minimum qualifications for the various ranks are as described below. Fulfillment of the minimum qualifications for the rank shall not guarantee appointment to that rank.
2. Librarians shall hold faculty rank plus the title of Librarian, Associate Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Instructor Librarian, respectively. The minimum requirements for academic ranks for Librarians shall be as designated for all academic ranks.
B. Minimum Qualifications for Ranks
1. Non Tenure Track Full Time Appointments
a. Instructor. Instructorships are one-year appointments to fill unoccupied full-time faculty lines or flexibility lines established for a defined term to meet unanticipated shifts in enrollment. Minimum qualifications for appointment to an instructorship:
(1) An earned Master's degree, or its equivalent, in the appropriate discipline, or progress more than equivalent to a Master's degree in an approved doctoral program in the appropriate discipline, and
(2) Demonstrated potential for effective teaching (or librarianship at a college library) as attested to by those able to render judgments on the candidate's ability to communicate with and to relate to others; or successful teaching experience.