Exploitation Plan Sample Clauses
Exploitation Plan. This is the guiding document prepared by THE CONTRACTOR pursuant to Clauses 9 and 10 hereto, in order to carry out the technical, efficient, and economic exploitation of each Exploitation area, and it shall contain, among other aspects, the calculation of the Hydrocarbon reserves, the Hydrocarbon Production forecasts for short and mid term, an Abandonment program, and the Exploitation Works Programs for the remainder of the current Calendar Year or for the Next Calendar Year.
Exploitation Plan. The exploitation plan focuses on the promotion of the SHIELD framework, highlight the advantages of using it in different SPD emerging applications as well as in enhanced SPD needs coming from the applications already addressed in the project. SHIELD will give opportunity to industries and SMEs to acquire know-how and the possibility to exploit results in order to reach the following (but not limited to) main objectives: • Consolidate the competences • Identify new possible application scenarios of SPD technology • Introduce new commercial products • Contribute to regulatory bodies with an effective services and technology architecture proposal The current section describes, at partner level, the exploitation plan, both for academia and industries.
Exploitation Plan. IMPREX Exploitable results Version 1.1, April 2019 Legend Result Short description the product / knowledge created
Exploitation Plan. Year 2. In this document, we will detail the changes from this previous document and complete it with new content. The general exploitation plan for micro-ROS should provide details about how the project results will be positioned in the market. Such details will be discussed through: a) project's vision, b) strategic approach to materialize the vision, c) target customers, d) competition and SWOT analysis, e) unique selling propositions (USPs) and f) relationship to Communication, Dissemination, Collaboration and Standardization plans.
Exploitation Plan. Exploitation aims at making use of all results generated during the project for scientific, societal or economic purposes [3]. The latter is mainly determined by the Technological Readiness Level (TRL) of the derived concept as it roughly determines whether it will enter the market or advance to the next level of design maturity. The exploitation-oriented dissemination strategy described so far, aims at maximizing the project’s impact and accentuate the solutions provided by the concepts studied in HECARRUS. This will enable the future implementation of studied technologies and allow for further development which will be detailed component design and an eventual flight/iron-bird demonstration of the concept. Phase II of dissemination strategy focuses on the exploitation-oriented dissemination of results (M24-M36). This phase has a strong focus on disseminating the project’s results once they become mature enough to clearly show the benefits that HECARRUS can provide to potential adopters. Moreover, Phase III will prepare the final phase of strategic exploitation that will include the final results of the project and will be stimulating the need to further cooperate with partners from the industry for the future demonstration of the concept. The final section of this report aims to indicate a preliminary methodology that will be employed by the HECARRUS consortium to manage exploitation activities, including the preliminary roadmap of managing Intellectual Property (IP). In particular, the Exploitation Plan will describe How and by Whom will the specific activities be taken to ensure exploitation beyond the project itself. It is essential that the entire generated foreground of the project is kept under control through specific measures before any exploitation activities are performed. The latter aim at guaranteeing that the results are formulated and compiled into secure forms and are processed, securing its exploitable content and at the same time, protecting any confidential information disclosure that may exist regarding the partners and the TAB. As a result, an appropriate IPR strategy and a final protection and exploitation plan is developed within the project and will be defined in the final deliverable D5.4 – “Final plan for use and dissemination of results, including business models and IPR management plan”. At the very beginning of the project, the exploitation strategy can only preliminarily be defined as this is a part that requires constant upd...
Exploitation Plan. The exploitation potentials and business models for the NextFactory Use Cases have been investigated in a dedicated deliverable (D8.4 First use scenarios and generic business models). A second deliverable (D8.5 Exploitation plans, Sustainability Plan and Standardisation Concept) provided a consolidated outlook to the future use and development of the NextFactory System, directly derived from the fully integrated System, encompassing the machine framework and its modules, the materials and software developed during the project. The starting base for the exploitation planning were the project UC and their potential to trigger the development and manufacturing of similar products within the specific product family and markets, hoping for later spill-over effects across larger segments of the electronics market. The three project Use Cases were analysed, assessing their respective market-maturity and indicating the related target products. For UC1 (Junction box for solar panels), it exists a clear timeline and overview of RTD requirements to adapt and use the Machine for serial production in a mid-term perspective. UC2 (Bio-compatible data-loggers) will focus on rapid prototyping, due to relatively large product dimensions, which make a profitable serial production unlikely. UC3 (Radio modules) follows a long-term industrial strategy, exploring the possibility of a further development of the Machine in exclusive RTD partnerships with selected customers. Specific target products/services have been identified for each UC, as well as their potential end-users and target markets.
Exploitation Plan. At any time but no more frequently than once per calendar quarter, FLQ may request, and Network Participant will supply, a report and description of the actions taken to commercialize the Network Participant’s Foreground IP. If the Foreground IP is not then being commercialized or the subject of a negotiation to be commercialized, the Network Participant will discuss with FLQ, or its designee, appropriate steps for the dissemination of the Foreground IP for the public benefit, which may include (a) assignment of the Foreground IP to FLQ, unless prohibited by applicable law, regulation, or terms of another applicable grant; (b) granting of non-exclusive licenses on a royalty-free basis or on other terms that are reasonable in the circumstances; or (c) other reasonable disposition of such rights in and to the Foreground IP.
Exploitation Plan. Initial. In this document, we will revisit the initial OFERA exploitation plan detailing the changes from that foundation document and completing it with new content. At the end of the document, we will introduce to new sections that were postponed for a future step in the project in the last deliverable: ● Following the updates and modifications, we will introduce each partner’s individual exploitation plan where each one of the partners will list their potential exploitation points and associated plans. ● Following individual plans, we will introduce the long term maintenance plan followed by the first view on a possible evolution plan. The document concludes with an updated version of dissemination plans.
Exploitation Plan a document containing the description and the physical- financial planning of all the exploratory activities to be carried out in the Area of the Contract during the Exploration Phase and should include, compulsorily, the Minimum Exploratory Program.
Exploitation Plan. The preparation of the FORCE exploitation plan, which is a strategy on how to exploit the project results, is based on input provided in the Grant Agreement, the work programme and on literature review / desk research. Literature research has been done based on an internet research where open accessible files available for free use where checked. All references are marked in a reference list and citations in the text are marked recognizable and according to scientific standards. Project partners were asked to check and to contribute to the plan. The exploitation plan (D.9.1) is confidential and only for internal use of the FORCE consortium members including the Commission Services.