Faculty Provisions Sample Clauses
Faculty Provisions. For faculty on the tenure track, written notice of non-renewal of appointment shall be sent at least three (3) months prior to expiration of initial term appointments which are less than two (2) academic years. In subsequent reappointments of less than two (2) years, written notice of non-renewal shall be sent at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of an appointment. Where the term appointment is for two (2) or more academic years, written notice shall be sent at least twelve
Faculty Provisions. For faculty on the tenure track, the annual review shall be based upon excellence in teaching and in scholarly achievement or, for a faculty member in the creative or performing arts, in creative professional achievement, and shall take into account such unit, School/College, and University tenure factors as are in force. Consideration shall also be given to non-instructional service to the department, School/College, and/or University and/or public and/or professional service which benefit the University. The annual review shall identify areas of growth and strength and areas of concern in teaching, scholarship or creative activity, and service. For faculty not on the tenure track, the annual review shall be in relation to his/her professional performance and as it relates to appropriate unit, School/College and University factors as are in force except that lecturers and senior lecturers shall be reviewed primarily for teaching with secondary consideration for excellence in scholarly work and/or service if the letter of appointment has identified scholarly work and/or service as part of the bargaining-unit member’s responsibility.
Faculty Provisions. For faculty on the tenure track, the annual review shall be based upon excellence in teaching and in scholarly achievement or, for a faculty member in the creative or performing arts, in creative professional achievement, and shall take into account such unit, School/College, and University tenure factors as are in force. Consideration shall also be given to non-instructional service to the department, School/College, and/or University, and/or public and/or professional service which benefit the University. The annual review shall identify areas of growth and strength and areas of concern in teaching, scholarship or creative activity, and service. For faculty not on the tenure track, the annual review shall be in relation to their professional performance and as it relates to appropriate unit, School/College, and University factors as are in force except that faculty (teaching) shall be reviewed primarily for teaching with secondary consideration for excellence in scholarly work (optional) and/or service. The annual review shall identify areas of growth and strength and areas of concern in teaching, scholarship or creative activity, and service, as appropriate to position.
Faculty Provisions. For faculty on the tenure track, written notice of nonrenewal of appointment shall be provided at least three months prior to expiration of initial term appointments which are less than two academic years. In subsequent reappointments of less than two years, written notice of nonrenewal shall be provided at least six months prior to the expiration of an appointment. Where the term appointment is for two or more academic years, written notice shall be provided at least twelve months prior to the expiration of the appointment. For faculty on subsidy-conditioned appointments and for ranked faculty not on tenure-track appointments who are on a one-year term appointment, written notice on nonrenewal shall be provided at least three months prior to expiration of each appointment or reappointment or whenever the subsidy is discontinued, whichever is less. For ranked faculty not on tenure-track appointments who are on multi-year appointments, written notice of nonrenewal shall be provided at least six months prior to expiration of each appointment or reappointment. For lecturers and senior lecturers, written notice of nonrenewal shall be provided at least three months prior to expiration of each appointment.
Faculty Provisions. 1. For faculty, the faculty member must teach/work fifteen (15) or more credit hours per academic year in that discipline to accrue one (1) year of seniority.
2. In those instances where a faculty member teaches/works in more than one
(1) discipline, accrual of seniority in the additional discipline will be one
(1) year for every fifteen (15) workload hours taught/worked in said discipline. The workload hours referred to herein may be accrued from year to year to obtain the fifteen (15) workload hours required for a year of seniority.