SENIORITY PROVISIONS. A. Seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous full-time service, as a teacher under a limited or continuing contract in the District. Seniority of teachers who resign and are subsequently re-employed shall begin at the date of re-employment.
B. Every teacher's name will appear on a list in order of seniority according to his/her area of certification/licensure. (The notation of an asterisk * will be used to identify those teachers who have attained continuing contract status.) Teachers who are certified in more than one area shall have their names listed in each area for which they hold certification/licensure. Areas of certification/licensure shall be those areas in which the teacher is certified by the Ohio Department of Education, and for which a current certificate/license is on file in the Treasurer's office.
C. If two (2) or more teachers have the same length of continuous service, or if conflicts over seniority develop, seniority will be determined in the following manner: first, by date of Board hiring as stated in the Board minutes book; secondly, by date of valid District employment application as date stamped in the Superintendent's office and signed by the employee; and thirdly, any remaining ties will be broken by lot. These procedures will apply to both limited and continuing contract seniority.
D. The seniority list shall be prepared by the Superintendent no later than November 15 of each school year and posted on the Association bulletin board with a copy given to the Association President. PLEASE NOTE: It is the absolute responsibility of each union member to check the posted seniority list for errors or omissions and report such to the office of the Superintendent. Personnel records will be reviewed and, if applicable, corrections or additions will be made and the seniority list will be revised. The Board shall be held harmless for any errors or omissions not reported to the Superintendent by November 30 of each year this contract is in place.
E. No later than November 15 of each school year, the Superintendent shall prepare a certification/licensure list which includes the expiration date of all certificates/licenses on file in the Treasurer's office. This certification/licensure list will be based upon information found in the permanent record file of each teacher employed at the time the document is created. A copy of this certification/licensure list shall be given to the Association President. PLEASE NOTE: Maintaining a "...
SENIORITY PROVISIONS a) Bargaining Unit seniority is the total length of allowable time an employee has spent in the bargaining unit. The seniority of each employee is his relative position with respect to other employees. The seniority dates of the original nine (9) bargaining unit HST employees will be as agreed between the Company and the Union.
b) All employees shall be considered a probationary employee for the first one hundred and eighty (180) days and at the end of that period, if he is retained, his name will be placed on the Seniority List and his seniority shall reflect all allowable seniority as defined in this contract. A probationary employee shall be subject to layoff, discipline, or discharge at the sole discretion of the Company.
c) The eight original cylinder management employees who transition to the Company shall not be subject to a probationary period of any length.
d) An employee will lose his bargaining unit seniority when he is discharged, when he resigns, or when he is on the recall listing and declines or fails to report within five (5) days or to make satisfactory arrangements when offered employment in the job classification from which he was laid off. An employee shall also lose his bargaining unit seniority as per terms outlined in Article XII, Section 5(b) 1 & 2.
e) A former employee who is on the recall listing shall continue to accumulate seniority while off the payroll only up until four (4) years from his layoff date. If a former employee is not recalled within four (4) years from the date of layoff he will cease to have seniority, and shall be removed from the recall list.
(a) Employees will retain and accumulate seniority during periods of excused absence or leave of absence.
SENIORITY PROVISIONS. 3.3.1 There shall be two (2) separate seniority lists (i.
SENIORITY PROVISIONS a. In the event a secretarial employee must be laid off, said layoff will be made on the basis of district-wide tenure and seniority, insofar as the secretarial employee(s) making the seniority claim possesses the necessary job skills and qualifications to perform in the position being claimed. Seniority shall be defined as continuous employment in the Evesham Township School District.
b. In the event a secretarial vacancy occurs, laid off tenured secretaries shall be entitled to recall in order of seniority so long as the employee making the recall claim possesses the skills and qualifications to fill the vacant position.
c. No new secretarial employee may be hired while a tenured secretary who meets job skills and qualification requirements is still on layoff.
d. When tenured secretaries are recalled to work, they shall be restored in the appropriate step of the salary scale receiving credit for all time served in the Evesham Township School District. All accumulated sick time and all other benefits said secretarial employee has at time of layoff shall be restored in their entirety upon the return of the secretary.
e. Seniority shall not be accumulated during the period of layoff or approved leave of absence. Upon recall or return from approved leave of absence, employees shall have their accumulated seniority to the date of layoff or commencement of approved leave of absence.
1. Seniority shall be based upon the teacher's continuous length of service with the District within the bargaining unit.
a. Time spent on sabbatical leave or advanced study leave granted for the purpose of gaining an additional endorsement/certification and completed under the provisions of Article 18, O.2.a.4. shall be counted for seniority purposes and shall not break continuous service. Time spent on all other leaves of absence shall not be counted for seniority purposes but shall not break continuous service.
b. Time spent in a District position that requires an educational license shall be counted for seniority purposes and shall not break continuous service.
c. In the event teachers have the same date of hire, the date on which the position was offered shall prevail for seniority purposes.
2. The District shall maintain and provide to the Federation the seniority list of the bargaining unit. Additionally, each school shall be provided the seniority list, based on District seniority for the teachers in that school.
B. Reduction-in-Force (RIF) In the event the District deems it necessary to initiate a reduction in the bargaining unit work force, the following conditions shall apply:
SENIORITY PROVISIONS. Seniority shall be the date on which an Employee first worked for the Board and/or predecessor Boards. Persons who are hired into the bargaining unit after June 8, 1998, shall have seniority from the first day worked in the bargaining unit.
1. Seniority shall be based upon the teacher's continuous length of service with the District within the bargaining unit.
a. Time spent on sabbatical leave or advanced study leave granted for the purpose of gaining an additional endorsement/certification and completed under the provisions of Article 17, O.2.
SENIORITY PROVISIONS. Section 1. When two or more applicants desire the same extracurricular position, including summer school positions, and skill, ability, qualifications and subject matter competence are relatively equal in the sole and exclusive judgment of the administration, seniority will prevail in the making of the assignment.
SENIORITY PROVISIONS. The Board shall maintain and post an up-to-date, step pay grade seniority roster, including name and date of hire, and shall forward a copy to the Union semi-annually. Mechanics, Maintenance Workers and Custodial Workers shall be allowed to choose their work shift by seniority in the work area assigned by the immediate supervisor. Seniority shall prevail in cases of involuntary transfers and/or District reassignments, bidding, shift assignments, extra duty assignments, length of work day and annual leave scheduling (unless stated otherwise in Article XII – Hours and Working Conditions). Seniority shall prevail in transfer providing related knowledge, technical ability and training is essentially equal. Seniority shall prevail in promotion provided technical training, knowledge and related experience are essentially equal. Pertinent factors such as performance ratings, attendance and disciplinary records for the past two (2) years shall be a consideration. Resignations and similar breaks in service, except approved leaves, shall constitute a break in seniority. Seniority after a break in service shall begin from the most recent date of permanent hire. EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE DEFINED Discipline shall be defined as any action designed to correct behavior or bring about desired performance improvement. Discipline shall include, but is not necessarily limited to warning conference, counseling, verbal reprimand, written reprimand, suspension with pay, suspension without pay and dismissal.
SENIORITY PROVISIONS. NOTE: This article, particularly as it relates to how seniority is to be calculated, will be effective with the 2015-2016 contract year. The District will calculate seniority under this method only on a “go- forward” basis, commencing with the 2015-16 contract year, and will not recalculate any prior years or adjust current placement.
A. Length of continuous service as a classified employee, whether short-hour or full-time, shall be measured from the starting date as stated in the employee's initial contract.
B. District seniority shall be defined as the uninterrupted length of continuous service.
C. In cases of Board approved leaves, the employee's seniority rights shall be continued.
D. Any employee who resigns from the employment of the Chardon Local School District, and who is reinstated within thirty (30) days, shall be granted all prior seniority rights.
E. For purposes of bidding, transfer, lay-off, recall from lay-off, or reduction in force, the seniority provisions above shall be applied to all employees.
F. Two seniority lists shall be established by the Board; A district seniority list and a classification seniority list. The classification seniority shall contain a list of the members broken down by classification and containing both their classification seniority and district seniority dates. Each seniority list shall be provided on or about September 30 of each year to the President of the Association. The Association shall have ten (10) working days to verify the accuracy of such lists. Revised seniority lists shall be provided to employees by October 30.