FAPE. Free appropriate public education (FAPE).
FAPE. If the IEP team, in accordance with federal and state law, determines that a particular student is not benefiting from the EA’s programming and services, the parties will terminate the student’s placement at EA.
FAPE o Provide the parent, legal guardian, or adult student with prior written notice of the District’s decision not to conduct an evaluation, if there is no evidence of a suspected disability or a suspicion that the student may require special education and related services. ▪ If appropriate, the student may be referred to the District’s Section 504 Coordinator or local campus designee for a potential Section 504 evaluation 27 34 C.F.R. § 300.9; Tex. Ed. Code § 29.004(a)(1) 28 34 C.F.R. § 300.505 29 Part B Procedural Safeguards in the COVID-19 Environment Q&A Document (June 30, 2020). OSEP. June 30, 2020. 30 34 C.F.R. § 300.300(a)(3) xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/departments/curriculum-and- instruction/special-programs/504-and-dyslexia .
FAPE. 2.5 How does the District provide notice of evaluation and seek consent?
FAPE. After providing proper written notice to the Student’s parents, the District will convene a group of knowledgeable persons to determine whether the Student was denied a FAPE during the 2016-2017 school year1 as the result of any failure to implement his IEP, including but not limited to, failing to transport the Student to his placement at XXX and any impact that this failure had on the Student’s ability to access the education his IEP called for. The meeting shall be conducted pursuant to the procedural requirements of the Section 504 regulation at 34 C.F.R. §§ 104.35-104.36. If the team determines that the Student should receive compensatory education or services, the District will provide the compensatory education and services in addition to the Student’s regular instruction and services during the 2017-2018 school year. 1 Specifically, the Team should consider whether the Student was denied a FAPE at any time on or after January 7, 2017. demonstrating that it has scheduled the compensatory education and services
FAPE. 37 Additionally, the San Xxxxxxx will take reasonable steps to promptly obtain a transfer student’s special education and general education records from the sending school San Xxxxxxx.38
FAPE. After providing proper written notice to Student A’s legal guardian (at least three business days before the proposed meeting, the District will convene a group of knowledgeable persons to determine whether Student A was denied a FAPE during the 2014-15 school year as the result of any failure to implement Student A’s Section 504 plan(s). If the group determines that Student A was denied a FAPE during the 2014-15 school year, it shall determine whether Student A is in need of compensatory and/or remedial services as a result of the District’s denial of FAPE, including any changes to or modification of Student A’s grades and/or attendance records. In addition, the District will provide Student A’s legal guardian with notice of the procedural safeguards including the right to challenge the group’s determination through an impartial due process hearing. Student A’s legal guardian. Prior to approving the proposed services, OCR will review the documentation to ensure that the group met the procedural requirements of the regulation implementing Section 504, at 34 C.F.R. §§ 104.34, 104.35 and 104.36, in making its determination.
FAPE. After providing proper written notice to Student A’s legal guardian, the District will convene a group of knowledgeable persons to determine whether Student A was denied a FAPE during the 2014-15 school year as the result of any failure to implement Student A’s Section 504 plan(s), including any failure to modify assignments or otherwise to help Student A complete assignments after periods of absence. If the group determines that Student A was denied a FAPE during the 2014- 15 school year, it shall determine whether Student A is in need of compensatory and/or remedial services as a result of the District’s denial of FAPE, including any changes to or modification of Student A’s XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX
FAPE. After providing proper written notice to the Student’s parent(s), the District will select a highly qualified employee or retain an independent third-party consultant, both subject to OCR approval, to facilitate a meeting with a group of knowledgeable persons to determine whether the Student was denied a free appropriate public education (FAPE) during the 2013-2014 or 2014-2015 school years as the result of any failure to implement his Section 504 Plan. If the group determines that the Student was denied a FAPE during the 2013-2014 or 2014-2015 school years, it shall determine whether the Student is in need of compensatory and/or remedial services. If the District makes a good faith effort to include the Student’s parent(s) in each of these meetings and the parent(s) do(es) not attend, the District may still hold the meeting. Within one week of the group’s determination, the District will send, via certified mail, a letter to the Student’s parent(s), offering to directly pay a private provider, subject to OCR approval, for any compensatory and/or remedial services recommended by the group for the Student within the next 180 days. In addition, the District will provide the Student’s parent(s) with notice of the procedural safeguards including the right to challenge the group’s determination through an impartial due process hearing. explanation for the group’s decisions, a description of information the group considered, a description of and, if applicable, a schedule for providing any compensatory and/or remedial services to the Student, including who will provide the services and the anticipated completion date for the provision of such services, and documentation that the District provided the procedural safeguards to the Student’s parent(s). The completion date for the provision of such services must be established by the group and the services must be completed by December 2017, unless the group can identify a legitimate reason to extend the timeframe.
FAPE. After providing proper written notice to the Student’s parent(s), the School will convene a group of knowledgeable persons to determine whether the Student was denied a free appropriate public education (FAPE) during the 2014- 2015 school year as the result of a failure to evaluate him for a suspected disability. If the group determines that the Student was denied a FAPE during the 2014-2015 school year, it shall determine whether the Student is in need of compensatory and/or remedial services. Within one week of the group’s determination, the School will send, via certified mail, a letter to the Student’s parent(s), offering to directly pay a private provider, subject to OCR approval, for any compensatory and/or remedial services recommended by the group for the Student within the next 180 days. In addition, the School will provide the Student’s parent(s) with notice of the procedural safeguards including the right to challenge the group’s determination through an impartial due process hearing. (90) days from the date the services begin. If the School determines that no compensatory services are needed, the School will provide documentation supporting that denial of compensatory services for OCR’s review. OCR will review the documentation submitted to ensure that the School met the procedural requirements of the regulation implementing Section 504, at 34 C.F.R. §§ 104.34, 104.35 and 104.36, in making these determinations, and notify the School when it has completed this review.1