Federation Personnel. Temporary. Members of the Federation Board of Directors or other Federation members (the "Temporary Personnel") shall, from time to time, be relieved from performing their regularly assigned work duties to allow them to engage in Federation business.
Federation Personnel. The Federation President and/or any personnel he/she may designate to work exclusively on Federation business on a permanent basis (the "full-time personnel") will be assigned to the Human Resources Unit and shall continue as employees of the MPRB with all rights, benefits and obligations relating thereto. Members of the Federation Board of Directors or other Federation members (the "temporary personnel") shall, from time to time, be relieved from performing their regularly assigned work duties to allow them to engage in Federation business. In order to minimize the disruption to the MPRB which may be caused by the absence of an employee on leave to conduct Federation business, the Federation shall provide advance written notice to the MPRB as follows: