PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. 1. Teachers shall, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum, and consistent with effective educational practice and the Evaluation Criteria, Local Appendix A, have individual professional autonomy in determining the methods of instruction, and the planning and presentation of course materials in the classes of pupils to which they are assigned.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. The Board recognizes and respects the professionalism of teachers covered under this collective agreement. Teachers shall, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum and consistent with recognized effective educational practice, have individual professional autonomy.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. F.2.1 The Board recognizes and respects the professionalism of the teachers covered by this collective agreement.
F.2.2 In order to promote students' intellectual, human, social, and career development, and within bounds of provincially prescribed or locally developed curricula and consistent with legislation and effective educational practice, teachers shall have individual responsibility to:
a. determine the methods of instruction;
b. determine the planning and presentation of available course materials; and
c. evaluate each student's development.
F.2.3 Nothing in the foregoing shall preclude the right of the Board to evaluate its teachers consistent with Article E.15 (Evaluation of Teaching).
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. 1. The Board recognizes that teachers are professionals and that the performance of their duties involves the exercise of professional judgment.
2. Within the bounds of effective educational practice, school instructional goals that have been collegially determined, prescribed curricula and district program requirements, teachers shall have individual professional autonomy in determining methodology of instruction and the planning and presentation of course materials for the classes of students to which they are assigned.
3. Nothing in this article shall limit the administrator in the performance of their formative and summative evaluative responsibilities.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. Faculty members have the principal right and responsibility to determine the methods of instruction, the planning and presentation of course materials, and the fair and equitable methods of assessment in their assignment in accordance with the approved curriculum and course outline and the educational mission of the District in accordance with state laws and regulations.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. Employees shall, consistent with effective educational practice, prescribed, authorized curricula and locally developed programs, have individual professional autonomy in determining the methods of instruction, and the planning and presentation of materials in their professional assignments.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. Employees shall have, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum and consistent with current educational practice, the right to express ideas and use materials which are not in conflict with district policy.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. 1. The Board recognizes and respects the professionalism of teachers covered under this collective agreement. Teachers have the professional right and the professional responsibility to determine instruction in classes within the following criteria:
a. Teaching methods shall be consistent with recognized effective educational practices;
b. Provincially prescribed and authorized and Board authorized locally developed curricula shall be followed;
c. Resources used shall include those provincially prescribed, authorized or locally determined;
d. Professional Autonomy does not infringe upon the Board's right to determine effectiveness of instruction in accordance with Article E.22.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. 1. The Board and the CCTA recognize and respect the professionalism of teachers covered by this collective agreement. Teachers, in accord with the BCTF Code of Ethics, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum and consistent with effective educational practice, shall have individual professional autonomy.
PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY. Teachers shall, within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum, and consistent with effective educational practice, have the right to express ideas and use materials which are not in conflict with District programs.