Field Maintenance Sample Clauses
Field Maintenance. The City will provide maintenance to the fields that are specified as LWCF Premises during the off season.
Field Maintenance. At least one month prior to the commencement of the season, the Head Coach and the Athletic Director will evaluate and determine needed maintenance to include, but not limited to: watering schedule, additional dirt and field conditioner, weeding, surface repair, etc.
Field Maintenance. Subject to Section 7.08, the Tides shall prepare and line the playing surface of the Stadium prior to each Team Event, Team Special Event and, as appropriate, Harbor Park Event and, during such events, provide all such grounds keeping and other field maintenance, service and equipment (including a suitable covering for the playing field during inclement weather) as are appropriate to maintain a quality baseball playing surface (provided, that with respect to any Harbor Park Event other than a Lessee Event and except as set forth in 7.02(D) below, the cost and expense of the same shall be borne by Lessor).
Field Maintenance. Each home club will accept responsibility for the scheduling, maintenance and regular lining of its own fields. Goal nets and four corner flags are to be provided by the home club for all games.
Field Maintenance. A. Alameda Little League’s Repair of Damage. The Alameda Little League is responsible for exercising reasonable care of the Fields and for repairing damage caused by the Alameda Little League’s use and programs. The Alameda Little League agrees to leave the Fields in a clean condition, ready for use by the District. The Alameda Little League agrees to submit written reports to the District within forty-eight (48) hours of the Alameda Little League’s discovery of any unusual conditions or damage to the Fields or other District property.
Field Maintenance. During the Term of this Agreement Licensee is responsible for maintenance of the playing field and janitorial services inside the venue’s seating areas and buildings with the exception of all restrooms. Licensee shall be permitted to use Licensor’s machinery and equipment which is used for these purposes. Licensee is responsible for repairs or replacement for any negligence of its employees or agents.
Field Maintenance. Field maintenance is the first operation of the Army Maintenance System. Field maintenance is characterized by the performance of maintenance tasks “on system” in a tactical environment using trained personnel performing fewer maintenance tasks actions requiring tools. Field maintenance is typically operator/crew and/or maintainer maintenance requiring replace and repair and return to user maintenance operations. Field Maintenance was formally known as Unit and Direct Support Operations.
Field Maintenance. The district grounds staff is responsible for the general field conditions during the sport season; including lining, mowing, in-ground irrigation control, and overall maintenance of the fields. Coaches may provide additional support approved by their Athletic Director. Coaches that have concerns about the field preparation and/or care should report this to the Athletic Director.
Field Maintenance. All fields require all holes to be filled and leveled at the plate, mound, around bases and up the baselines after every practice and game.
i. Home plate - fill batters boxes and catchers area holes, rake level
ii. Pitchers Mound - Fill rubber area / push off, and landing area, rake level
iii. Base Areas - rake material build up fromaround the base, and holes in the sliding zones, and rake level.
iv. Baselines (1st and 3rd) - Rake baselines foot paths out near grass edges, pulling material back towards the middle of the infield and away from the grass edges.
v. Disrupted areas - Rake out any areas where material is severely built up or has deep disruptions in surface.
vi. Infield positions –rake material into infield player position areas and rake level. Performing the tasks above will help preserve the playing fields and reduce deep holes, which can become dangerous for the players. Additionally, it prevents standing/puddling of water following night rain events that occur at home plate, pitching mound, base paths and baselines when not filled. Filling holes will likely result in fewer field cancellations. If there is NOT a team present and waiting to use the field after you, assume you are the last ones that will be using the field that day, fill holes and rake level. On the weekend, be easy on the sideline chalk just in case.
Field Maintenance. It is agreed that all field maintenance within the boundaries of the chain link fences, will be the responsibility of BLL. The City will be responsible for mowing and field maintenance two (2) days per week inside the fences. In addition, the City will assume responsibility for maintenance and repair of fencing, parking lots, restrooms, and sidewalks. The City will split the cost of the infield material will BLL on an annual basis.