Annual Physical The Executive may, if the Executive so elects, within the twelve (12) months following the Date of Termination, receive an annual physical at the Company’s expense consistent with the physical provided under, and subject to the requirements of, the Company’s annual physical program as in effect immediately prior to the Date of Termination.
Quantitative Analysis Quantitative analysts develop and apply financial models designed to enable equity portfolio managers and fundamental analysts to screen potential and current investments, assess relative risk and enhance performance relative to benchmarks and peers. To the extent that such services are to be provided with respect to any Account which is a registered investment company, Categories 3, 4 and 5 above shall be treated as “investment advisory services” for purposes of Section 5(b) of the Agreement.”
Annual Physical Examination A permanent employee shall be granted up to one day per year with pay for the purpose of a comprehensive physical examination provided that the verification of such an examination is submitted to the District.
Project Review A. Programmatic Allowances 1. If FEMA determines that the entire scope of an Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances in Appendix B of this Agreement, with determinations for Tier II Allowances being made by SOI-qualified staff, FEMA shall complete the Section 106 review process by documenting this determination in the project file, without SHPO review or notification. 2. If the Undertaking involves a National Historic Landmark (NHL), FEMA shall notify the SHPO, participating Tribe(s), and the NPS NHL Program Manager of the NPS Midwest Regional Office that the Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances. FEMA shall provide information about the proposed scope of work for the Undertaking and the allowance(s) enabling FEMA’s determination. 3. If FEMA determines any portion of an Undertaking’s scope of work does not conform to one or more allowances listed in Appendix B, FEMA shall conduct expedited or standard Section 106 review, as appropriate, for the entire Undertaking in accordance with Stipulation II.B, Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings, or Stipulation II.C, Standard Project Review. 4. Allowances may be revised and new allowances may be added to this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A.3, Amendments. B. Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings
Loss Leader; Recycled Products Contractor shall not sell or use any article or product as a “loss leader” as defined in Section 17030 of the Business and Professions Code. If Contractor will sell to the Judicial Council, or use in the performance of this Agreement, goods specified in PCC 12207 (for example, certain paper products, office supplies, mulch, glass products, lubricating oils, plastic products, paint, antifreeze, tires and tire-derived products, and metal products), then with respect to those goods: (i) Contractor shall use recycled products in the performance of this Agreement to the maximum extent doing so is economically feasible, and (ii) upon request, Contractor shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury, the minimum, if not exact, percentage of post consumer material as defined in the PCC 12200, in such goods regardless of whether the goods meet the requirements of PCC 12209.
Value Engineering The Supplier may prepare, at its own cost, a value engineering proposal at any time during the performance of the contract. The value engineering proposal shall, at a minimum, include the following; a) the proposed change(s), and a description of the difference to the existing contract requirements; b) a full cost/benefit analysis of the proposed change(s) including a description and estimate of costs (including life cycle costs) the Procuring Entity may incur in implementing the value engineering proposal; and c) a description of any effect(s) of the change on performance/functionality.
Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element.
Research Analyst Independence The Company acknowledges that the Underwriters’ research analysts and research departments are required to be independent from their respective investment banking divisions and are subject to certain regulations and internal policies, and that such Underwriters’ research analysts may hold views and make statements or investment recommendations and/or publish research reports with respect to the Company and/or the offering that differ from the views of their respective investment banking divisions. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against the Underwriters with respect to any conflict of interest that may arise from the fact that the views expressed by their independent research analysts and research departments may be different from or inconsistent with the views or advice communicated to the Company by such Underwriters’ investment banking divisions. The Company acknowledges that each of the Underwriters is a full service securities firm and as such from time to time, subject to applicable securities laws, may effect transactions for its own account or the account of its customers and hold long or short positions in debt or equity securities of the companies that may be the subject of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
CONTRACT SALES REPORTING Contractor shall report total Contract sales quarterly to Enterprise Services, as set forth below. (a) Contract Sales Reporting System. Contractor shall report quarterly Contract sales in Enterprise Services’ Contract Sales Reporting System. Enterprise Services will provide Contractor with a login password and a vendor number. The password and vendor number will be provided to the Sales Reporting Representative(s) listed on Contractor’s Bidder Profile. (b) Data. Each sales report must identify every authorized Purchaser by name as it is known to Enterprise Services and its total combined sales amount invoiced during the reporting period (i.e., sales of an entire agency or political subdivision, not its individual subsections). The “Miscellaneous” option may be used only with prior approval by Enterprise Services. Upon request, Contractor shall provide contact information for all authorized Purchasers specified herein during the term of the Contract. If there are no Contract sales during the reporting period, Contractor must report zero sales. (c) Due dates for Contract Sales Reporting. Quarterly Contract Sales Reports must be submitted electronically by the following deadlines for all Contract sales invoiced during the applicable calendar quarter: Quarter For Sales Made In Calendar Quarter Ending Contract Sales Report