Focal Points. In accordance with 22 CCR § 7364(a)(5) County will specify to Subrecipient the identity of the Area Plan designated focal points for service delivery in the community which is attached hereto as Exhibit 6 and is hereinafter referred to as Exhibit 6.
Focal Points. In accordance with CCR §7364(a)(5) COUNTY will specify to CONTRACTOR the identity of the Area Plan designated focal points for service delivery in the community which is attached hereto as Attachment D and is hereinafter referred to as Attachment D.
Focal Points. 1. [Designation] For the exchange of information provided for in Chapter II, each Party shall designate a Focal Point, as defined in Article 2, lit.
Focal Points. 24.1 Focal points are posted on the WRAAA website at
Focal Points. Communications between the Parties on any matter relating to this Agreement shall be facilitated through the following focal points:
(a) in the case of Malaysia, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry; and
(b) in the case of Pakistan, the Ministry of Commerce.
Focal Points. 1. To facilitate the implementation of this Chapter and cooperation between the Parties, each Party shall designate a focal point, who shall be responsible for coordinating all matters pertaining to this Chapter. The functions of the focal point shall include:
(a) monitoring the implementation and administration of this Chapter;
(b) enhancing communication between the Parties’ agencies and ministries responsible for sanitary and phytosanitary matters and facilitate either Party’s response to written requests for information or exchange of information from the other Party in print or in electronic media without undue delay;
(c) promptly addressing any bilateral sanitary and phytosanitary issues that either Party raises to enhance cooperation and consultations between the Parties to facilitate trade between the Parties;
(d) promoting the use of international standards, guidelines and recommendations by both Parties in their respective adoption and application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures; and
(e) reviewing the progress of addressing sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties’ agencies and ministries responsible for such matters.
2. The focal points shall carry out their functions through agreed communication channels such as telephone, fax, emails or post, whichever is most expedient in the discharge of their functions.
3. For the purposes of this Article, the focal points shall be:
(a) in the case of Malaysia, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry; and
(b) in the case of Pakistan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.
Focal Points. VITAL will identify at least one (1) individual to manage the implementation of this Agreement, serve as focal point for MCK's monitoring of support services provided under this Agreement, and act as the focal point for day-to-day service issues.
Focal Points. In accordance with CCR §7364(a)(5) COUNTY will specify to SUBRECIPIENT the identity of the Area Plan designated focal points for service delivery in the community which is attached hereto as Attachment “F” and is hereinafter referred to as Attachment “F.”
Focal Points. The focal points for the implementation of this Contract are the following: For the Commission: Chief IDC/SA CTBTO Preparatory Commission Vienna International Centre PO Box 1200 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel. 00-00000-0000 For the Contractor: Mr XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX <CONTACT DETAIL>
Focal Points. The ASEAN Secretariat and the ILO Secretariat designate the following focal points for all purposes associated with this Cooperation Agreement, once it has entered into force:
A. for the ASEAN Secretariat: Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN The ASEAN Secretariat Jakarta B. for the International Labour Office: Director ILO Office Jakarta