Vacation; Holidays The Executive shall be entitled to all public holidays observed by the Company and vacation days in accordance with the applicable vacation policies for senior executives of the Company, which shall be taken at a reasonable time or times.
Work on Holidays An employee who is required to work, or works with prior approval, any part of a holiday shall receive holiday compensatory time for up to eight (8) hours, on an hour for hour basis, for the actual non-overtime hours worked in addition to their regular rate of pay. An employee who works overtime on a holiday shall be compensated in accordance with all applicable pay and overtime provisions. An employee must use holiday compensatory time within one (1) year after having accrued that time.
PLANT HOLIDAYS 21:01 The following shall be recognized as statutory holidays: New Years Day Labour Day (a) Where any of the above mentioned holidays fall on a Sunday, the Monday following will be recognized as a holiday. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, the Company will designate the preceding Friday, or the following Monday to be observed as the holiday. The Company and Union Committee may agree on other arrangements. (b) Where any of the above mentioned holidays fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday the Company and Union Committee by mutual agreement may designate the preceding Monday or following Friday to be observed as the holiday. (c) The Company and Union Committee may mutually agree on arrangements, whereby time that normally would be paid at overtime rates may be worked at straight time rates and substituted for a normal working day or any other arrangements that the two parties deem suitable. (d) All employees who have acquired seniority shall receive payment for such holidays based on their base rate multiplied by the number of hours which would normally have been worked on such day, subject to the following conditions: To be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must work the full of the work day immediately preceding the holiday and the full of the work day immediately following such holiday. Provided that this restriction shall not apply to: (i) An employee who has been absent and receiving Workers’ Compensation or sick benefits under the group insurance plan up to but not including the statutory holiday where such employee works the full work day immediately following such holiday. (ii) Nor shall this restriction apply to an employee who has worked the full workday immediately preceding such holiday but who is absent and received Workers’ Compensation or sick benefits under the group insurance plan for the work day immediately following such holiday. (iii) Nor shall this restriction apply to an employee who is absent either the work day immediately preceding or the work day immediately following such holiday by reason of bereavement as provided in Article 20:04. (iv) Nor shall this restriction apply to those persons granted a written leave of absence. (v) Nor shall this restriction apply to an employee who has been late up to seventy five (75) spaces (forty five (45) minutes) the work day immediately preceding the holiday or the work day immediately following such holiday. 21:02 An employee shall receive any overtime pay to which he/she is entitled in accordance with Articles 12:01 and 12:02 for the work that he/she performs on such statutory holiday, in addition to his/her holiday pay. 21:03 For the purposes of clarity, the parties agree that the benefit provided in this article constitute a greater right or benefit than provided for in the Employment Standards Act.
Vacation, Holidays and Sick Leave During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to paid vacation, paid holidays and sick leave in accordance with the Company's standard policies for its senior executive officers.
Religious Holidays When a religious holiday, not observed as a holiday, as provided in Section 2 above, falls on a supervisor's regularly scheduled work day, the supervisor shall be entitled to that day off to observe the religious holiday. Time to observe religious holidays shall be taken without pay except where the supervisor has sufficient accumulated vacation leave or accumulated compensatory time, or, by mutual consent, is able to make the time up. Supervisors shall notify the Appointing Authority at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to the leave.
Public Holidays 10.1 The following days shall be observed as public holidays: New Year's Day 2 January Waitangi Day Good Friday Easter Monday ANZAC Day Sovereign's Birthday Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Anniversary Day (as observed in the locality concerned) 10.2 The following shall apply to the observance of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day or 2 January, where such a day falls on either a Saturday or a Sunday: a) Where an employee is required to work that Saturday or Sunday the holiday shall, for that employee, be observed on that Saturday or Sunday and transfer of the observance will not occur. For the purposes of this clause an employee is deemed to have been required to work if they were rostered on, or on-call and actually called in to work. They are not deemed to have been required to work if they were on-call but not called back to work. b) Where an employee is not required to work that Saturday or Sunday, observance of the holiday shall be transferred to the following Monday and/or Tuesday in accordance with the provisions of Sections 45 (1) (b) and (d) of the Holidays Act 2003. c) Should a public holiday fall on a weekend, and an employee is required to work on both the public holiday and the week day to which the observance is transferred, the employee will be paid at weekend rates for the time worked on the weekday/transferred holiday. Only one alternative holiday will be granted in respect of each public holiday. 10.3 In order to maintain essential services, the employer may require an employee to work on a public holiday when the public holiday falls on a day which, but for it being a public holiday, would otherwise be a working day for the employee. 10.4 When employees work on a public holiday as provided above they will be paid at double the ordinary hourly rate of pay (T2) for each hour worked and they shall be granted an alternative holiday. Such alternative holiday shall be taken and paid as specified in the Holidays Act 2003. 10.5 An employee who is on call on a public holiday as provided above, but is not called in to work, shall be granted an alternative holiday, except where the public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday and its observance is transferred to a Monday or Tuesday which the employee also works. Such alternative holiday shall be taken and paid as specified in the Holidays Act 2003. 10.6 Those employees who work a night shift which straddles a public holiday, shall be paid at public holiday rates for those hours which occur on the public holiday and the applicable rates for the remainder of the shift. One alternative holiday shall apply in respect of each public holiday or part thereof worked. 10.7 Off duty day upon which the employee does not work: a) Fulltime employees – For fulltime employees and where a public holiday, other than Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day when they fall on either a Saturday or Sunday, falls on the employee’s rostered off duty day, the employee shall be granted an alternative holiday at a later date. In the event of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day or 2 January falling on either a Saturday or Sunday and a full time employee is rostered off duty on both that day and the weekday to which the observance is transferred, the employee shall only receive one alternative holiday in respect of each public holiday. b) Part-time employees – Where a part-time employee’s days of work are fixed, the employee shall only be entitled to public holiday provisions if the day would otherwise be a working day for that employee. Where a part-time employee’s days are not fixed, the employee shall be entitled to public holiday provisions if they worked on the day of the week that the public holiday falls more than 40% of the time over the last three months. Payment will be relevant daily pay. 10.8 Public holidays falling during leave: a) Leave on pay When a public holiday falls during a period of annual leave, sick leave on pay or special leave on pay, an employee is entitled to that holiday which is not debited against such leave.
Worked Holidays Employees who are required to work on the above-named holidays shall receive the pay due them for the holiday, plus double their base rate for all hours worked on such holiday, plus shift differential and Cost of Living Adjustment, if applicable, unless the employee starts to work at 10:00 P.M., or thereafter on that day.
Weekend Holidays 9.3.1. A full-time employee who works a Monday through Friday schedule and the calendar holiday falls on a Saturday, the employee shall be allowed the preceding day off. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the employee shall be allowed the following day off. If the employee works the day preceding or following such a holiday, he/she shall be given another workday off with pay or shall receive payment for that day at the regular rate. 9.3.2. A full-time employee who works other than a Monday through Friday schedule and who is not scheduled to work on a calendar holiday shall be given at the discretion of the Employer (1) another scheduled workday off with pay, or (2) an additional day's pay at his/her regular rate if funds are available.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS 8.01 The following days shall be considered as General Holidays. An employee’s pay for a general holiday shall be as set out in Articles 8.03 and 8.04 below and Article 6.03: New Year’s Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday and any other day or portion of a day generally observed by the retail grocery and meat stores and designated as a holiday by the Company. 8.02 In order for a full-time or part-time employee to receive pay for a general holiday, they must: (1) not have been voluntarily absent from work on the scheduled work day prior to and following such holiday; (2) have worked their full, regular designated weekly hours for the week in which holidays, a holiday, or portion of a holiday occur, except for bona-fide illness. Any employee on leave of absence (except employees disentitled for general holiday pay as set out in the following paragraph) granted by the Company, at the request of the employee, shall not qualify for a general holiday with pay if they are absent on both their last scheduled work day prior to, and their first scheduled work day following the general holiday. Any employee receiving a payment under the Company’s Weekly Indemnity Benefit Plan, or Workers Compensation, for the full week in which the General Holiday(s) occurs, and requests for time off for vacation purposes as set out in Article 11.16, shall not be entitled to general holiday pay. 8.03 Eligible full-time employees shall suffer no reduction in their pay for a general holiday as set out in 8.01 above. 8.04 Eligible part-time employees shall be compensated as follows: (a) All part-time employees who have been employed thirty (30) calendar days or more and have worked an average of at least thirty-two (32) hours or more per week in the four (4) weeks preceding the week in which a general holiday occurs, shall receive eight (8) hours’ pay at their regular, hourly rate for each holiday. (b) All part-time employees who have been employed thirty (30) calendar days or more and have worked an average of at least twenty (20) hours a week, but less than thirty-two (32) hours per week in the four
Overtime Holidays Double time the regular rate for work on the following holiday(s). New Year's Day