General Grievance. Either the signatory Producer, the CMPA-BC or the Union may file a written Step 2 (Article 18.06 (b)) grievance with the other about the other's interpretation, application or alleged violation of this Agreement or any Deal Memorandum deemed to be part of this Agreement.
General Grievance. Any difference(s) arising between the Association and the Employer from the interpretation, application, administration or the alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, instead of following the procedure hereinbefore set out, may be submitted in writing by either party to the other at Stage 2 of the Grievance Procedure, provided that not more than sixty (60) calendar days have elapsed since the occurrence of the alleged general Grievance. A representative of the Ontario Nurses' Association may attend this meeting if the Grievance Committee so desires. A general Grievance must be signed by the President or Chair of the Grievance Committee or their designate.
General Grievance. Where a dispute involving a question of general application or interpretation occurs, Steps 1 and 2 of this Article may be bypassed.
General Grievance. If a dispute arises directly between the City and the Union regarding the general interpretation, application or alleged violation of the terms of the collective agreement, either the Union or the City may file a grievance commencing at Step III of the grievance procedure provided a written grievance is filed within fifteen (15) calendar days of the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the dispute. The grievance shall provide the particulars of the incident, the clause(s) of the collective agreement allegedly violated, and the redress sought.
General Grievance. Any difference arising between the Union and the Home from interpretation, application, administration or the alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, instead of following the procedure hereinbefore set out may be submitted in writing by either party to the other at Step 3 of the grievance procedure, provided that no more than sixty (60) calendar days have elapsed since the occurrence of the alleged general grievance.
General Grievance. General grievances shall be initiated by a Union xxxxxxx/representative on behalf of the bargaining unit as a whole or a segment thereof. A general grievance must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days after the occurrence or knowledge of the event(s) causing the grievance. It shall proceed as follows: A Union xxxxxxx/representative shall notify the President/CEO of the grievance. This notification shall be in writing and shall set forth the complaint, the specific violation(s) of the contract and the remedies sought. The President/CEO shall cause a meeting to be scheduled within ten (10) business days after receipt of the written notice. Said meeting shall occur within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the grievance by the President/CEO. The Union xxxxxxx and/or representative, up to three (3) affected grievants, and the President/CEO and/or their chosen representatives with authority to resolve the matter shall be present at this meeting. If the matter is not resolved within seven (7) business days after this meeting, the Employer shall reduce the Employer's response to writing and serve it to the Union. The Union shall then have seven (7) business days to appeal the grievance to Step 5, Arbitration in Section 2 of this Article.
General Grievance. Any differences arising directly between the Union and the Corporation concerning the interpretation or violation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement may be submitted by either party to the other starting with Stage of this procedure. If any dispute is taken to arbitration, the Arbitration Board shall:
General Grievance. Any difference(s) arising between the Association and the Employer from the interpretation, application, administration or the alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, instead of following the procedure hereinbefore set out, may be submitted in writing by either party to the other at Stage 2 of the Grievance Procedure, provided that not more than sixty
General Grievance. Any differences arising directly between the Association and the Corporation concerning the interpretation or violation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement, may be submitted to either party, in writing, by the other at Stage 2 and the proceedings at this stage shall commence within seven (7) days of notification in writing of the grievance.
General Grievance. Any differences arising directly between the Union and the Employer concerning the interpretation or alleged violation of the terms or provisions of this Agreement, may be submitted by either party to the other at Step #3.