Grant Payments Sample Clauses
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested by submitting a Grant Payment Request. Payment Requests and supporting documentation must be submitted on the DOS Grants System at The total grant award shall not exceed $[award], which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below:
a. All payments will be made in the amounts identified with the Deliverables in Section 1 of this Agreement.
b. All payments will be made in accordance with the completion of those Deliverables.
Grant Payments. The total grant award shall not exceed the amount specified on the Fiscal Year 2020-21 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants document (Attachment B), which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantees minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
a) The first payment will be 50% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
b) The second payment will be 50% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested online via by submitting a payment request with documentation that the deliverable has been completed. The total grant award shall not exceed the Grant Award Amount, which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Grant payment requests are not considered complete for purposes of payment until review of the deliverables for compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the appropriate Division staff is complete and approval of the deliverable given. The grant payment schedule is outlined below: [INSERT PAYMENT METHOD AND DELIVERABLES TO BE MET]
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested by submitting a payment request with documentation that the deliverable has been completed. The total grant award shall not exceed $[INSERT AWARD AMOUNT] which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee's minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below: [INSERT PAYMENT METHOD AND SCHEDULE]
Grant Payments. The total grant award sha l not exceed the amount specified on the “Fiscal Year 2021-22 State Aid to Libraries Final Grants” document (Attachment B), which sha l be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Payment wil be a fixed price in the amount of 100% of the grant award as specified in Attachment B. Payment wil be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested by submitting a Payment Request. Payment Requests and supporting documentation must be submitted on the DOS Grants System at The total grant award shall not exceed $[award] which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Subgrantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below:
a) The first payment will be a 25% advance of the grant award.
b) The second payment will be 25% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
c) The third payment will be 25% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
d) The fourth payment will be 20% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
e) The fifth payment will be 5% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
Grant Payments. If a grant is awarded to a teacher that provides compensation for additional hours worked, the District will pay the teacher for such hours out of the grant funds.
Grant Payments. Payment requests and supporting documentation must be submitted on the DOS Grants System at The total grant award shall not exceed $[award], which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below:
a) The first payment will be 30% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables and performance measures.
b) The second payment will be 30% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables and performance measures.
c) The third payment will be 30% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables and performance measures.
d) The fourth payment will be 10% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables and performance measures.
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested by submitting a Grant Payment Request Form. Payment Requests forms and supporting documentation must be submitted online using on the Florida Libraries and Grants System at DOS Grants System at The Grant Payment Request Form is available on the Division’s website at The total grant award shall not exceed $[award], which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below:
a) The first payment will be a 25% advance of the grant award.
b) The second payment will be 25% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
c) The third payment will be 25% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
d) The fourth payment will be 20% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
e) The fifth payment will be 5% of the grant award. Payment will be made in accordance with the completion of the Deliverables.
Grant Payments. All grant payments are requested by submitting [INSERT REQUIREMENTS HERE]. The total grant award shall not exceed $Amount which shall be paid by the Division in consideration for the Grantee’s minimum performance as set forth by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant payment schedule is outlined below: [INSERT PAYMENT METHOD REIMBURSEMENT OR ADVANCED AND DELIVERABLES TO BE MET] Electronic Payments. The Grantee can choose to use electronic funds transfer (EFT) to receive grant payments. All grantees wishing to receive their award through electronic funds transfer must submit a Direct Deposit Authorization form to the Florida Department of Financial Services. If EFT has already been set up for your organization, you do not need to submit another authorization form unless you have changed bank accounts. To download this form visit xxxx:// This page also includes tools and information that allow you to check on payments. Florida Substitute Form W-9. A completed Substitute Form W-9 is required from any entity that receives a payment from the State of Florida that may be subject to 1099 reporting. The Department of Financial Services (DFS) must have the correct Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and other related information in order to report accurate tax information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To register or access a Florida Substitute Form W-9 visit xxxxx:// A copy of the Grantee’s Florida Substitute Form W-9 must be submitted with the executed Agreement. Amendment to Contract. Either party may request modification of the provisions of this Agreement by submitting a Cultural Facilities Grant Amendment Request form to the Division. Changes which are agreed upon shall be valid only when in writing, signed by each of the parties, and attached to the original of this Agreement. If changes are implemented without the Division’s written approval, the organization is subject to noncompliance, and the grant award is subject to reduction, partial, or complete refund to the State of Florida and termination of this agreement. The Cultural Facilities Grant Amendment Request form is available on the Division’s online grant system. Financial Consequences. The Department shall apply the following financial consequences for failure to perform the minimum level of services required by this Agreement in accordance with Sections 215.971 and 287.058, Florida Statutes. Fir...