Domestic Partner Benefits Sample Clauses
Domestic Partner Benefits. An employee seeking to obtain benefit coverage for the employee’s domestic partner and the child(ren) of that domestic partner must satisfy all of VEHI’s current eligibility criteria and submit an affidavit in the format required by XXXX, all as posted on VEHI’s website, to the district business office.
Domestic Partner Benefits. For purposes of the section 7.1.2, the term “domestic partners” shall be defined to include those individuals who meet the requirements for domestic partnership which are set forth in California Family Code section 297. The District shall conform to all state and/or federal laws regarding domestic partnerships. In order to conform to such said laws, the employee and/or retiree must file with the Secretary of the State of California a Declaration of Domestic Partnership as stated in Family Code section 297.
Domestic Partner Benefits. Domestic partners, opposite or same sex, of a bargaining unit member may be covered for all benefits including medical, dental, life, personal accident insurance, and tuition remission at the same contribution level applicable to a spouse. Benefits for domestic partners will be subject to IRS rules and regulations, including any limitations to working partners covered by other employers. In order to be eligible for domestic partner benefits, the following conditions must be met: Faculty member and domestic partner
A. share a permanent residence (unless residing in different cities, states, or countries on a temporary basis);
B. are the sole domestic partner of each, having been in the relationship for at least six (6) months, and intending to remain in the relationship indefinitely;
C. are not currently married to or legally separated from another person under either statutory or common law;
D. are responsible for each other’s welfare;
E. are not related by blood to a degree that would bar marriage in the state of Ohio;
F. are financially interdependent on each other verified by documentation of at least three of the following:
1. joint ownership of real estate property or joint tenancy on a residential lease;
Domestic Partner Benefits. The University will fund a stipend for eligible employees to be used toward the purchase of health insurance for a same or opposite sex domestic partner of an eligible employee. Program details and operation, eligibility criteria, verification of domestic partnership, proof of health insurance coverage, and stipend amount shall be determined by the University. The costs associated with the administration, operation and stipends shall be paid by the University from legally permissible, non-state funds. The Union may request consultation on program details. The University will implement this program as soon as practicable.
Domestic Partner Benefits. 1. The College will provide health, dental, and prescription insurance for a faculty member’s domestic partner and their children provided there is no legal impediment to doing so. If there is a legal impediment to such insurance benefits, the benefits shall be effective when the legal impediment is removed.
2. A domestic partnership is a relationship of two persons of the same sex that has been registered and recognized by the State of New Jersey. If the faculty member and his/her domestic partner do not reside in New Jersey, their domestic partnership must meet all of the following criteria:
A. Provide evidence that they are registered as domestic partners if they reside in another state or locality which allows for the registration of domestic partnerships;
B. Both persons have a common residence and are otherwise jointly responsible for each other's common welfare as evidenced by joint financial arrangements or joint ownership of real or personal property, which shall be demonstrated by at least one of the following:
1. A joint deed, mortgage agreement or lease;
2. A joint bank account;
3. Designation of one of the persons as a primary beneficiary in the other person's will;
4. Designation of one of the persons as a primary beneficiary in the other person's life insurance policy or retirement plan; or
5. Joint ownership of a motor vehicle.
6. Have a common residence means that two persons share the same place to live regardless of whether or not: the legal right to possess the place is in both of their names; one or both persons have additional places to live; or one person temporarily leaves the shared place of residence to reside elsewhere, on either a short-term or long-term basis, for reasons that include, but are not limited to, medical care, incarceration, education, a sabbatical or employment, but intends to return to the shared place of residence.
C. Both persons agree to be jointly responsible for each other's basic living expenses during the domestic partnership ("Jointly responsible" means that each domestic partner agrees to provide for the other partner's basic living expenses if the other partner is unable to provide for himself. “Basic living expenses" means the cost of basic food and shelter, and any other cost, including, but not limited to, the cost of health care, if some or all of the cost is paid as a benefit because a person is another person's domestic partner);
X. Xxxxxxx person is in a marriage recognized by New Jersey law or a...
Domestic Partner Benefits. The County of Mendocino agrees to offer medical, dental and vision coverage for domestic partners as defined by the State of California Family Code Section 297 (as amended). To be eligible, an employee must comply with the following conditions:
1) Employees and their Domestic Partner must register with and be certified by the State of California.
2) The employee must complete and submit the County’s Health Plan Enrollment Form and provide a copy of the State Certification of Domestic Partner Registration at time of application to the Human Resources Department It is understood that the IRS does not (currently) recognize Domestic Partners as a spouse or dependent for federal income tax purposes. Therefore, it is understood that any additional taxes incurred by registering a Domestic Partner will be the sole financial responsibility of the employee. Further, it is also understood that dependents of an employee’s Domestic Partner are not covered in this agreement. The County of Mendocino will endeavor to implement any changes in the Domestic Partner tax law as they occur in a timely manner. This benefit will terminate upon termination of the Domestic Partnership pursuant to Family Code Section 299.
Domestic Partner Benefits. Same and opposite sex domestic partner benefits are available if an employee has a declaration of domestic partnership on file in the Office of Human Resources. Domestic partners are eligible for the following sections of the benefit program: Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Group Term Life Insurance, Sick Leave, Personal Leave, Bereavement Leave, FMLA and Tuition Waivers. Domestic partners may be named as a beneficiary for the Retirement Incentive Plan and Travel & Accident Insurance.
Domestic Partner Benefits. 1. Domestic Partners, opposite or same sex, of a bargaining unit member may be covered for all benefits in those instances where the partner is not eligible for or already covered by another employer. These benefits will include medical, dental, life, personal accident insurance and tuition remission at the same contribution level applicable to a spouse.
2. The benefit for domestic partners will be subject to IRS rules and regulations. Elements and conditions of the benefit are:
a. To cover a domestic partner the following conditions must be met:
i. Share a permanent residence (unless residing in different cities, states, or countries on a temporary basis).
ii. Are the sole domestic partner of each, having been in the relationship for at least six (6) months, and intending to remain in the relationship indefinitely.
iii. Are not currently married to or legally separated from another person under either statutory or common law.
iv. Are responsible for each other’s welfare.
v. Are not related by blood to a degree that would bar marriage in the state of Ohio.
vi. Are financially interdependent on each other verified by documentation of at least (3) of the following:
a. Joint ownership of real estate property or joint tenancy on a residential lease.
b. Joint ownership of an automobile.
c. Joint bank or credit account.
d. A will designating the domestic partner as the primary beneficiary.
e. A retirement plan or life insurance policy designating the domestic partner as the primary beneficiary.
f. A durable power of attorney signed to the effect that powers are granted to one another.
Domestic Partner Benefits. The Employer will recognize and grant Domestic Partner benefits, as per CalPERS guidelines.
Domestic Partner Benefits. The parties agree that if the establishment of Domes- tic Partner Benefits is in the best interest of the par- ticipants in the Trust Funds, the Trustees of the Trust Funds should expedite the process of the establish- ment of Domestic Partner Benefits.