Harmonics Sample Clauses

HarmonicsHarmonic distortion at the Point of Interconnection caused by the Facility shall not exceed the limits stated in IEEE Standard 519-1992, or latest version "Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems". Seller shall be responsible for the installation of any necessary controls or hardware to limit the voltage and current harmonics generated from the Facility to defined levels.
HarmonicsThe SPV shall maintain harmonics levels as specified in IEEE 519.
HarmonicsThe generator shall ensure that the harmonics injected into the grid shall conform to the grid specifications as specified by APERC/CERC from time to time.
HarmonicsHarmonic distortion at the Point of Interconnection caused by the Facility shall not exceed the limits stated in IEEE Standard 519-1992, or latest version "Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems". Seller shall be responsible for the installation of any necessary controls or hardware to limit the voltage and current harmonics generated from the Facility to defined levels. Grid Forming Capabilities. [NOTE APPLICABILITY BASED ON RESOURCE TYPE AND DESIGN, FOR INVERTER BASED RESOURCES] Seller Facility inverters shall be capable of operating in grid forming mode supporting system operation under normal and emergency conditions without relying on the characteristics of synchronous machines. This includes operation as a current independent ac voltage source during normal and transient conditions (as long as no limits are reached within the inverter) and the ability to synchronize to other voltage sources or operate autonomously if a grid reference is unavailable. Seller shall operate the Facility in grid forming mode only as directed by the Company System Operator, in its sole discretion. Such mode of operation shall be indicated to the Company System Operator through telemetry. The Facility shall include safeguards to prevent the unintentional switching of the Facility into and out of grid forming mode. The safeguards shall be approved in writing by the Company and implemented by the Seller prior to control system testing. Black Start Capability. [NOTE - APPLICABILITY BASED ON RESOURCE TYPE AND DESIGN, FOR INVERTER BASED RESOURCES] [For synchronous machines, require capability to operate in isochronous control and black start.] The XXXX storage shall be capable of grid forming inverter capability so it can generate its own AC waveform rather than relying on a grid voltage to synchronize and maintain frequency. Further, inverter-based resources shall ensure they have sufficient energy storage to maintain power injection to the grid during system restoration (i.e., have power available when and if called upon). Inverter based facilities should be capable of support as a black start cranking path to start synchronous generators for restoration. Provision of Synthetic Inertia. [TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON IRS.] Generator Step-Up Transformer Impedance. The generator step-up transformer impedance shall be between [ ] percent and [ ] percent, inclusive, on transformer OA rating. [NOTE: THESE VALUES WILL BE BASED ON THE RESU...
Harmonics. The Facility shall not introduce excessive distortion to the Georgia Power Electric System's voltage profile and current waveforms. The harmonic distortion measurements shall be made at the transmission facility serving the Facility and be within the limits specified in the tables below.
Harmonics. Total current harmonic distortion shall not exceed 5.0%. Total voltage harmonic distortion shall not exceed 5.0%, with a limit of 3.0% on any individual harmonic. Special consideration will be given to regenerative drive systems and invertors reviewed on an individual case-by-case basis.
HarmonicsThe generator shall ensure that the harmonics injected into the grid shall conform to the grid specifications as specified by TSERC or CERC from time to time. In default, the generator is liable to pay the penalty as may be specified from time to time through regulation by TSERC or CERC.
HarmonicsThe generator shall ensure that the harmonics injected into the grid shall conform to the grid specifications as specified by TSERC or CERC from time to time. In default, the generator is liable to pay the penalty as may be specified from time to time through regulation by TSERC or CERC as the case may be. The project shall comply with the following stipulation issued by Ministry of Power, (Central Electricity Authority) vide notification dated 15.10.2013 and as amended form time to time. “B1 Requirement of Harmonics, Direct Current (DC) injection and flicker. i) Harmonic current injections from a generating station shall not exceed the limits specified in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 519. ii) The Generating station shall not inject DC current greater than 0.5% of the full rated output at the interconnection point. iii) The generating station shall not introduce flicker beyond the limits specified in IEC 61000. Provided that the standards for flicker will come into effect from 1st April 2014. iv) Measurement of harmonic content, DC injection and flicker shall be done at least once in a year in presence of the parties concerned and the indicative date for the same shall be mentioned in the connection agreement.” In addition to the above, the solar power developers shall have to demonstrate that the harmonic content injections at any point of time shall be within specified limits.
Harmonics. Adequate design precaution must be taken by the Owner to prevent excessive and deleterious harmonic voltages and/or currents caused by the Facility from occurring on the electrical system of LES or to LES’ customers. The Facility must be designed to operate with normal harmonic voltage and currents that originate from the LES electrical system.
Harmonics. The Generating Facility shall not introduce excessive distortion to Transmission Provider’s electric system’s voltage profile and current waveforms, in accordance