In Eq Sample Clauses

In Eq. [2], the space-time evolution of the kinematic source process is given by ui(ξ,τ), cijpq denotes the elasticity tensor, νj the fault normal vector, and the last part describes the Xxxxx’x function derivative. Inserting into [2] the elasto-dynamic Xxxxx’x functions and a double- couple source description reveals that: • Near-field waves are composed of both P- and S-wave, depend on the temporal slip- evolution on the fault plane, and decay as 1/r3 with distance r; • Intermediate-field exist for P- and S-waves separately, their amplitude and properties depend on the slip function, and their distance decays goes as 1/r2 • Far-field P- and S-waves depend on the slip-rate function and decay as 0/x. Xxxx, xxxx-xxxxx (XX), xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx (XX) and far-field (FF) terms represent different properties of the wave-field: the near-source motions are more sensitive to the spatio-temporal details of the rupture process, while far-field terms carry the overall signature of the rupture encoded into the moment-rate function. On the other end, the high-frequency far-field motions often exhibit peak ground acceleration (PGA) within the resonance frequency of buildings, and hence are of great interest for engineering purposes. In this context it is of interest to be able to define the (approximate) region in which NF- radiation needs to be included, and where FF-waves dominate. Ground motion simulations codes have been developed to compute either the NF or FF wave-field, with computational costs increasing rapidly if full-wave field simulations are needed. Fully broadband (i.e., including the complete frequency domain of engineering interest) simulation techniques using a single methodology are not feasible due to computational limitations, and hence hybrid approaches are considered (e.g. Xxx & Xxxxxx, 2003; Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx, 2004; Xxx et al., 2010; Xxxx et al, 2010). An insightful, yet simplified, study has been carried out by Xxxxxxxx et al. (2000) to address the importance of near-field and far-field radiation in layered media for point-source excitation. Their conclusion states that “the importance of near- and intermediate-field terms for the synthesis of complete waveforms can be significant out to regional distances (330 km) at very long periods” (Ichinose et al., 2000). More specifically, near-field and far-field radiation needs to be treated frequency dependent, in that the far-field terms dominate already at short distances for high frequencies, while for low f...
In Eq the chemical shift scales with B0 according to Eq. [2.3], while the dipolar couplings are field-independent. In particular, if the spinning rate ωr is not much larger than the strength of the anisotropic interactions, residual broadening effects occur. Thus, higher magnetic fields are generally desirable as the dispersion of the signals increases relative to the broadening effects of the dipolar couplings and the resolution is enhanced. In addition, high fields increase the sensitivity of the NMR experiments. Since the chemical shift anisotropy also scales with B0, fast MAS is necessary in high fields. With developments in instrumentation, MAS rates of ~15 kHz are now common practice and higher rates up to ~50 kHz are possible, although at the expense of smaller sample volumes [7, 8]. This is sufficient to reduce the chemical shift anisotropy as well as the homonuclear dipolar couplings between isotope labels such as 13C. Many of the standard cross polarization (CP) experiments can be applied or have been adopted for use with rapid MAS in high field. The CP technique exploits the high abundance, high sensitivity and short relaxation times of the protons by transferring transverse 1H magnetization to another spin species [9]. The maximum enhancement for a 13C signal compared to direct 13C excitation is g1H/g13C ≈ 4. In addition, the recycle delay required for the accumulation of the free induction decays is usually short. Overall, CP introduces a significant gain in sensitivity. During the detection of the signal, heteronuclear decoupling is applied to achieve a high resolution. The robust TPPM sequence is now widely used for this purpose [10]. It uses 180° pulses with alternating phases for efficient decoupling. The CP/MAS experiment with TPPM decoupling is the building block for more advanced techniques, such as two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy.
In Eq ri is the distance from oxygen i to the carbon atom, and λ is a large parameter set at a value of 250. The Gaussians placed along the three collective variables have a width of 0.02, 0,02, and 0.02 Å in the three directions s1, s2, s3 respectively. The Gaussians have a height of 1 kcal/mol and were placed every 100 steps (25 fs).xiii,xiv Each reaction was then modeled by 10 parallel metadynamics simulations of 62 ps in both the forward and the backward direction. Afterwards, for each system all potential energies were collected and placed on the 2D grid of the selected collective variables (Figure 3). A path was fitted from reactant to product on the obtained potential energy surface, and the location of the barrier (in terms of collective variables was determined).
In Eq. (A.8) we have derived the relationship between VEL and gain. Introducing this interrelation on the right hand side of eq. (E.4) yields: |ft |2 t 2 λ 2 t 2 t 0 2 |7φ | = πZ Z (1 — |Γ | )G , (E.5) |Vg| 0 tl ` G˛t ¸ x P10011 cal cal
In Eq. (1) (|) describes the probability of measuring the noisy scattering matrix from a defect with parameter , the normalisation constant is given by = (∫ (|))−1, and we have assumed that (1) more precisely (i.e. different normalisation constants can be derived for different defects) [3]. The statistical distribution (|) is termed the defect+grains model in this report, and based on Eq. (1) the defect characterisation problem can be formulated by constructing a defect+grains model for each target defect and calculating the conditional probability of them given the measurement. Considering the high dimensionality of a scattering matrix, is converted into the defect principal component (PC) space by the use of principal component analysis (PCA) [5] to obtain pc. The role of PCA is to represent the original dataset in a different coordinate system so that the variance of the data can be more efficiently described using a small number of the coordinate axes. This helps to reduce the dimensionalty of the scattering matrix and as a result, actual defect+grains modelling is performed for pc 1). The PCA process effectively constructs a defect manifold [3] for modelled types of defects, and a large number of noise-free scattering matrices are needed for accurate reconstruction of the defect manifold (i.e. smooth surface for defects defined on 2D parameter spaces). In this report, we consider characterisation of small cracks and holes of sizes 1mm, 2mm, and 3mm, in the frequency range between 1 MHz and 3 MHz. The noise-free dataset used for PCA is obtained by sampling in both the defect size and aspect ratio (defined as the ratio between the width and length of a defect [6]) axes of the parameter space. Defect size is sampled in 0.05λ intervals between 0.05λ and 2λ, and aspect ratio is sampled in 0.1 intervals between 0 (cracks) and 1 (holes). The considered defect sizes fall within the modelled size range of [0.05λ, 2λ] when the frequency is between 1 MHz and 3 MHz. Although defect+grains modelling can be performed for each point on the defect manifold in principle, this is done only for the six cracks and holes in the current work because of the considerable computational time needed for forward modelling. The variation explained by first 10 PC directions is given in Table 1, which indicates that we can use a small number of PCs to represent a defect scatteing matrix without much information loss. 1 48.07 2 11.94 3 1.23 4 0.37 5 0.14 6 0.07 7 0.06 8 0.03 9 0.02 which i...
In EqTo validate the ef- fectiveness of Multi-graph regularization and iterative views
In Eq. 1, 2 are the mean scattering matrices of the conisered defect+grains model and grains model, resepectively, and 1, 2 are their covariance matrices ( is the average covariance matrix). Then it can be shown that the achievable probability of detection using the proposed approach has a lower bound that is given by 1 − 0.5 × (, ) for a binary classification problem (i.e. defect versus noise) [10]. Here we have assumed that the occurrence of the defect and non-defect cases are equally probable, and as a result, the expected probability of detection is 0.5 when there is no useful characterisation information available in the worst case scenario. However, in practice, large defects tend to have lower BC values which could result in higher probability of detection than small defects. This also indicates that for a given defect, best detection performance can be achieved by minimising the BC between the defect+grains model of the defect and the grains model. Based on the above consideration, we define the detectability index (d-index) of a crack (with size ) as
In Eq. 8.7 still dominates over the potential arising from the dimple structure. A first remark we want to make is the textbook [85] result that the classical turning points of the mode p√rofiles can be found from Eq. 8.7 by solving ρ 2 + l2/ρ2 — 2ω˜ = 0, which results in ρ2 = ω˜ ± ω˜ 2 — l2. These points are indicated in Fig. 8.3 for both LG7,1 and LG12,3, and coincide with the bending points on the flanks of the first and the last lobes in the intensity profiles. The second remark is that the model offers the possibility to investigate the effect of aberrations on the mode profiles. As an example, we study spherical aberration, expanding the mirror height profile Δz beyond the quadratic term. Consequently, a fourth order term α = 1/(8kR) L/R (see Chapter 4). On second thought, not only the mirror height profile
In Eq. 1 parameter a is the growth rate,  represents a retardation factor, which may be defined as  = a0 /z , where z is the asymptotic value of z(t) and is related to the carrying capacity of the system, y0m is the amplitude of the spurt at t = tm , and G(tm , m , t) is the Gauss cumulative function with average value tm and standard deviation  m , defined by: ( tm )2 G(t , , t) = 1 

Related to In Eq

  • Am I Eligible to Contribute to a Traditional IRA?

  • No Right to Withdraw No Member shall have any right to resign or withdraw from the Company without the consent of the other Members or to receive any distribution or the repayment of its capital contribution except as provided in Section 7.2 and Article IX upon dissolution and liquidation of the Company. No Member shall have any right to have the fair value of its Membership Interest in the Company appraised and paid out upon the resignation or withdrawal of such Member or any other circumstances.

  • Certain Exceptions The provisions of Section 8.3.1 shall not apply to, and Owner shall have no liability hereunder for, Taxes: (a) imposed on a Tax Indemnitee by the federal government of the United States or any Taxing Authority or governmental subdivision of the United States or therein (including any state or local Taxing Authority) (i) on, based on, or measured by, gross or net income or gross or net receipts, including capital gains taxes, excess profits taxes, minimum taxes from tax preferences, alternative minimum taxes, branch profits taxes, accumulated earnings taxes, personal holding company taxes, succession taxes and estate taxes, and any withholding taxes on, based on or measured by gross or net income or receipts or (ii) on, or with respect to, or measured by, capital or net worth or in the nature of a franchise tax or a tax for the privilege of doing business (other than, in the case of clause (i) or (ii), sales, use, license or property Taxes); (b) imposed on a Tax Indemnitee by any Taxing Authority or governmental subdivision thereof or therein outside of the United States (including any Taxing Authority in or of a territory, possession or commonwealth of the United States) (i) on, based on, or measured by, gross or net income or gross or net receipts, including capital gains taxes, excess profits taxes, minimum taxes from tax preferences, alternative minimum taxes, branch profits taxes, accumulated earnings taxes, personal holding company taxes, succession taxes and estate taxes, and any withholding taxes on, based on or measured by gross or net income or receipts or (ii) on, or with respect to, or measured by, capital or net worth or in the nature of a franchise tax or a tax for the privilege of doing business (other than, in the case of clause (i) or (ii), (A) sales, use, license or property Taxes, or (B) any Taxes imposed by any Taxing Authority (other than a Taxing Authority within whose jurisdiction such Tax Indemnitee is incorporated or organized or maintains its principal place of business) if such Tax Indemnitee would not have been subject to Taxes of such type by such jurisdiction but for (I) the location, use or operation of the Aircraft, the Airframe, any Engine or any Part thereof by an Owner Person within the jurisdiction of the Taxing Authority imposing such Tax, or (II) the activities of any Owner Person in such jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, use of any other aircraft by Owner in such jurisdiction, (III) the status of any Owner Person as a foreign entity or as an entity owned in whole or in part by foreign persons, (IV) Owner having made (or having been deemed to have made) payments to such Tax Indemnitee from the relevant jurisdiction or (V) in the case of the Pass Through Trustees, the Note Holders or any related Tax Indemnitee, the Owner being incorporated or organized or maintaining a place of business or conducting activities in such jurisdiction); (c) on, or with respect to, or measured by, any trustee fees, commissions or compensation received by the Pass Through Trustee, Subordination Agent or Mortgagee; (d) that are being contested as provided in Section 8.3.4 hereof; (e) imposed on any Tax Indemnitee to the extent that such Taxes result from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such Tax Indemnitee or any Affiliate thereof; (f) imposed on or with respect to a Tax Indemnitee (including the transferee in those cases in which the Tax on transfer is imposed on, or is collected from, the transferee) as a result of a transfer or other disposition (including a deemed transfer or disposition) by such Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee of any interest in the Aircraft, the Airframe, any Engine or any Part, any interest arising under the Operative Agreements or any Equipment Note or as a result of a transfer or disposition (including a deemed transfer or disposition) of any interest in a Tax Indemnitee (other than (A) a substitution or replacement of the Aircraft, the Airframe, any Engine or any Part by an Owner Person that is treated for Tax purposes as a transfer or disposition, or (B) a transfer pursuant to an exercise of remedies upon an Event of Default that shall have occurred and have been continuing); (g) Taxes in excess of those that would have been imposed had there not been a transfer or other disposition by or to such Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee described in paragraph (f) above; (h) consisting of any interest, penalties or additions to tax imposed on a Tax Indemnitee as a result of (in whole or in part) failure of such Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee to file any return properly and timely, unless such failure shall be caused by the failure of Owner to fulfill its obligations, if any, under Section 8.3.6 with respect to such return; (i) resulting from, or that would not have been imposed but for, any Liens arising as a result of claims against, or acts or omissions of, or otherwise attributable to such Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee that the Owner is not obligated to discharge under the Operative Agreements; (j) imposed on any Tax Indemnitee as a result of the breach by such Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee of any covenant of such Tax Indemnitee or any Affiliate thereof contained in any Operative Agreement or the inaccuracy of any representation or warranty by such Tax Indemnitee or any Affiliate thereof in any Operative Agreement; (k) in the nature of an intangible or similar Tax (i) upon or with respect to the value or principal amount of the interest of any Note Holder in any Equipment Note or the loan evidenced thereby but only if such Taxes are in the nature of franchise Taxes or result from the Tax Indemnitee doing business in the taxing jurisdiction and are imposed because of the place of incorporation or the activities unrelated to the transactions contemplated by the Operative Agreements in the taxing jurisdiction of such Tax Indemnitee; (l) imposed on a Tax Indemnitee by a Taxing Authority of a jurisdiction outside the United States to the extent that such Taxes would not have been imposed but for a connection between the Tax Indemnitee or a related Tax Indemnitee and such jurisdiction imposing such Tax unrelated to the transactions contemplated by the Operative Agreements; or (m) Taxes relating to ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code. For purposes hereof, a Tax Indemnitee and any other Tax Indemnitees that are successors, assigns, agents, servants or Affiliates of such Tax Indemnitee shall be related Tax Indemnitees.

  • Right to withdraw Sale to withdraw, postpone and call off the sale of the Property at any time prior to the auction date and before the fall of the hammer; and

  • How Much May I Contribute to a Xxxx XXX As a result of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (“EGTRRA”) of 2001, the maximum dollar amount of annual contributions you may make to a Xxxx XXX is $5,500 for tax years beginning in 2013 with the potential for Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increases in $500 increments. However, these amounts are phased out or eliminated entirely if your adjusted gross income is over a certain level, as explained in more detail below. Year 2020 2021 Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit $6,000 $6,000 You may make annual contributions to a Xxxx XXX in any amount up to 100% of your compensation for the year or the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above, whichever is less. The limitation is reduced by any contributions made by you or on your behalf to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Your annual contribution limitation is not reduced by contributions you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account that covers someone other than yourself. In addition, qualifying rollover contributions and transfers are not subject to these limitations. If you are age 50 or older by the end of the year, you may make additional “catch-up” contributions to a Xxxx XXX. The “catch-up” contribution limit is $1,000 for tax years 2009 and beyond. If you are married and file a joint return, you may make contributions to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX. However, the maximum amount contributed to both your own and to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX may not exceed 100% of your combined compensation or the maximum contribution shown in the table above, whichever is less. The maximum amount that may be contributed to either your Xxxx XXX or your spouse’s Xxxx XXX is shown in the table above. Again, these dollar limits are reduced by any contributions made by or on behalf of you or your spouse to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Again, the limit is not reduced for contributions either of you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for someone other than yourselves. As noted in Item 1, your eligibility to contribute to a Xxxx XXX depends on your AGI (as defined below). The amount that you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is reduced proportionately for AGI which exceeds the applicable dollar amount. For the 2020 and 2021 tax years, the amount that you may contribute to your Xxxx XXX is as follows: Single Individual Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $124,000 $124,000 - $139,000 $139,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $125,000 $125,000 - $140,000 $140,000 Married Individual Filing a Joint Income Tax Return Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $196,000 $196,000 - $206,000 $206,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $198,000 $198,000 - $208,000 $208,000 If you are a married taxpayer filing separately, your contribution phases out over the first $10,000 of AGI, so that if your AGI is $10,000 or more you may not contribute to a Xxxx XXX for the year. Note that the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is not affected by your participation in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. To determine the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX (assuming it does not exceed 100% of your compensation), you can refer to IRS Publication 590-A: Modified Adjusted Gross Income for Xxxx XXX Purposes and Determining Your Reduced Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit. The amount you contribute may not exceed the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above reduced by the amount contributed on your behalf to all other individual retirement accounts (except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). Your contribution to a Xxxx XXX is not reduced by any amount you contribute to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for the benefit of someone other than yourself. If you are the beneficiary of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account, additional limits may apply to you. Please contact your tax advisor for more information.

  • Holder’s Right to Receive Notice Nothing herein shall be construed as conferring upon the Holders the right to vote or consent or to receive notice as a shareholder for the election of directors or any other matter, or as having any rights whatsoever as a shareholder of the Company. If, however, at any time prior to the expiration of the Purchase Warrants and their exercise, any of the events described in Section 8.2 shall occur, then, in one or more of said events, the Company shall give written notice of such event at least fifteen days prior to the date fixed as a record date or the date of closing the transfer books for the determination of the shareholders entitled to such dividend, distribution, conversion or exchange of securities or subscription rights, or entitled to vote on such proposed dissolution, liquidation, winding up or sale. Such notice shall specify such record date or the date of the closing of the transfer books, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall deliver to each Holder a copy of each notice given to the other shareholders of the Company at the same time and in the same manner that such notice is given to the shareholders.


  • JURY PAY The Employer agrees to make up the difference in an employee’s wages between a normal week’s wages and compensation received for jury duty.

  • Damages from Certain Causes Landlord shall not be liable or responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage to any property or person occasioned by theft, fire, act of God, public enemy, riot, strike, insurrection, war, act or omission of any party other than Landlord, any nuisance or interference caused or created by any property owner other than Landlord, requisition or order of governmental body or authority, court order or injunction, or any cause beyond Landlord’s control or for any damage or inconvenience which may arise through repair or alteration of any part of the Premises as required by this Lease.

  • Registration of Transfer The Warrant Agent shall register the transfer, from time to time, of any outstanding Warrant upon the Warrant Register, upon surrender of such Warrant for transfer, properly endorsed with signatures properly guaranteed and accompanied by appropriate instructions for transfer. Upon any such transfer, a new Warrant representing an equal aggregate number of Warrants shall be issued and the old Warrant shall be cancelled by the Warrant Agent. The Warrants so cancelled shall be delivered by the Warrant Agent to the Company from time to time upon request.