Contract Appointment Sample Clauses

Contract Appointment. 14.2.1 A Contract Appointment is a part-time position for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. A Member with a Contract Appointment may be renewed, may apply for further Contract Appointments, Part- time Continuing Appointments, or for full-time appointments when such positions become available. 14.2.2 When the University makes a Contract Appointment, the University Librarian shall inform the Association of the appointment stating the reason. Contract Appointments are made to meet the following specific needs: (a) a provisional appointment of twenty-four (24) months for the initial appointment of a Librarian Member; periods of service in Contract Appointments shall be deemed to be periods of provisional service as per 14.2.6; (b) as a replacement when a full-time librarian or a Librarian Member with a Part-time Continuing Appointment is on leave or temporarily transferred to another duty within the University; (c) to appoint a librarian for a specific project of fixed duration, or to provide for specific Library needs based upon provisional funding or activities of a trial nature. 14.2.3 Contract Appointments shall have a maximum duration of twenty-four (24) months and minimum period of four (4) months. If a Contract Appointment of a duration shorter than four (4) months is needed, the University Librarian shall inform the Association in writing with a statement of reasons. 14.2.4 For Members with Contract Appointments for a period of twelve (12) months or more, the University Librarian, at least four weeks in advance of the appointment coming to term, shall inform Members in writing whether a Contract Appointment is to be renewed. 14.2.5 When a subsequent Contract Appointment or Part-time Continuing Appointment is made, the Librarian Member shall not be assigned a rank lower than the rank of his/her previous appointment. 14.2.6 Periods of service in Contract Appointments shall be deemed periods of provisional service toward a Part-time Continuing Appointment, and periods of service for promotion in rank.
Contract Appointment is a part-time position of a Librarian Member for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. is the period from 1 September of one calendar year to 31 August of the next. is a unit of study for credit in a given discipline, approved by Senate and listed in the University Calendar, and identified by a unique number and name. A one (1.0) credit course is normally taught during two consecutive academic terms; a one-half (0.5) credit course is normally taught during one academic term; a course of less than one-half credit is normally taught during part of one academic term.
Contract Appointment. For clarity in this article, permanent refers to a permanent appointment for which the probationary period has been completed in accordance with Article 6.7 and full-time refers to a permanent appointment or a permanent appointment for which the probationary period has not yet been completed.
Contract Appointment. Full-time and limited-term appointments are based on the duties and responsibilities outlined in Article 6.5, and are classified as either Laboratory Instructor L1 or Laboratory Instructor L2.
Contract Appointment. New recruits can be appointed on contract appointment. The contract can be for a period of one or two years. Upon the completion of the first year of service, a contract staff can be considered for emplacement in the permanent establishment based on the following criteria:
Contract Appointment. 14.2.1 A Contract Appointment is a part-time position for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. A Member with a Contract Appointment may be renewed, may apply for further Contract Appointments, Part- time Continuing Appointments, or for full-time appointments when such positions become available. When the University makes a Contract Appointment, the University Librarian shall inform the Association of the appointment stating the reason. Contract Appointments are made to meet the following specific needs:
Contract Appointment is a part-time position of a Librarian Member for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. an academic department as duly constituted by the Senate and Board. includes all members of the full-time faculty bargaining unit in an academic sub-unit as voting members; Contract Academic Staff in accordance with Article 11.2.2 (e), with the elected representatives serving as voting members; and other representatives as designated by department and Faculty policies. is a person authorized to act on behalf of an officer of the University, an officer of the Association, a Chair of a department, or a chair of a Committee.
Contract Appointment is a part-time position of a Librarian Member for a specified period, and where there is no is any dispute or difference arising out of the application, interpretation, administration, or alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement. implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. an academic department as duly constituted by the Senate and Board. includes all members of the full-time faculty bargaining unit in an academic sub-unit as voting members; Contract Academic Staff in accordance with Article 11.2.2 (e), with the elected representatives serving as voting members; and other representatives as designated by department and Faculty policies.
Contract Appointment is a part-time position of a Librarian Member for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. is the period from 1 September of one calendar year to 31 August of the next is a unit of study for credit in a given discipline identified by a unique number and name. A one (1.0) credit course is normally taught during two consecutive academic terms; a one-half (0.5) credit course is normally taught during one academic term; a course of less than one-half credit is normally taught during part of one academic term.
Contract Appointment. 14.2.1 A Contract Appointment is a part-time position for a specified period, and where there is no implication of renewal or continuation beyond the specified term of the appointment. A Member with a Contract Appointment may be renewed, may apply for further Contract Appointments, Part-time Continuing Appointments, or for full-time appointments when such positions become available. 14.2.2 When the University makes a Contract Appointment, the University Librarian shall inform the Association of the appointment stating the reason. Contract Appointments are made to meet the following specific needs: (a) a provisional appointment of 24 months for the initial appointment of a Librarian Member; periods of service in Contract Appointments shall be deemed to be periods of provisional service as per 14.2.6; (b) as a replacement when a full-time librarian or a Librarian Member with a Part-time Continuing Appointment is on leave or temporarily transferred to another duty within the University; (c) to appoint a librarian for a specific project of fixed duration, or to provide for specific Library needs based upon provisional funding or activities of a trial nature. 14.2.3 Contract Appointments shall have a maximum duration of 24 months and minimum period of