Layoff Order Sample Clauses

Layoff Order. Seasonal employees shall be seasonally laid off in inverse order of Classification Seniority (State Seniority for Units 4 and 6) within the employment condition, seniority unit and principal place of employment of the affected position(s) unless waived by mutual agreement between the employee and the Appointing Authority.
Layoff Order. Regular employees shall be laid-off on the basis of the classification and department/school designated for the layoff by the Employer. When the required qualifications, skill and ability to perform the work in question are equal among two (2) or more employees occupying such classification, the senior employee shall receive preference, provided always that the employee to be retained in that classification and department or school meets the criteria of the job description qualification sheet, and has the required qualifications, skill and ability to perform the work in question.
Layoff Order. ‌ When laying off regular employees within each classification and department designated for the layoff by the Employer, the least senior regular employee shall be the first employee laid off, within that department; provided always that the employee(s) who remains within that classification and department having the qualifications, experience, skill and ability to perform the ongoing work.
Layoff Order. It is specifically agreed that faculty shall be laid off in the following order after the programs have been arrived at under Section 14.4. a) Temporary part-time b) Temporary full-time c) Regular part-time d) Regular full-time non-tenured e) Regular full-time tenured faculty.
Layoff Order. Probationary Employees and temporary Employees shall be laid off first, then full-time Employees shall be laid off in affected units in inverse order of seniority. Individual Employees shall receive notice in writing of the layoff not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the effective date of such layoff.
Layoff Order a. When, for educational or budgetary reasons, the Board reduces the number of teachers, teachers on term appointments shall be terminated first, after which continuing full-time and continuing part-time teachers shall be laid-off in reverse order of their seniority, provided always that the teachers (including those on term appointments) to be retained possess the necessary qualifications to fill the positions which remain, as defined in section C.5.1. b. The above notwithstanding, when the Board reduces the number of teachers, it shall be entitled to transfer teachers so as to meet its educational and operational requirements and such transfers shall not be subject to any other provision of this Article.
Layoff Order a. When current teachers cannot be transferred to other positions for which they are qualified or may be trained for within the bargaining unit, the Agency shall lay off teachers in the inverse order of seniority (least service, first released; longest service, last released) subject to the following: (a) Retained teachers shall be currently licensed for the position available; (b) less than full time teachers shall not displace teachers holding a position with greater full time equivalency. b. Computation of service credits shall be as follows: (1) Credit one (1) point for each full month of unbroken service (except as a temporary appointee) within the Agency and classification. (2) Unpaid leaves of less than six (6) months and educational leaves of up to a year shall be counted in-service credit. (3) A break in service is a separation or interruption of employment without pay of more than one (1) year, unless the break is due to layoff status.
Layoff Order. The Township shall determine in which rank(s) layoff(s) will occur. Where layoffs of members in a particular rank are necessary, such members shall be laid off in the order of seniority within a rank, beginning with the least senior and progressing to the most senior, up to the number of members that are to be laid off. A member in a higher rank with more Departmental seniority may displace a less senior member in the next lower rank, and in succeeding lower ranks, until the youngest member in point of service is laid off. In all cases members who bump into a lower rank shall be entitled to the highest salary step established for that particular rank into which the member bumps.
Layoff Order. Where layoffs of members are necessary, such members shall be laid off in order of Departmental seniority, beginning with the least senior and progressing to the most senior, up to the number of members that are to be laid off.
Layoff Order. Both parties recognize that job security should increase in proportion to length of service, therefore in the event a layoff occurs, the affected employee(s) shall be laid-off in the reverse order of their seniority in the classification and work location, where applicable, designated for the layoff by the Employer.