Indigenous consultation Sample Clauses
Indigenous consultation. The Recipient acknowledges that the Minister's obligation to pay the Contribution is conditional upon Her Majesty satisfying any obligation that Her Majesty may have to consult with or to accommodate any Indigenous groups, which may be affected by the terms of this Agreement.
Indigenous consultation. The Ultimate Recipient acknowledges that CUI’s obligation to provide the Funding is conditional upon Her Majesty satisfying any obligation that Her Majesty may have to consult with or to accommodate any Indigenous groups, which may be affected by the terms of this Agreement.
Indigenous consultation. 8.1. The Agency, as the Crown Consultation Coordinator, will be the lead responsible for Indigenous Consultation during the CEAA 2012 EA process and has responsibility for ensuring that the federal government has fulfilled its duty to consult. The C-NLOPB shall participate in consultation activities led by the Agency, as required.
Indigenous consultation. The Recipient agrees that:
a) It will consult with Indigenous communities that might be affected by the Project. Specifically, it will:
a. Explain the Project to the Indigenous communities, including Canada’s funding role; and
b. Provide a report to Canada, which will include:
i. a list of all Indigenous communities contacted;
ii. a summary of all communications with the Indigenous communities;
iii. a summary of any issues or concerns that the Indigenous communities have raised, how they were addressed, and any outstanding concerns; and
iv. any other information Canada may consider appropriate.
b) Accommodation measures, where appropriate will be carried out by the Recipient and these costs may be considered Eligible Expenditures.
c) No construction or any other physical activity, including site preparation or vegetation removal may be carried out in relation to the Project, and no funds or additional funds for any Eligible Expenditure for the Project will be payable by Canada to the Recipient, unless and until Canada is satisfied that its legal duty to consult and, where appropriate, accommodate Indigenous communities has been met and continues to be met.
Indigenous consultation. The Ultimate Recipient acknowledges that CCT’s obligation to provide the Funding is conditional upon Her Majesty satisfying any obligation that Her Majesty may have to consult with or to accommodate any Indigenous groups, which may be affected by the terms of this Agreement.
Indigenous consultation. The Recipient agrees that:
a) it will consult with Indigenous communities that might be affected by the Project. Specifically, it will
i. explain the Project to the Indigenous communities, including Canada’s funding role, and
ii. provide a report to Canada, which will include:
1. a list of all Indigenous communities contacted;
2. a summary of all communications with the Indigenous communities;
3. a summary of any issues or concerns that the Indigenous communities have raised, how they were addressed, and any outstanding concerns; and
Indigenous consultation. The Recipient agrees that:
Indigenous consultation. (a) Prior to the Effective Date of the Joint Venture CORFO must have concluded an indigenous consultation process regarding the administrative measures that CORFO must order in relation to the activities of the CODELCO Party and the SQM Party in the Salar de Atacama that are likely to directly affect the indigenous peoples, in accordance with the applicable legislation in force and the principles of ILO Convention No. 169.
(b) After the Effective Date of the Joint Venture, once the Salar Futuro Project is defined with a level of detail sufficient for its entry into the Environmental Impact Assessment System, a process of indigenous consultation will be designed and developed on the matters that could directly affect them.
Indigenous consultation. (a) The Recipient will promptly notify the Province:
(i) of contact by Indigenous Communities regarding the Project; or
(ii) of any Indigenous archaeological resources that are discovered in relation to the Project, and, in either case, the Recipient agrees that the Province may direct the Recipient to take such actions as the Province may require. The Recipient will comply with the Province’s direction.
(b) If the Province determines that consultation with Indigenous Communities is required, the Recipient will comply with directions provided by the Province to consult with Indigenous Communities that might be affected by the Project. The Province may also require the Recipient to suspend certain site activities pending completion of the required consultation. The Province has no obligation to pay the SDF Contribution for any Project requiring consultation until the Province is satisfied that any legal duty to consult has been met.
(c) Provided that the Recipient has been exercising reasonable, good faith efforts to comply with its obligations in this Section 8.8, the time frames for achieving Project Milestones set forth in Section 8.6 may be reasonably extended by the duration of any delay that is the sole result of delays resulting from any legal duty to consult that are outside of the direct control of the Recipient. In such a scenario, the Recipient shall provide a Project Milestone Failure Notification and the Province shall exercise its discretion to accept reasonable modifications to the timeline for achievement of a Project Milestone that are the result of delays as described in this Section 8.8(c).
Indigenous consultation. The Parties agree that the legal duty to consult does not arise for the Project.