KEEP WHOLE Sample Clauses

KEEP WHOLE. If gas produced from the Leased Premises is processed for liquefiable Hydrocarbons prior to sale, royalty payments will be calculated using the higher of the value of (i) the Gross Value of the Gross Production as though the gas had not been processed, or (ii) the dollar amount equal to the total of the consideration received by Lessee or its Affiliate for the sale of such liquefiable Hydrocarbons to an unaffiliated third party plus the total consideration received by Lessee or its Affiliate for the sale of all residue gas to an unaffiliated third party, with any and all Costs and Expenses deducted from or otherwise applied, directly or indirectly, to the sales prices for both liquefiable Hydrocarbons and residue gas added back to such sale prices.
KEEP WHOLE. If oil or gas production from the Premises is processed in a plant for the extraction of gasoline, liquid hydrocarbons or other products, the value of the gross production shall for purposes of determining royalty due never be less than if such gas had not been processed.
KEEP WHOLE. If on any day the quantity of gas delivered by Seller hereunder is less than, at a minimum, a quantity of gas equal to the BaseLoad quantity, minus a tolerance of five percent (5%), the “BaseLoad Deficiency Quantity” shall be the numerical difference between the BaseLoad Quantity less five percent (5%) and the amount of gas scheduled, and the Parties shall pay the following: If the “Daily Midpoint:’ price set forth in Gas Daily® (Financial Times Energy), or successor publication, in the column “Daily Price Survey” under the listing applicable to the geographic location agreed pursuant to the Transaction for the relevant day is greater than the Contract Price for the BaseLoad Quantity, then Seller shall pay Buyer an amount equal to (i) the BaseLoad Deficiency Quantity, multiplied by (ii) the difference between (a) the “Daily Midpoint” price set forth in Gas Daily® (Financial Times Energy), or successor publication, in the column “Daily Price Survey” under the listing applicable to Houston Ship Channel for the relevant day and (b) the Contract Price for the BaseLoad Quantity. If the “Daily Midpoint” price set forth in Gas Daily® (Financial Times Energy), or successor publication, in the column “Daily Price Survey” under the listing applicable to the geographic location agreed pursuant to the Transaction for the relevant day is less than the Contract Price for the BaseLoad Quantity, Buyer shall pay Seller an amount equal to (i) the BaseLoad Deficiency Quantity, multiplied by (ii) the difference between (a0 the Contract Price for the BaseLoad Quantity and (b) the “Daily Midpoint” price set forth in Gas Daily® (Financial Times Energy), or successor publication, in the column “Daily Price Survey” under the listing applicable to Houston Ship Channel for the relevant day; provided that Buyer shall have no obligation to pay Seller any amounts under this Section (ii), if Seller fails to provide Buyer notice in accordance with notice of Variance requirements set forth below. If on any day the quantity of gas delivered hereunder for any reason is greater than the BaseLoad quantity, plus a tolerance of five percent (5%), the “BaseLoad Excess Quantity” shall be the numerical difference between the BaseLoad Quantity plus the five percent (5%) tolerance and the mount of gas scheduled, and Buyer shall pay to Seller an amount equal to the Seller’s BaseLoad Excess Quantity multiplied by the “Daily Midpoint” price set forth in Gas Daily® (Financial Times Energy), or successor...
KEEP WHOLE. If an employee is caused to lose days off because of an involuntary shift change, the employee will be paid at the applicable overtime rate during the first rotation of the new shift, for all hours worked on what would have been the employee’s scheduled days off on his previous shift. This section may not be used by an employee for the purpose of claiming overtime pay for training, unless authorized by Employer in writing.
KEEP WHOLE. Within 30 days after the end of the Contract Year in which Grantee first purchases Supplemental Capacity, and each Contract Year thereafter, Grantee shall submit to the Auditor all information reasonably requested by the Auditor to determine whether Grantee has met the requirements for service to Electric Displacement Load and On-site Generation Load applicable to the capacity acquired by Grantee. If the Auditor finds that Grantee’s Customers (in aggregate) failed to utilize the required amount of Electric Displacement Load or On-site Generation Load, then Grantee shall keep Grantor whole by paying Grantor the Keep-Whole Rate, defined below, that would have been paid by those of Grantee’s Customers whose non-EDL consumption caused Grantee to fall short of its EDL Target (“Keep-Whole Payment”). No Keep- Whole Payments shall be required by either party if Grantee exceeds its EDL Target. In order to calculate the Keep-Whole Payment the Auditor shall make the following findings: i) Keep-Whole Volumes (in Mcf) for Supplemental Capacity where Grantee has used 20 Bcf or less of capacity: Keep-Whole Volumes = ¾ (non-EDL consumption – 5.5 Bcf – EDL consumption) ii) Keep-Whole Volumes (in Mcf) for Supplemental Capacity and Growth Capacity where Grantee has used more than 20 Bcf of capacity shall be the sum of Keep-Whole VolumesEDL and Keep-Whole VolumesOGL: Keep-Whole VolumesOGL = (Total consumption – 20 Bcf) – OGL consumption Keep-Whole VolumesEDL = ¾ (non-EDL consumption – 5.5 Bcf – EDL consumption) For purposes of calculating Keep-Whole VolumesEDL in Section 3(g)(ii), non- EDL consumption shall never be greater than 20 Bcf. For the purpose of determining Keep-Whole Volumes, consumption is determined by actual metered volumes or if EDL and OGL are not separately metered, a reasonable allocation of metered volumes as approved by the Auditor. Negative Keep-Whole Volumes, Negative Keep-Whole VolumesOGL, and Negative Keep-Whole VolumesEDL shall be deemed to be equal to zero. iii) Grantee’s Customers to whom Keep-Whole Volumes were delivered. For purposes of this calculation, the Auditor shall assume that Keep-Whole Volumes were delivered under the last agreement(s) executed with Grantee for deliveries using capacity acquired under this Agreement; iv) The lowest cost-based MPSC approved rates (both distribution and customer service charge) that each of Grantee’s Customers with Keep-Whole Volumes would have paid Grantor under its then current Tariff (“Keep-Whole Rate”)....
KEEP WHOLE. Notwithstanding any other provision of this lease to the contrary, Lessee may not pay a royalty hereunder for Processed Gas that is less than the royalty that would have been due under section 4(b) for the total energy content of the Processing Plant inlet Gas if it had not been processed.
KEEP WHOLE. If Gas produced from the Leased Premises is processed for liquefiable hydrocarbons prior to sale, royalty payments will be calculated using the higher of the value of (i) Gross Production as though the Gas had not been processed, or (ii) the dollar amount equal to the total of the consideration received for the sale of such liquefiable hydrocarbons plus the total consideration received for the sale of all residue gas, with all Costs and Expenses other than depreciation added back to the sale prices for both liquefiable hydrocarbons and residue gas.
KEEP WHOLE. Disposition Amount shall mean the following: ----------------------------- KWDA=[(A-B) x (C-D)] + E where KWDA = the Keep Whole Disposition Amount;
KEEP WHOLE. If Produced Substances are processed for the extraction of gasoline, liquid hydrocarbons or other products, royalty payments due will be calculated using the value of the Gross Production as though the Produced Substances had not been processed and will be calculated pursuant to Section 3 above. •3 C, o~ ".. u_ "' >- x>--=

Related to KEEP WHOLE

  • Employee Eligibility Verification The Contractor warrants that it fully complies with all Federal and State statutes and regulations regarding the employment of aliens and others and that all its employees performing work under this Contract meet the citizenship or alien status requirement set forth in Federal statutes and regulations. The Contractor shall obtain, from all employees performing work hereunder, all verification and other documentation of employment eligibility status required by Federal or State statutes and regulations including, but not limited to, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 U.S.C. §1324 et seq., as they currently exist and as they may be hereafter amended. The Contractor shall retain all such documentation for all covered employees for the period prescribed by the law. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by County, and hold harmless, the County, its agents, officers, and employees from employer sanctions and any other liability which may be assessed against the Contractor or the County or both in connection with any alleged violation of any Federal or State statutes or regulations pertaining to the eligibility for employment of any persons performing work under this Contract.

  • System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.

  • Membership Eligibility To join the Credit Union, you must meet the membership requirements, including purchase and maintenance of the minimum required share(s) (“membership share”) as set forth in the Credit Union’s bylaws. You authorize us to check your account, credit and employment history, and obtain reports from third parties, including credit reporting agencies, to verify your eligibility for the accounts and services you request.

  • Dependent Eligibility For all programs covered in this article, eligible dependents are an employee’s lawful spouse or domestic partner (as defined by Section 297 of the California Family Code), and unmarried children (natural, step, adopted, legal guardianship, and/or xxxxxx) of the employee or domestic partner, who are qualified IRS dependents of the employee or domestic partner, up to twenty-three (23) years of age. Disabled dependents may be able to continue coverage beyond the limiting age if the disability occurred while the dependent was covered under a County-sponsored medical plan or prior to the dependent’s 19th birthday, and is certified by a licensed physician.

  • Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.

  • Student Eligibility The LEA and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION shall qualify and advise candidates for dual credit from the pool of eligible high school students. A candidate for dual credit is eligible for consideration for fall, spring, and summer semesters if he or she: a. is enrolled during the fall and spring in a LEA in one-half or more of the minimum course requirements approved by PED for public school students under its jurisdiction or by being in physical attendance at a bureau of Indian education-funded high school at least three documented contact hours per day pursuant to 25 CFR 39.211(c); b. obtains permission from the LEA representative (in consultation with the student’s individualized education program team, as needed), the student’s parent or guardian if the student is under 18 years old, and POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION representative prior to enrolling in a dual credit course; and c. meets POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION requirements to enroll as a dual credit student.

  • Benefit Eligibility For purposes of the Benefit Plan entitlement, common-law and same sex relationships will apply as defined.

  • Maintaining Eligibility for Employer Contribution The employer's contribution continues as long as the employee remains on the payroll in an insurance eligible position. Employees who complete their regular school year assignment shall receive coverage through August 31.

  • Member Eligibility Verify Member eligibility contemporaneous with the rendering of services. BCBS will provide systems and/or methods for verification of eligibility and benefit coverage for Members. This is furnished as a service and not as a guarantee of payment;

  • Employment Eligibility Verification As required by IC § 22-5-1.7, the Contractor swears or affirms under the penalties of perjury that the Contractor does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. The Contractor further agrees that: A. The Contractor shall enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all his/her/its newly hired employees through the E-Verify program as defined in IC § 22-5-1.7-3. The Contractor is not required to participate should the E-Verify program cease to exist. Additionally, the Contractor is not required to participate if the Contractor is self-employed and does not employ any employees. B. The Contractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an unauthorized alien. The Contractor shall not retain an employee or contract with a person that the Contractor subsequently learns is an unauthorized alien. C. The Contractor shall require his/her/its subcontractors, who perform work under this Contract, to certify to the Contractor that the subcontractor does not knowingly employ or contract with an unauthorized alien and that the subcontractor has enrolled and is participating in the E-Verify program. The Contractor agrees to maintain this certification throughout the duration of the term of a contract with a subcontractor. The State may terminate for default if the Contractor fails to cure a breach of this provision no later than thirty (30) days after being notified by the State.