E-LEARNING Sample Clauses
E-LEARNING. E-Learning is defined as a method of credit course delivery that relies on communication between students and teachers through the internet or any other digital platform and does not require students to be face-to-face with each other or with their teacher. Online learning shall have the same meaning as E-Learning.
E-LEARNING. 23.1 Any E-Learning course that is offered by a school board in the English-language Catholic school system shall be delivered by a bargaining unit member, in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement.
23.2 E-Learning courses offered by a school board in the English-language Catholic system shall be delivered by a bargaining unit member who has expressed interest, where possible. Where no teacher has expressed interest at the school level, interest shall be solicited on a board-wide basis prior to assigning a teacher.
23.3 School boards shall make available to secondary school teachers delivering E- Learning courses the required hardware, software and appropriate training on the delivery of E-Learning courses. LETTER OF AGREEMENT #1 Re: RETIREMENT GRATUITIES
1. Those employees who, on August 31, 2012, were eligible for a retirement gratuity shall have their accumulated sick days vested as of that date, up to the maximum eligible under the retirement gratuity plan.
2. Upon retirement, those employees who were eligible for a retirement gratuity on August 31, 2012, shall receive a gratuity payout based on the number of accumulated vested sick days under 1 above, years of service, and annual salary as at August 31, 2012.
3. Effective September 1, 2012, all accumulated non-vested sick days were eliminated.
E-LEARNING. 23.1 Any E-Learning course that is offered by a school board in the English-language Catholic school system shall be delivered by a bargaining unit member, in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement.
E-LEARNING. If Customer orders the E-Learning Cloud Service pursuant to a Purchase Order, the terms and conditions in Schedule “B” will apply in addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
E-LEARNING. 63.01 Secondary school credits shall not be delivered by means of an “electronic classroom” without the knowledge of the Teachers’ Bargaining Unit.
63.02 A class which is taking a course for secondary school credit, delivered in whole or in part through electronically delivered curriculum, shall be subject to the same class size maxima/PPC maxima as other classes in the secondary system. Credits granted for such classes shall be used to generate FTE Teachers within the Teachers’ Bargaining Unit.
63.03 All lesson preparation, teaching, monitoring, evaluation, testing and reporting of marks for students taking electronically delivered credit courses shall be the responsibility of the member assigned to the electronic classroom.
63.04 Unless otherwise agreed by the HPEDSB, the Bargaining Unit and the individual member assigned to the class, all electronically delivered courses shall be scheduled during the regular school day.
63.05 A member teaching electronically delivered courses shall be assigned a work location in the member’s secondary school.
63.06 A member teaching electronically delivered courses shall correspond with students only through a Board server. The Board shall supply the member with remote access to the Board server at no cost to the member.
63.07 A member teaching electronically delivered courses shall report to school board personnel only and shall be evaluated only by the principal or vice-principal of the member’s school and/or supervisory officers employed by the Board.
63.08 The Board agrees to provide the Bargaining Unit with all information pertaining to enrolment, staffing, funding and costs of credit courses offered by electronically delivered curriculum.
E-LEARNING. (a) The employer may require employees to complete core modules through e-learning and will pay employees for the approved time taken to complete this training.
(b) E-learning modules will normally be completed within the ordinary working hours in the workplace. With prior approval from the manager and the agreement of the employee, modules can be completed outside of working hours (to a limit of four hours in any year).
(c) The employer will allocate an amount of time and adequate computer resources for the completion of each core module. When an employee completes a module outside of working hours, the employee will be paid at their ordinary rate of pay for the allocated time taken to complete the module (but a minimum of 30 minutes).
(d) Where an employee finds that it takes more than the allocated time to complete a module, they should log out of the training (which will save it automatically) and bring this to the attention of their manager. The manager will take steps to ensure the employee is able to complete the training by: • arranging for the module to be completed in working hours in the workplace and ensuring access to IT resources to allow this to occur; and/or • approving payment for additional time required to complete the module outside working hours. If an employee is still unable to complete the module after the additional time, they should again bring this to the attention of the manager; and / or • taking steps to assist the employee to complete the modules (for instance by providing training on computer literacy or on increased proficiency in reading the English language).
E-LEARNING a) Include a letter in the agreement to provide for a pilot to test and implement e-learning for part of RQ training.
E-LEARNING. 35.00.01
E-LEARNING. All e-learning training must be paid for before access to the training will be provided.
E-LEARNING. WMB LIMITED (the “Supplier”) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04682876, whose registered address is at 0 Xxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, XX0 0XX.