Learner. The learner must:
Learner. The learner has the right to:
Learner. Is employed by the Company to learn a trade associated with airline operations as defined under "Categories", Article 4.02 of this Agreement and as a condition of employment, must attend as applicable and graduate from "Basic and General Knowledge Training" (Ref. Maintenance Technical Recruiting, Training and Certification Manual, Chapter 4, Section 21).
Learner a person who is registered (or to be registered) with you to take a Qualification and to be assessed as part of that Qualification; Learner Records: relevant records relating to Learners, including assessment and verification records, the award of Qualifications, certificate claims, Learner data for each Qualification and any other records required to be kept under the Centre Rules; Maladministration and Malpractice Policy: the policy issued by us entitled “Malpractice & Maladministration Policy”, which details our policies and procedures relating to suspected or actual malpractice and maladministration on the part of Learners, your Workforce, the Third Party Suppliers and any others involved in providing the relevant Qualification, together with the guidance that we issue entitled “Centre Guidance for Investigations of Malpractice & Maladministration”;
Learner an individual enrolled and actively participating as a student in an educational program, or as an employee of the Agency. Physician: a physician who is a member of the medical staff of NSHA by virtue of an appointment made pursuant to the bylaws made under the Health Authorities Act, SNS 2014, c14, as amended. Placement: providing the Learner with practical experience relevant to their field of study at NSHA as part of the documented requirements of a course within the educational program of the Agency. A placement has learning objectives and a start and end date. Preceptor: the individual identified by NSHA that supervises the Agency’s learner. A Preceptor may be an NSHA employee or a Physician.
Learner. Family Surname & First Name Xxxxx Xxxxxx Gender (M/F) M Nationality Italian E-mail xxxxxxxxxxx0@xxxx.xxx Promoter / Sending Organisation Scuola Centrale Formazione Location & Country Mestre - Italy
Learner goals - Examples of learner goals involve working to affect student outcomes or improve student deficiencies.
Learner. The learner account will only be credited with payment once verified with the bank that payment has been received by the Academy finance department.
Learner is any employee who is being trained for any position who has not had pertinent experience in the particular job involved. In such cases, learners in the warehouses person or general labour classifications will be paid $0.15 per hour less for three (3) months and learners in all other classifications will be paid $0.15 per hour less for the first three (3) months and $0.10 per hour less for the second three
Learner. Signed at ................................................on this ..................day of 2019. .................................................................... For the STUDENT (who by his/her signature hereto agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement) As Witness: