LEAVE FOR CUPE LOCAL 905 UNION OFFICEWhere an employee is elected or appointed to a full-time or part-time office within CUPE Local 905 the Employer will consider a request for extended leave of absence for such employee on its merits and such leave of absence may be granted by Regional Council with the concurrence of the Department Head involved. Upon thirty (30) days written notice, the employee shall be returned to his/her former position, or to a position comparable to that in which he/she was employed before taking office, or to such other position as may be determined by the Employer, the employee and the Union as being suitable.
LEAVE FOR CUPE LOCAL 905 UNION OFFICEWhere an employee is elected or appointed to an existing full-time or part-time office within CUPE Local 905 the Employer will not unreasonably deny a request for extended leave of absence for such employee. Such leaves will commence following suitable arrangements being made to meet operational requirements and provide coverage. Upon thirty (30) days written notice, the employee shall be returned to their former position, or to a position comparable to that in which they were employed before taking office, or to such other position as may be determined by the Employer, the employee and the Union as being suitable. Where a new office is created within CUPE Local 905 during the life of this Agreement the Employer will consider the request for an extended leave of absence on its merits and such leave may be granted. The Employer will maintain existing wages and benefits for employees on these leaves. The Employer will invoice the Union and the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the full cost of maintaining such employee’s wages and benefits during the said leave of absence.


  • Additional Federally Required Orders/Directives Both parties agree that they will comply with the following laws and directives, where applicable: 11.20.1 Executive Order 11061, as amended, which directs the Secretary of HUD to take all action which is necessary and appropriate to prevent discrimination by agencies that utilize federal funds. 11.20.2 Public Law 88-352, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives federal financial assistance. The Agency hereby extends this requirement to the Contractor and its private contractors. Specific prohibited discriminatory actions and corrective action are described in Chapter 2, Subtitle C, Title V of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 19901 et. seq.). 11.20.3 Public Law 90-284, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968., popularly known as the Fair Housing Act, which provides for fair housing throughout the United States and prohibits any person from discriminating in the sale or rental of housing, the financing of housing or the provision of brokerage services, including in any way making unavailable or denying a dwelling to any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Pursuant to this statute, the Agency requires that the Contractor administer all programs and activities, which are related to housing and community development in such a manner as affirmatively to further fair housing. 11.20.4 The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age. 11.20.5 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 11901 et. seq.). 11.20.6 HUD Information Bulletin 909-23 which is the following: Notice of Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement; Clean Air and Water Certification; and,

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Conditions & Requirements

  • Leave for Union Activities Upon request by the Union, leave without pay will be granted to any employee duly authorized to represent employees of this bargaining unit at: a) Executive, Council meetings or Conventions of the Union and Labour Education Seminars. A written request for such leave shall be submitted at least twenty (20) days in advance. Such leave shall be limited to a total of four (4) employees at any one time, and to a maximum aggregate total of four hundred and fifty (450) working hours in any calendar year. The maximum leave for any individual Union official shall not exceed sixty (60) hours and one hundred (100) working hours for an Executive Officer. The Company will consider reasonable requests from the Union to increase the individual and/or aggregate maximum. Such leave shall not constitute a break in continuity of service in seniority, severance pay, or other benefits under this Agreement. b) In order to attend the CEP National Convention every other year (or every third year) up to four (4) employees will be released and the maximum aggregate total of working hours may be increased by an additional one hundred thirty (130) working hours, exclusive of the individual limits in above to attend the CEP National Convention. The Company will be advised of the convention dates as far in advance as possible. A written request for such leave will be submitted to the Company at least sixty (60) days in advance. c) It is understood that operational requirements may prevent the release of particular employee(s) under this Article and in such case the Local Union shall be allowed to name the alternate(s), however such requests for leave will not be unreasonably denied. d) An employee on unpaid Union leave under this Article shall be compensated at his/her regular rate for the leave by the Company. The Company will then invoice the Union for reimbursement of such compensation which shall be paid by the Union within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice. e) In addition, up to one (1) employee may accept a full-time elective position with the Union or an official labour body for a period not exceeding two (2) years. Any additional yearly periods may be granted at the Company’s discretion upon receipt of a written request from the employee and the President of the Union. The Company may hire temporary employees to fill the vacancies created by such leave of absence. During the employee’s leave and subject to the limitations of the various benefit plans, the employee may continue to participate provided the employee prepays all premiums and contributions. During such leave the employee shall not accumulate seniority for the purpose of annual leave credits and severance pay.

  • Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Insurance The Employer is, and will remain during the life of this Agreement, a participating employer in the Nominated Redundancy Fund and an employer member of IPT Agency Co Ltd. IPT Agency Co Ltd administers the insurance schemes covering income protection, trauma and journey accidents (Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Accidents Insurance Schemes).

  • citizens abroad Unless the circumstances described in the parenthetical in paragraph 1 above are applicable, either (a) at the time the buy order was originated, the buyer was outside the United States or we and any person acting on our behalf reasonably believed that the buyer was outside the United States or (b) the transaction was executed in, on or through the facilities of a designated offshore securities market, and neither we nor any person acting on our behalf knows that the transaction was pre-arranged with a buyer in the United States.

  • Time Off for Union Activities The employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay, to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention provided that there is two-week notice of any union convention. Due consideration shall be given to the number of personnel affected in order that there shall be no disruptions of employer's operations due to lack of available employees.

  • Medical Appointment for Pregnant Employees 35.9.1 Up to three decimal seven five (3.75) hours of reasonable time off with pay for each appointment will be granted to pregnant employees for the purpose of attending routine medical appointments.

  • OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (OMB) AUDIT REQUIREMENTS The parties shall comply with the requirements of the Single Audit Act of 1984, P.L. 98-502, ensuring that the single audit report includes the coverage stipulated in 2 CFR 200.

  • Replacement of Key Personnel The Engineer must notify the State in writing as soon as possible, but no later than three business days after a project manager or other key personnel is removed from association with this contract, giving the reason for removal.

  • Leave for Union Business The Hospital agrees to grant leaves of absence, without pay, to nurses selected by the Union to attend Union business including conferences, conventions and Provincial Committee meetings and to any nurse elected to the position of Local Co-ordinator. The cumulative total leave of absence, the amount of notice, the number of nurses that may be absent at any time from one area and the number of days (including those of the Local Co-ordinator) is set out in the Appendix of Local Provisions. During such leave of absence, a nurse's salary and applicable benefits or percentage in lieu of fringe benefits shall be maintained by the Hospital and the local Union agrees to reimburse the Hospital in the amount of the daily rate of the full-time nurse or in the amount of the full cost of such salary and percentage in lieu of fringe benefits of a part-time nurse except for Provincial Committee meetings which will be reimbursed by the Union. The Hospital will bill the local Union within a reasonable period of time. Part-time nurses will receive service and seniority credit for all leaves granted under this Article.